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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Well it's all going to Sh(insert an i here)T again.. Bloody thing anyway!! Now I'm getting consistent "Such & Such has encountered a problem and needs to close" errors....Explorer, Sygate, DrWatson, SMC...on & on. My AV will not keep it's AutoProtect setting, I have to reset it everytime this damned thing needs to shut down after the errors or it just bloody well freezes up...(insert some ((all)) MAJOR swear words here...) I know with perseverance, prayers from you folks, and ten pounds of C4, I can get this way or the other!! Damn I wish I had some spare coinage so I could
  2. The Saga Continues.... Well, I HAD a stable install of Home up & running until SP2 crashed while configuring it and corrupted the entire install once more. It actually booted tho and said that the SP2 install was unsuccesful and needed to be removed, which I did...and all hell broke loose once more. I was able to boot Safe Mode and tried a System Restore to the point just before SP2 install and it said it was succesful but upon reboot everything started to be very unstable and eventually just crapped out again...not even safe mode was bootable. So..after a few more unsuccesful
  3. Back again....for now Jeez, I've never had a computer just act up like this one is doing!! I have seen just about everything it can throw at me I believe. If the errors and BSOD's were at least consistent then I'ld have a starting point to go from but it's different almost every time. The only constant I've seen is once I get an install to take and then boot and load stable, I have problems with the display adaptor drivers. But when I try to get a new driver for it, it has been corrupting the entire install and it again becomes unbootable even to Safe Mode!! Two days ago I had what I believed
  4. Hey everyone who decides to read this.... This has been the Month from HELL as far as my computer is concerned. I'm sure in the past week I have seen every error that Setup can throw at me, fresh installs that BSOD after the first start....constantly, normally OK installs that are now unbootable, copy file errors during installs.....and much, MUCH more!!! I finally have a copy of XP Home thats semi-usable, it's still buggy but at least I can try to troubleshoot the "Unknown Device Driver" errors that have been plauging me again. My once working Pro install will now not make it past the Windows
  5. Hi X-Cannon The issue with your drive not reporting the full amount is due to the 127 Gigabyte barrier which requires LBA (Large Block Adressing) to read drives of over 127 G. This was installed with SP1 for XP so once you can get online and get SP2, you will get the LBA update and your full drive should be available to you. Please explain more about your Ethernet and USB problems as XP should have the drivers for these devices natively and they should work without secondary drivers. Dave
  6. Hi jimmyd I think there is some confusion here as to what is happening before and during bootup. The BIOS screen you refer to is something you cannot change. The process before booting up requires that the BIOS initialize and test all the hardware in your machine required for the boot process and computer to function. This is what you see on that screen, you may set it on some machines to not show this screen but the process itself must still run. As CurlingSteve said tho, you can set it to not memory test but I don't advise it for the seconds you'll save. You may find out you have a memory pr
  7. Looks good now owe me a beer for this one Brother!! Dave
  8. Hi Tom PLease close all windows except for HJT and place a check beside these entries and have HJT fix them. R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = res://C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\sp.dll/sp.html R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = about:blank R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = res://C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\sp.dll/sp.html R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = about:blank R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant = about:blank R0 - HKLM\Softw
  9. As usual, I'm late with my birthday wishes, but it doesn't retract from the heartfelt...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BD!!! from your F/F'er friend! Dave
  10. Thank You All!! I haven't been in as much during this holiday season, real busy...but I will be back in full force soon! Thanx again everyone and Happy Belated Birthday Rock!! Dave
  11. Hi X-Cannon The link from tictoc5150 should fix your run command problem, if it doesn't let us know. For your Help & Support prob, open Admin Tools - Services and make sure the Help & Support service is started and set to automatic, it could be disabled in here. Dave
  12. Chappy

    Happy Birthday

    I've been offline for a couple of days so as usual I missed this....almost HAPPY BIRTHDAY TICTOC!! Dave - mine is in 17 days...
