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Everything posted by tictoc5150

  1. tictoc5150


    <sarcasm>Windows, being the rock solid operating system that it is, I'm sure won't have any bugs that might interfere with legit license holders PCs</sarcasm> As a linux user (primarily anyway), I can't think of reason why someone would want to pirate that damn OS...what, they can't get linux in Asia?...lol
  2. ok, thanks for clearing up my misconception on that. I'm not sure how long this driver has been in development but I know from use that it has been around for a couple years and hasn't given me any problem, that I know of anyway... and it does provide some serious usefulness til I make the big switch to dedicated machines (which will be very soon)...I'll consider myself warned on the matter, so thanks....one of the first things I learned as a winderz user is back-up regularly (learned the hard way, of course!) and that has carried over to my linux use...that'll minimize any nightmares I may e
  3. Mom loves spamming me with stuff like this...lol....But some of these are actually interesting absolutely useless facts ================================= The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------ Coca-Cola was originally green. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. Hi iccaros, Thanks for the paranoia... So you're saying that I'm taking a big risk in using the driver found here? I've used the driver without problems on previous versions of Mandrake and until I make the big switch from dual-boot to dedicated linux machines, this sure saves me some headaches. Some say the same about reading an NTFS partition from linux since it's not native to the kernel but I haven't had any problems with that either....I would think, as long as it's read only access, there wouldn't be a risk but what do I know...lol I've tried kdenlive but it doesn't seem to be working
  5. thanks for the link Gwyrox732 but I'm almost ashamed to say that it was much easier to get the drivers for xp to view ext3 partitions, copy the files and use the existing tools I have and am familiar with in windows....I might've given up a little early on this one...oh the shame!
  6. Happy Birthday JSKY!!!!!!!
  7. Hiya gang, As the title says, I'm looking for a simple video editor....Something equal to virtualdub for windows would be great...The basic function I'm looking for is splitting a 1.4GB xvid avi in two equal (or somewhat equal) and playable parts. any such app?
  8. Hi Chappy, This line gave me flashbacks, I just did a rebuild a little while back that was a total pain in the @$$ for that reason, I'm sure you've probably considered it already but in my case it was an IDE controller going bad...new motherboard=problem solved
  9. hey hitest, I use a bottom of the line HP 3820, no difference in print quality from linux to windows...was kinda suprised it worked at all but was auto-detected and worked fine the first time I plugged it in....I'm easily amazed when things go right!!!!
  10. hey ghorjus, If you can't find anything to extract it, you could always just play the file and record the audio with audacity and then export as mp3
  11. tictoc5150


    Speak of the devil ears burnin over there at worldstart, were they?....I almost made a post over there just to link you to this page....signed up on that board some time ago and have still yet to post...some of the stuff in off topic is pretty funny.
  12. Googlebot and I are late night drinkin buddies ...we usually just snub Archive.org and then puke on him when we've had a little too much to drink.
  13. Sure thing, I spoke too soon anyway...the problem returned shortly after I posted but I did find a work-around that doesn't seem to care that the drive is still mounted...I changed burning apps from cdrecord to cdrdao and it seems to work fine. my dvd-rom doesn't seem to want to unmount either...not that that really matters though /dev/hdc=CD-RW /dev/hdd=DVD-ROM my fstab: /dev/hdb5 / ext3 defaults 1 1 /dev/hdb7 /home ext3 defaults 1 2 /mnt/Documents nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nosuid,soft 0 0 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user,noauto,ro 0 0 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdro
  14. A) I'd go with New Hope on this one.... for empire strikes back I remember leaving the theatre totally bummed out as a kid because Han Solo was frozen...and for return of the jedi...2 words, DAMN EWOKS!!!!...the sorriest excuse for characters I've seen with the exception of Jar Jar Binks Q) Best Star Trek movie?
  15. hehe.....I did a little housekeeping and dumped the favicon off my server....btw, it's the one B is currently using
  16. Thanks iccaros, I usually don't like things on my desktop so I turned off all device icons....it doesn't seem to be auto-mounting after the burn since the icon doesn't show up but if I eject (manually) and close the tray again the icon shows up then I can r- click and eject...k3b will then let me burn another cd...thanks!!!!
  17. tictoc5150


    Apparently Shadow doesn't like us anymore, he posts regularly at Worldstart message boards....guess he found his niche...oh well, such is the internet
  18. Once again, I'll thank dk for starting this thread, it makes me smile just reading it. I really hope that is true, the mom and myself are both very different people from different backgrounds, she seems to be against any name that she's heard on someone she doesn't like...myself, I could care less...If I like the name thats fine with me, it's not like my kid is gonna be someone else of the same name. I'd have to say, I don't blame her on that one. That's one of the many things I'm really looking forward to...Don't think I'll be squeamish about cutting the cord either (consider myself
  19. tictoc5150


    Was wondering the same thing, He and bozodog were usually the only ones on IRC every morning when I get outta work, haven't seen him in about a week I think...maybe a vacation he didn't mention?
  20. Hey jcl, thanks for the response....I installed lsof but of course something went wrong (as usual, when someone tells me I need something installed) Beginning to think I shouldn't try to fix anything ....as soon as I start working on one problem another rears its ugly head. after installing lsof, alsa was messed up somehow and took me a few hours to get that fixed...not sure if there was any connection to installing lsof but sure seemed that way...also I got a "command not found" when I used the code you gave me....arrrrgh!, but I still love linux!!!
  21. A) Yes, the first, modestly and the second, for almost all other purchases Q) spanking children for punishment or not? (I wasn't spanked and I turned out alright...er...kinda alright )