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Everything posted by tictoc5150

  1. Damn!!! another successful SP2 install I was hoping that it would b0rk everyones system and we'd all be using Linux by 2006.
  2. hiya chappy! I read the rant and I personally think it was a good one and well put...lol Like Liz said, we're all entitled to an occasional flip out due to a bad day...I seldom go looking for recognition or kudos for anything I do, but when the kudos go to someone else (totally excluding me), it would chap my @$$ too. Gee, if we could get Pete to stop by here, maybe he could be your "little helper"
  3. Hiya iccaros, I just did a hard drive install of your distro...don't know why I hadn't done it by now considering I change distros like the weather on my test machine anyway, I'm not gonna take any cracks at the distro but just mention a couple things that you may or may not consider. 1) qtparted did not work for me, I had to fdisk and mke2fs manually...qtparted saw the drive but had no options to do anything with it....this isn't a huge issue for me, since I'm familiar with setting one up without it but someone without that knowledge may have a little trouble if they run into the same probl
  4. hitest, I was just wondering if you've run into any dependency issues yet in synaptic....There are a few apps that I've tried to install that just flat out fail because of a libc6 and transcode dependencies...namely mplayer and dvdrip, I know there are others but can't think of them off the top of my head. It's funny how a couple issues like this can make me think twice about recommending a distro...I would say I'm currently without a favorite distro but this one is pretty good for what it does. on another note, I was just messing around with my test machine, I tried installing Mandriva 2005 L
  5. heh, congrats on the install and welcome to linux....Mandrake 10.1 was my favorite distro for a while and since it's a fairly bloated distro, it should have any application most regular users would ever need...but now for the fun stuff, if you go to http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/ and add plf-free and non-free (is still free, like free beer) as well as contrib servers to rpmdrake, you'll have more software available than you'll ever need...and most of the really good apps that don't come on the CDs....It's a very simple procedure, select 10.1 as the distro, pick servers for each of the things I men
  6. Well, an expert, I'm not but I can give you a few of the answers you're looking for. Yes, you set your BIOS to boot from your CD drive and start with CD1 Yes you can install Mandrake (er...mandriva or whatever) on the slave and not touch your windows drive...as for where to install the bootloader, I believe you could install it on the first sector of the linux drive and boot the way you describe but I personally have never had a problem with installing it on the MBR of my windows drive....even just testing distros, I'd just pop the windows cd in after and do a "fixmbr" and all is well. The ad
  7. It was great and yes it was recorded. I have a copy that was given too me, listened to it about 2 weeks ago. He is still the greatest rock guitarist ever. Agreed, man! Hendrix kicks butt! I'll agree on that one but I never really considered him a musical influence in my guitar playing..He was a bit before my time but I'd definitely consider him a great way to spend some retro time with music. Fortunately, almost all my guitar heros are still among the living....I say almost, because Randy Rhoads (1956-1982) had an incredible impact on my musical listening as well as my picking up a guitar.
  8. hahahaha, the first step is admitting you have a problem! Thankfully I have a job that makes me leave the house for at least 8.5 hours a day...also since Baby's mama and I don't live together I get out of the house for that reason too...then again, she has cable internet and I'm getting her a wireless router so I can bring my laptop...lol I can't remember the last day that I haven't touched at least one PC....1 mandatory work PC to check work related email then 3 at home to have fun and learn on...oh the temptation...don't think I could go a day without doing something on it if I tried
  9. heh, I like the poll results so far, I don't feel as bad knowing that there are internet junkies as bad as I am....well, not that I know if they're as bad since it only goes to "or more"...does this poll count actual PC hours or browsing the net..if it's actual hours, I might be in trouble...I think I might break 30+ hours a week on occasion...lol I know there is another here that puts that kind of time in but I'm sure Jeff doesn't want me to divulge that...oops! anyway, internet time is usually or , other hours put in could end up as , or , depending on what kind of trouble I cr
  10. tictoc5150


    Hiya Liz, As a matter of fact, I've had my doubts about what the tech saw in the ultrasound...(and no, we didn't have an amniocentesis done). She was very quick to say it was a boy and at that time from what she showed us, I was pretty sure she was right. Then I got home and being the geek that I am, scanned the images into the computer at a very high resolution and scrutinized the pic far more than she did....It appeared to me that the cord was going between his or her legs giving an illusion of boy parts. I really wanted a girl at that point but have totally readjusted my thinking that it pr
  11. I'm also really liking Ubuntu, I just installed it a few days ago. apt-get and Synaptic are excellent ways to keep your unit up to date. I've also used Mandrake 10.1 and Fedora Core 3, both excellent distros. For a first install I would not recommend Slackware or BSD. I guess I'll chime in with one more distro thats worth a look. After finding myself in some dependency hell with Ubuntu, I decided to give SimplyMEPIS 3.3(also Debian based) a try on my test machine...seems very cool so far and none of the dependency issues on Ubuntu Oh, and the install doesn't get any easier than this...it ins
  12. tictoc5150


