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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Chappy

    My New Vmware

    Hi y'all Just me, wanting to blabber is all. I should probably be doing this in the Cafe but... I bought a copy of VMWare today and have installed 2 copies of XP on it so far, one XP Pro SP2 and one XP Home which I have to get SP2 for yet. It's a big d'load and virtual machines are considerably slower on things so I'll leave that for an overnight d'load and install. For those of you that don't know what VMWare is or what it's used for, here's a quick overview. VMWare is a Virtual Machine software which allows you to have any number of "Virtual" operating systems installed and booted at the sam
  2. Hi Marty There is only one way to enter BIOS setup and that way is specific to whatever OEM machine you have or the BIOS version/maker. So if you have an OEM DEll, you have one way to enter BIOS, Gateway has another, or if you have Phoenix BIOS it may be a different way but there is only one way to access it for each machine. That's why your friend has a different way to access the BIOS than you do, but say you had a Dell machine and they had the same Dell as you, you both would access the BIOS in the same way. Since it is not a part of Windows, it cannot be accessed thru a command prompt or t
  3. Hi Bearskin Did you copy the hosts file and put a copy into the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc file, or did you move the original into the new location? I would'nt move the original just yet so make a copy of it and put the copy into the new location. I noticed that you said you put it into the "drivers" folder, there should be a folder in the drivers folder called "etc" and that is where the hosts file copy should go. The hosts entries look ok, they are mapping back to your loopback IP which means that they should not be accessible.
  4. Wow, thats one heck of a deal for a 320GB drive!! BTW, who needs 320GB's???? I remember when they said that about 2GB drives and Big Bill stating that nobody will ever need more than 64K of memory... Well, the thing I hate most is that all these great deals are NOT available to Canadians from most of these places. For example, newegg doesn't ship to Canada but they fly over us to ship to Alaska. Never heard of "Parachutes" before eh... I'm waiting for the day that they put the 4 terabyte drives on sale.
  5. Check this one out folks... Police Answering Machine
  6. Of course I have to add my Prayers and Best Wishes for your father Keith, and for you also my friend as I'm sure this is awfully hard on you as well. If you need anything done that we may be able to do for you, please don't hesitate to ask us as I'm sure I'm not the only one here who would drop everything to help you out if possible. Take Care Keith, and take good care of your Dad!!
  7. First thing I see right away is that your Operating system and Internet Explorer are both unpatched. This is a MUST nowadays!!! You need to get SP2 for XP and IE immediately as there are many vulnerabilities that need to be closed up. Go to Windows Update and get SP2 installed ASAP, it's gonna be a big d'load but you need it.
  8. Hmmm, all I can think of is that the entries are not written in correctly or they are in the trusted zone as well. Can you provide a screenshot of your hosts file? The top section should do as long as it has some of the entries that you've put in showing. Maybe IE is looking for it in another location as well..?? Try putting a copy of the file in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC folder as well, if this exists in ME.
  9. -- Invention -- ========= Dr. Calvin Rickson, a scientist from Texas A&M University, has invented a bra that keeps women's breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipples from pushing through the fabric when cold Weather set's in. At a news conference announcing the invention, a large group of men took Dr. Rickson outside and kicked the sh** out of him. ***********************************************************
  10. Maybe he has one of those new Solar Powered keyboards....ever think of that!!
  11. Chappy


    A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday Sermon. to make his point, four worms were placed into four separate jars. The First worm was put into a jar of alcohol. The Second worm was put into a jar of cigarette smoke. The Third worm in sperm. The Forth worm in good clean soil. At the conclusion of the Sermon, the Minister reported the following results: The First worm in Alcohol - dead The Second worm in cigarette smoke - dead Third worm in sperm - dead Fourth worm in good clean soil - alive and well So the Minister asked the congregation, "What
  12. Chappy

    Puppy Advice?

    For the folks who do not know who is responsible for DogReader, he is Mike Healan, and he is also the owner of is probably the best regarded AntiSpyware site on the Net.
  13. I'm moving this post to the HijackThis forum where it belongs so the HJT experts will see it. I'll leave a link for it in here as well so you guys can find it. BTW, it's not uncommon to have 30+ processes running with XP, I have 38 myself.
  14. Hi X-Cannon The reason for you only getting 127G is that you need SP1 or SP2 for the LBA upgrade (Large Block Addressing). Once SP2 is installed, your computer will recognize the full disk amount. No need to get SP1, just go directly to SP2 as it contains all the updates that SP1 incorporates and all the new ones that came after SP1 was released. The Service Packs are cumulative which means that you only need to get the latest release to get ALL the patches that have been released. The Windows Firewall has been in XP since XP's initial release, it wasn't just put in with SP2. SP2 only brought
  15. Hi Marty As you probably remember, I'm not a big fan of registry cleaners but I doubt that your friend has completely gotten that trojan/worm out of the system by deleting just one entry. It probably is disabled but many bits may still be present. BTW, you can't have a trojan worm, you have one or the other as they are different things. Does your friend have the name of the Trojan or Worm? If so, we can search on it and maybe we can come up with some proper cleaning instructions to get the remnants out.
  16. This is a cute one...
  17. WHOOOHOOOO!!!!! Took me like 100 tries but I got a 93!!!!!!!
  18. Me too....I'm never gonna look at another picture that says..."Look Closely for X seconds".
  19. Picture Homer Simpson saying his signature saying.... DOH....!!
  20. Nope, that was a real "One of a Kind" piece, worth quite a bit of $$$ I might add. That guy must've been devastated afterwards, I'll bet he cried after the show.
  21. Headlines for 2029 Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia formally known as California. White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language. Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock. Baby conceived naturally....scientists stumped. Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage. Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the Middle East (formerly known as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria and Lebanon). Iraq still closed off; p
  22. Chappy

    New Here

    Hi Sid So, you'ld like to join our HJT team eh...not so fast young man/woman...(continue with tounge firmly planted in cheek) First, we need to know of you're qualified, so a few skill testing questions are required. 1) You are analyzing a log for a nice young woman/man, and you see a line in it like this: R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name) - {20EC3D2D-33C1-4C9D-BC37-C2D500688DA2} - C:\Program Files\TV Media\TvmBho.dll What is the first question you should ask this poster... a) "Whats yer sign?" b ) "You single?" c) "Do you like chocolate?" d) all of the above 2) You find this poster has the dreade
  23. BUGGER!!! So, you got me back now....are you happy??