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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Another funny one. On a more useful note: When a storm's approaching and you work your way down to the lowest level and farthest reaches of the house, I'm comin' with ya, we'll wait it out together.
  2. Dear Chuck, You own a Harley with ONE oil leak and you're worried?
  3. I would'a never thought of that one!
  4. Since it's been sixteen years, worst case, he pays for two more years. And without pointing any fingers or asking any questions, sixteen years ago high school sweethearts didn't necessarily mean potential fatherhood. Could, but not necessarily.
  5. Holy Mackeral! Does that thing run NORAD or something?!?
  6. There are programs that will "ping" your ISP occasionally to keep a dial-up connection alive, that's useful for ISP's that would sign you off if they did not detect any activity. Are you on dial-up? DSL works differently and ISP's (far as I know) never sign you off, so such programs would be little or no use for you. I'd suspect the line or filter noise previously mentioned (the noise would confuse the data stream and could eventually cause the connection to be lost). Pick up the phone, dial a "1" and listen for excessive noise (should be no static, any hum should be barely audible). Try ano
  7. I know what you mean, but it means pulling out the system, risking loosening something in the back, etc. Plus the original mouse was a fancy-schmancy gift (silver-plated) that had seen better days. I just have to get used to the system's original mouse again (it's a clickety-clackity kind, the gift one was silent). Click! Click! Clickety-Click! Rattle-rumble! (The wheel.) Today the DSL modem would not connect again -- Took three tries before it worked. Something's up. Let's see, I'm catching up on my bills, so it must be time to replace the computer! Of course!
  8. Listen Missy, don't confuse my sophomoric sense of humor or general immaturity with youth. Nighttime trips to the john, hearing going, sight's going, aches and pains, yelling at the neighbor's kids, what more proof do you need?
  9. JDoors

    My New Toy

    The Probe (and later, the similar-sized Cougar) are classic designs (or have many classic design elements). Always nice and interesting to look at. Not bad at all as transportation either. Didja know the Probe was scheduled to become the Mustang replacement back in the day? Traditionalists put up such a stink they went ahead and redesigned the Mustang.
  10. I'm not going to go ahead and sound like some new-age nutcase and tell you why I think she called. She thought of you too, unlike you she didn't stop when she found the needed information. Simple enough. Call her and tell her as much of your story as you think will not scare her. (New-age nutcase story: Throughout my life, whenever I think of someone if I don't call them soon, they call me.) ------
  11. Just an update (since there have been no ill effects other than the bizarre reloading of system drivers). Scandisk reported nothing wrong. I'm not gonna experiment by reusing the original mouse (but it's tempting -- though I suspect not finding the mouse was just similar to having to reload the other drivers -- whatever caused that to happen in the first place).
  12. Gol-dang-it, I resemble those remarks sonny!
  13. Assuming you're serious: What do you want to do? The term "advertising software" is too vague for a direct answer. You want to send advertisements? You want advertisements delivered to your computer? You want to SPAM others?
  14. I usually turn on the DSL modem, wait for that to connect, then turn on the computer. The modem would not connect (I tried twice). Fine, I've got bills to pay, I turn off the modem and start the computer. It goes fine up to the first Windows ('98SE) desktop screen, where I get an error message that Windows could not find a mouse, click to continue. Well, the mouse is where it always is, and it's plugged in, so, "OK" and we'll figure that one out after Windows starts. Uh-oh. I get one "new hardware found" message after another, and that included "motherboard resources," all the COMM ports, U
  15. I just presumed it had so much going on visually it "blinds" IE (oh, say, something about using up available resources for that window -- I'm makin' this up, but it's something like that). I never even thought it might be malicious (what would be the point of preventing you from using the Favorites menu?). Anywho, it does look like it'd be an interesting resource some day.
  16. Good one. -- I hadn't seen one of those in a long time (B.B. .. Before Broadband).
  17. He'd better be careful or she'll tell him where to put the kite.
  18. JDoors

    Biz Skills

    I've seen (in movies and the like) someone buying a drink "for" a "lost" buddy (eg. someone who's died), but you can buy drinks for a buddy who's right there, AND drink it yourself?!? Oh boy, I'm surprised that custom hasn't caught on here.
  19. Interesting. Also interesting: The site interferred with my ability to add it to my IE Favorites (there's a "bookmark this page" link, but I never use those). I click the Favorites menu, then, normally, I choose which folder to store the site link in. However, after clicking the Favorites menu the page lost "focus," meaning something was happening, but my favorites folders weren't being displayed, nor was the page accessible any more (it's like it was dead). I had to hit Esc to clear what apparently was an invisible favorites menu. In other words, the site interferred with the ability to dis
  20. Must be tough to trust someone when you're as rich as Midas, but I'd sure like to see what that problem is like some day. If ya know what I mean.
  21. JDoors

    Biz Skills

    No reason to apologize for not knowing every bit of local language, slang or colloquialisms. At work a housekeeper (who was from an African nation) was vacuuming. He said, as I passed by, "minedacord." Minedacord? What is a minedacord? "Pardon?" "Minedacord." "I'm sorry, what?" "Minedacord." Ooohhhhh! Mind. The. Cord. Be careful of the cord. Look out for the cord. Please step over the cord. Few people I encounter would use the word "mind" for this (other than the phrase "mind your manners," which probably comes from G.B. anyway). And I won't even mention when a Brit asks for a cigarette
  22. JDoors

    Kewl Clock

    Looks cool (can't help myself: What would the "dirty" version look like?).
  23. Normally, I'd doubt the authenticity of those calls. Normally. But recently a customer called me over to ask why his machine did not pay him his jackpot. I looked at the reels, there was no winning combination showing. I mean, NOTHING. A bar, a blank and a seven. I actually had to explain to him that you have to get three matching symbols, or at least three similar symbols (single bar, double bar, triple bar -- all bars -- for example), to get a winning combination. "What?!?" Yeah, every spin's a winner! We're just giving money away!! Here, take the my shirt!!!
  24. Looks more like a photoshopped pic to me (nowadays it's impossible to accept almost any picture as real ). You DO realize what those people are doing up there, don't you?