    Wow, don't know how I missed this thread Yeah, I know...I suck!!!...lol Had a rough few weeks and was kinda busy but hopefully I can stay on track now....something tells me he'll be getting here a little early so I think I can manage to keep the page updated til he's born... ...MAYBE!!!!
  13. Hey iccaros, sorry, I haven't been around the boards for a couple days...been kinda busy. Cool idea about the distro gear...I can see how the wallpaper I made doesn't cut it for the purpose though...If I get some free time in the next few days I'll see what I can come up with.
  14. Since I've owned a couple HPs and speak from (limited) experience...doing a non-destructive recovery works about 50% of the time...and the way you find out that it didn't work is that all your stuff is gone!...lol the lesson learned: Backup your data for when (not if) your OS gets b0rked...also become familiar with live linux cds, they will be an easy way to make sure you grab what you hadn't had a chance to back up, before HPs recovery formats the drive like it shouldn't.
  15. hiya Matt, the 2 places that gave me a place to start were Gimp Tutorials and Gimp User Group. I'm not sure how much the info will vary from the tutorials to using Gimpshop, since the layout might be a little different but it's not like they've added new functions...they just renamed some of the things to be the same as PS. I started out following some of the tutorials to the letter and noticing along the way how each effect could be applied in different amounts and to different things to give totally different effects...It's pretty much up to your imagination after that.
  16. hey hitest, It's funny you should mention Ubuntu again...Shortly after I posted this morning, I decided to give Ubuntu a shot on my laptop instead of Mandrake 10.1...After tinkering around with it, making it what I am used to (more or less), I'm starting to take a serious liking to it. Runs nice and fast, no hardware problems whatsoever (even my wireless card is config'd during install) after adding some repositories to synaptic, the list grew to about the same size as mandrake...A couple apps that didn't show up, I converted from rpm to deb and worked like a charm. I guess Mand(whatever) isn'
  17. What do you think...Is this someones idea of humor?...prehaps the French?...lol (I know, crappy pic but you get the idea) Oh, and I'm not using Mandriva...maybe I'll take another look in the fall for LTD. 2006, after their faithful supporters have spammed them with hate mail. There were just too many annoyances to overlook...from the very beginning with the pic above to a mandatory graphical boot theme that you can't seem to kill, a whacked out touchpad (yeah, hitest, this is definitely a laptop issue as a mouse works fine but the touchpad works fine in 10.1...grrr), rpmdrake acting a little
  18. Sorry, I should've said that all the latest software is available through synaptic (package manager). It does come equipped with Gnome 2.8 but not all that much more...the basics, in other words...Hell, I think it's about the same size as Iccaros-Linux. But yeah, without the bells and whistles. Heh, I can't stand quanta...it'd be something I kill before installing...It doesn't get installed by default in ltd. 2005...screem does, which I also don't like. Nvu is definitely my editor of choice. I like to tinker around too but not for my main system...only "tinker boxes" I've had a few hours to
  19. My opinion usually doesn't mean too much...lol...If you remember, I didn't like MDK 10.1 in the beginning....I've obviously done a complete 180 from that. The download finished up in about 24 hours, not too bad for over 2GB on BT. I'll probably install on my laptop this morning but probably won't get too much time to play around...this boy works nights and needs some beauty rest, cuz man, he's gettin' ugly!...lol Text based but holds your hand...you really don't have a chance to screw up on this one. I only threw it on that machine because it seemed to act the fastest. The only kind words I h
  20. I've also searched cnn and couldn't find any mention...I also consider myself pretty skilled with google, and while there will be a million hits in 0.00098 seconds or so about malicious code embedded in web pages, I'd like to see a link to the article in question Marty, Please include links when you tell us the sky is falling
  21. You are correct, Sir...lol.....Started the d/load early this morning...pretty slow to start but has been increasing slowly as the day progresses. It started out at less than 10KBps...imagine all 2.1GB at that speed...lol...safe bet you could get it mailed to you faster Message from Mandriva Club team: The new Limited Edition 2005 is already available to Mandriva Club members via Bittorrent. We are currently building the infrastructure necessary to provide HTTP access as soon as possible. This was planned to be done in time for the release, but we encountered some problems with the change from
  22. Here's my very boring Ubuntu 5.04 machine, sporting a default KDE 3.4 wallpaper...While d/loading Mandriva 2005 LTD. Edition