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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Not true -- An idiot is an idiot and will not suddenly become a safe driver because you flashed your brake lights at 'em. But hey, ignore my thirty plus years of driving experience, what do I know? Maybe that brake check magically increased his brain power. Maybe lucky leprechans flew out of your taillights and taught the guy a lessen. Maybe that one incident will make him reconsider dangerous driving habits he's had for years and years. Naa-a-a-a-a-w-w-w-w! He thinks you're a jerk for tapping your brakes and that's it.
  2. Yep, won't load any more ... Tried the main page, not there.
  3. Jeeeeezzz ... I did not need to know what eventually happened to the sheep ... Burp!
  4. They give you FIVE FEET where you are? Around here, somebody'd be trying to squeeze into that vast open space. I've done, in the past, two things (which were stupid and I'm not proud and I hope others can learn from my stupidity and just give the morons the space they need) regarding tailgaters. Once, I stomped on the brakes. He lost control of his car and crashed. Since that was stupid a friend suggested next time I just meander a little off the road, the tailgater will see how dangerous I might be and back off. I meandered, my tires kicked up gravel and stones which sprayed the car behind
  5. What a difference a few years makes -- Back when I had dial-up these things were excrutiatingly slow to load, but so fascinating I went ahead and spent a lot of time to (eventually) view them. Now, bang-zoom. ------ Hmm, one difference I noticed: They've somehow hidden the equipment from view now. Used to be you could zoom down and see the tripod legs -- At least at the St. Peters one, I can't figure out where the camera is.
  6. Well, first of all, that's what you get when you want something with high resale value: High prices, low inventory. Betcha there are a lot of Cavaliers for sale! If you were thinking of later "scraping up" an additional $2000, why not scrape it up now and get a better car? I noticed at THAT price point (the one you posted @ $4400 plus $2000 = approx. $6000) I saw a LOT of better cars -- newer and with much lower mileage. (Yeah, I know, you already know what you're willing to spend, but since you mentioned scraping up some more funds I'm just pointing out what I saw online.) Since you'
  7. Seems OK but wow, that's some high mileage there (which explains the price). GET IT!
  8. These things never fail to amaze me. That one's stunning.
  9. That's probably more due to hormones (uh-hem, and steroids) than sex at birth. But man! The LEGS on some of them! Arrghhh. Why?!!!
  10. Interesting wheels on that pic you grabbed. The Integra is one of the few Honda products that tickled my fancy. Gee, it's almost like it is a modern day Opel Manta or something! (Actually, the comparison is apt; small, light, sporty, aerodynamic styling, two door coupe, faster than most of the competition, four cylinders, good handling, etc.) isteve: I can see going from a Firebird (a large, heavy, American-style sporty car) to the Manta (a small, light, German-style sporty economy car) would be a lot to take, especially taking into consideration the availability of parts &
  11. Good ol' supply & demand. More people want gasoline so more crude gets refined into gasoline, so there's more supply of gas than diesel. To stop the refining process at diesel means they have to give up the potential to make more money by continuing to refine the oil into gasoline (simplified version of the process but you get the idea), so they're supplying a smaller market with a smaller supply, hence the higher price.
  12. Heh-heh, I hesitated even to mention "Opel" 'cause I suspected no one would be able to even picture one, let alone anyone ever having owned one. Mine was bought when new (yes, that long ago) and it was an awesome car. Faster than anything similar, handled like a BMW, solid as a rock (which was fortunate as it was my first car and I abused the life out of it). Only problem was expensive maintenance costs and lack of factory support (it was sold here by Buick -- for no logical reason whatsoever). If you're younger and bought it used, yeah, the high maint. cost and lack of factory support probab
  13. -- Oh God -- If only I could dig out my eyes with a spoon so I'd never have to see that again .... There are tens of thousands (if not millions) of obsessive bodybuilders out there, how many OLD bodybuilders do you see? Lets see, there's Ah-nuld and ... Jack Lalane (if he counts) ... and ... What happens to them? (Rhetorical question.)
  14. Tough call on which to drive, I agree with your assessments (van would be best if it were in better shape, the LeSabre would be embarrassing but not stupidly so, does the Bonneville have dubs & hydraulics? JK!). As for going from a manual to an auto, believe me, it's worse going from an auto TO a manual (you keep coming to a stop forgetting you have to declutch and wind up killing the engine -- em-BARE-essing!). Has anyone recently given you that old blessing/curse: "May you live in interesting times?" 'Cause, like, you are.
  15. That's why I mentioned the increasing frequency with which I see it happening. The trend disturbs me, and now I've already witnessed the inevitable outcome. Now ... How about railroad crossing lights? I came across one that was flashing red (on another backroad, this time I was taking it due to a detour). As I approached I watched EVERYONE slowing down, then driving right on through. Great ... I've never been on this road before, do they know something? What will I do when I get to the light? By the time I got there at least ten cars had gone through, in both directions. Do I stop and wait?
  16. By the time I'm ready to upgrade we'll all be talking about petahertz chips. (Hee-hee, there's that "peta" modifier again.)
  17. Glad there weren't any serious injuries (or worse). Interesting that you noticed the connection between you wanting a different car and the accident: "Ask and ye shall receive." I too thought about the loss of an "old friend" when I totalled my Comanche. I still have a few items from my first "love" (an Opel Manta) and every time I see them it brings back fond memories (but then, the next few vehicles I owned have given me many fond memories too). I'm sure you'll look back fondly too AND make new memories. (I feel a little guilty talking about a hunk of metal with such reverance, but, he
  18. Too often true I'm afraid.
  19. Why do that when there's a perfectly good bottle of dishwashing liquid right there on the sink?
  20. My memory's not that great but I believe today I saw my first real car crash -- Right in front of my eyes. (I've seen the aftermath of lots of accidents, and I've seen cars going off the road and such, but never, to my recollection, have I actually watched two cars colliding.) I'm leaving work and wind up behind a truck. The truck takes the same back road I take that skirts downtown traffic. One minor problem with the route is a particular light that gives a crossroad priority, but if you time things right you can grab the short green and make it through. This guy knows the backroad, and ap
  21. Aha! A goal to work toward! Wouldn't that be great, traveling, carefree? Oh yeah. I also love that you're just going for a drive -- no place in particular. I used to do that a lot (and I mean, A LOT -- one time I drove from Chicago to Minneapolis/St. Paul just ... well ... just because I felt like it, then I turned around and drove back home). I still occasionally just drive to new places, new neighborhoods, just to take a look around. Be careful, but be sure to absorb the scenery.
  22. JDoors

    New To Me

    Maybe he linked to the thumbnail of the gif instead of the actual gif?