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Everything posted by blim

  1. blim

    Mens Faults

    ....Liz resends the registration to Mike's wife in a Soap Opera Digest envelope...... Liz
  2. Happy Birthday StealthG! Have a wonderful day! Liz
  3. Happy Birthday Robroy and NoUsername! Hope you both have an "XL Super" Terrific day! I'll keep Robroy away from the pool tonight Liz
  4. blim

    Just Checking In.

    Hi Mike! And Jsky, too! Glad you checked in. I haven't been running amuck as much as I'd like to, either....I thought after Christmas I'd be in hibernation mode and have lots of free time...HA! Still too busy! Liz
  5. WOW! Fubz--I didn't download it (Java is in the coffeepot, not sure about my computer) but that sounds AMAZING! Sure could have used that during my flooring salesrep days!....Great idea, Bearskin, Great invention, Fubz! Get a patent on that one quick! Where's your donut avatar? I miss him.... Liz
  6. I'm with Suzanne about checking several companies. Daughter went to England (stayed with friends, only checked air fares) and Orbitz had the best deal, but we checked Travelocity, and Priceline, too. AND don't forget to check with your "good old fashioned local travel agent", sometimes they DO have the best deals! And HPoirot, thank you for the pet site and the info about La Quinta! We have a spoiled dog that has never been kenneled, I'm remembering that advice AND I don't know if it's nationwide, but our local Super8 takes Sled dog teams and their pet humans...Northern Michig
  7. Happy Birthday, XCannon! Have a terrific day! Liz
  8. Now that had me going till the very end! Good one, Handplane! Liz
  9. Happy Birthday, Tj3nn! Have a terrific day! Liz
  10. According to a 'pro union' friend of mine, this crap has been going on for years...sad! Her husband is a Social Worker and has to park in "the back lot" because he drives a Toyota... Our local paper wrote about a couple of employees that worked for a Honda motorcycle dealership--one salesperson got a better deal elsewhere and bought his Honda somewhere else (money is money, if his employer didn't give him a better deal, oh well, too bad!) and another mechanic bought a *gasp* Hardley Davidson. They both got FIRED! Folks were picketing the place and I'm guessing they lost a LOT of business.
  11. How can I possibly top Sethook? Happy Birthday Sultan! Have a wonderful day! Liz
  12. Thank you, Jeff! I'm not a modder (just give me plain vanilla if the durned thing works) but a lot are! I'll be there lurking, looking at the "custom jobs" Liz
  13. Well, it was new to me, Jim! Good one Liz
  14. Ah, late again....weekend and son on the idiot box. A Happy Belated Birthday, Bobi-p! I hope you had a wonderful day! Liz
  15. No, no, no, Marty! I honestly do not think the voting was swayed by one person or another's beliefs! Especially since it was going to be designed as a "enter with permission only" forum. If anyone had a beef with a particular person, it would be easy enough just to not go into that forum. Like Chappy said, I think folks decided that a political forum doesn't belong in a tech forum. We need you here! Your insight and your wonderful sense of humor adds so much to the flavor of this place! Don't you go anywhere, young man! Liz
  16. Happy Birthday, Crrj! Have a wonderful day! Liz
  17. "To-Kill-ya" Yeah!! Unfortunately I've never liked the taste of it.... Oh, my Gosh! Speaking of Over the Hill, I DO need a drink! Having a 21 and a 23 year old, I've always prided myself for NOT being a Grandmother yet...I'm not old enough! Grandma Blim? Nuh, uh, not me! I'm still 18 inside! I don't have that many gray hairs (only had two until Son started driving and I had to spend 50 hours behind the wheel with him, now I have too many to pluck...I blame HIM, not age!) Today, Daughter went to the Surgeon for a consult because she has either a cyst or clogged duct in her breast. The Surg
  18. Happy Third Birthday, Lisa, you adorable little munchkin! And welcome to the end of the terrible twos, Hitest, what a milestone! You made it! And while Laura will always be "your big girl", Lisa will always be "your baby". Liz
  19. I'm so sorry for being late, JSKY, today has been just nuts here at the Happy Belated Birthday, JSKY! I hope you had a wonderful day. Liz
  20. Now, Frank, I didn't understand most of the posts (I'm a real noob) I do remember Tymekyller posting about slow internet and he did so many fixes that it made my head swim...He finally ended up calling the internet provider, they sent a guy out who hooked up his laptop to his system, and low-and-behold, it was a problem with some wiring "thingy", installed by the internet provider (a switch or connector or something). If your internet connection is slow without the router being plugged in (try that first in case it is a naughty router), I would call the internet provider and insist that they
  21. blim


    Oh, oh, oh! I have one, too, from the Sunday Muskegon Chronicle (I kid you not!) "Dairy 'Factory Farms' Focus of Manure Probe" Good Headlines, Marty! Liz
  22. Nice Banner, Handplane! All I can say is "nah, nah, nah, nah, nahhhh" About a month ago, Aron was being a smartaleck and asked me who was going to win the Super Bowl. Now, I don't watch football.... I said without even thinking, "the Seattle, wait, ONE of those teams" He laughed then....he ain't laughing now (OK, he still is laughing) Liz
  23. I loved the old Hollywood Squares! Thanks for those, Marty, sending that to the kids...ah, poor things being too young to know "good tv" Liz
  24.'s on it's way to a new home already. Geez, this new forum is great Thanks! Liz
  25. yup, I have a feeling that it will all be connected, but that's OK....we will all LEARN a LOT and perhaps form new opinions from this new forum if it is instituted. We all get along so well and most of all, cherish each others opinions, whether we agree or not, and we will remain friendly no matter what happens, right folks?. Dinnertable arguements amongst family makes us all much more informed and smarter in the long run. Most importantly--for or against, please VOTE! Liz