  13. I use a program for screenshots called ScreenPrint32 which allows you to capture any user defined area and save in different formats. Much better than the clumsy Windows printscreen and it's free from spyware and free to use. Dave
  14. Hi all I'll be moving this thread to the open forum but I'll leave a link to it from here. Dave P.S. Chappy is what the call me at the Fire Dept as is is bastardized from my last name...
  15. Hi BurtStark Long time my friend! Just to point out the reason I prefer using "Copy To" instead of cut and paste. I had an important file once that I tried to cut/paste to another partition and the paste function would not allow it to go there for some reason. Then when I tried to paste it back to the original folder, it messed up and I ended up with a corrupt file. I was able to get the data replaced as I have 2 of the best data recovery programs at hand, so all worked out eventually. Anyway, from then on I will copy and move so that the original file is intact until the copy is checked out,
  16. Hi Mike The only things i can see from your post is that it doesn't show a destination folder (maybe you left it out on purpose), there is no " at the end of the destination line ("C:\whatever\ie6setup.exe") and there are two extra " at the end of the switch syntax. It should look like this - "C:\whatever\ie6setup.exe" /c:"ie6wzd.exe /d /s:""#E" all quotation marks are required Other than that I have no idea why it isn't getting all the files. Dave
  17. Hi jonohull This is from Windows update troubleshooter for the error message you are recieving: Problem Description: User receives a 0x80072F76 error when visiting the Windows Update Site. The Windows Update.log file will have error entries similar to the following: 2002-11-25 23:25:11 04:25:11 Error IUCTL Failed to download from http:// to C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate\V4\temp (Error 0x80072F76) Resolutions: This is a blocking issue. The client computer is unable to connect to a component of the Windows Update site. Most likely this is due
  18. W00T!!! Congrats are definately sent your way Tictoc, and the Mrs's too!! Dave
  19. Again...another missed due to my ongoing problems... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SHADOW_THOMAS Dave
  20. Sorry sethook, missed this due to some computer probs... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SETHOOK!! Dave
  21. Arrghhh....late again! Too much going on and I'm missing some birthday wishes to our members. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MACMARAUDER! Dave
  22. Hey Marty Sorry I haven't been able to be much help lately as I've been having some major issues myself lately, but I'm working thru them as I can. If you could point me to that MSKB page that shows the registry edit I would be glad to walk you thru the fix. Tweaks are great for cosmetics and expanding existing program capabilities but to Edit for repairs is way more complex and most of us need help in that area by the developer experts. I would have no idea what to edit for your fix but if shown, I can help you go thru it. Dave
  23. I agree that a registry tweak forum is not a good plan, mainly because of the problems it can cause with n00b users trying to edit the registry. Many users do not even know that the registry exists and that is exactly the way it should remain, and is why it is so hidden from prying eyes. As users become more knowledgable and learn about the registry, they also have enough computer knowledge to know that it is something they shouldn't play with without proper instruction. It's better that they ask us questions as they have them, then it gives us the opportunity to post the cautions that should
  24. Hey guys I always advised against using those registry cleaners at TTV ansd still do. I've seen more problems caused by those things than they're worth and little real benefit. I've never used one and never needed one either since any truly orphaned registry keys are quickly ignored by XP or any NT based OS. The "clutter" that they cause is truly minimal and is not known to cause problems in XP. My opinion on these registry cleaners is that they aren't worth the trouble of downloading. Dave
  25. After talking with dknoppix in IRC about this problem, I showed him a way to fix this. For all of you now, here was the fix. In his File Associations, the .exe extension was associated with HijackThis and the registry key default value had been changed to ****. This can be from a Virus or certain Trojan programs that use a line in the win.ini file that calls for a random.exe, thus the change to HJT as the program to open exe's but we haven't confirmed that as of yet. So what we did was to go into the registry, navigate to this key - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command - right click th