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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Now you're saying a body that's not only independent, but a religious body to boot, is a better option than one run by the government? My mind is reeling ...
  2. I pretty much take all those precautions. My ISP filters "known spam" and I filter unknown senders to a "suspicious" mail box, so the only mail I get in my IN BOX is stuff I absolutely know I want. It's nice. BTW, ironically, the site you linked to had several popups (blocked by my software) and my software flagged it as "Highly Suspicious." Here's the analysis (I don't know what parameters they use to determine whether a site's safe or not, it's not always apparent, and some sites I know are safe are flagged, as I'm sure is the case with this one): Just thought it ironic.
  3. Wait, don't we START at the chest, THEN look upward? Dang, no wonder ...
  4. "You called my house!" I think we can understand why she's upset, but holy moly. "People died!" "You'll be audited!" "You're a murderer, a hater, a life-destroyer!" "Gahhhhahhahhahh!" I gave up halfway through, she's crazy and I couldn't take any more. I can't believe the guy couldn't just hang up on her. Must suck to be a supervisor.
  5. Some of those are totally believeable! One of my favorites by Willie Nelson, takes a dark turn near the end that changes the expected meaning of the title: I Just Can't Let You Say Goodbye I had not planned on seeing you. I was afraid of what I'd do, But pride is strong and here am I, and I just can't let you say goodbye. Please have no fear you're in no harm as long as you're here in my arms, But you can't leave so please don't try, I just can't let you say goodbye. What force behind your evil mind can let your lips speak so unkind To one who loves as much as I. I just can't let
  6. Uh-oh. I also work at a casino, but in a non-managerial position. I better go back and check my posts in case I said something incriminating ...
  7. That one had me chuckling ...
  8. Wait just a gol' darn minute there mister. That's the U.S. government you're talking about there, what could possible go wrong? (Dreading the day they take over medical care for us all, can you even imagine how screwed up that will be? And the potential consequences? It'll be a LOT worse than "I didn't get paid this week," or "You took out too much money." You'll be dead, and it'll be your next-of-kin that won't get a straight answer why.)
  9. OH. MY. GOD. You HAVE to get the 2003 production with Jeremy Sumpter as Pan (unless you're a Disney fanatic, I am not, at all). It's SO much better than anything I've seen before. It starts out a little Disney-ish as they tell the tale of Wendy's family, then it turns into ... Something REALLY special. They don't whitewash the darkness of the original tale. Hook is someone familiar to Wendy (though not directly recognized as such), which brings psychological meaning to the tale, Tinkerbell is NOT always sugar & spice, I don't know if I missed it in other productions but Pan is actually a t
  10. I rubbed my fingers on the screen but couldn't tell what it was.
  11. Agents interviewing: The DMV: "Oh yeah, I recognize his picture, he TRIED to get a license but we weren't fooled, he didn't have a SS number!" The SSA: "Yup, came in a while ago, we sent him away 'cause he didn't have proper ID!" Local school: "Nope, he doesn't exist otherwise we'd have a report card in his name!" ETC.
  12. OHMYGOD that's funny! You should post a double-feature, that one and the one with the wheels running like legs.
  13. JDoors


    ... reminded me of some program I used to have, forget what it was, that had "eyes" that followed the cursor as it moved around onscreen.
  14. Wait! You're home schooled, you have a PC and a printer, make one! It WILL be your official report card, right? (I know, I know ... if only ... )
  15. JDoors

    People Poll

    People know they have more to "fear" from gangbangers, but people also fear the unknown in general. Unless they personally know Goths, you're an unknown -- hence the trepidation when meeting you. But, really, why black?
  16. JDoors

    Head Stone

    I don't think I'd want a reminder of the frustration that is a PC overhead, for all eternity.
  17. Grr. I cancelled my cable when they displayed incompetance. My picture was bad (interferance patterns). I had 'em out twice, they replaced the underground cable both times. The picture would look fine for a while, then go bad again. The third time the guy called the office and I overheard his side of the conversation, "There's an interferance pattern onscreen ... huh? ... You see it too?" The picture AT THEIR OFFICE was bad! What hope did I have they would fix this if they sat there all day long looking at the same poor picture and did nothing about it? I should check the Web for cable TV su
  18. All true 'cept that one (at least I've never known anyone who got less pay for doing the same job).
  19. Someone sitting on a toilet with their head in a trashcan is graphic? I'm perplexed.
  20. I guess Illinois finally did something right, they do not require a SS# for a DL or state ID. I'm surprised a certified copy of a birth certificate is NOT accepted, yet an adoption decree is.
  21. Hadn't thought of it that way; Since when are we worried about the health of cockroaches?
  22. My life is just bizarre. So, I haven't done anything about the missing bass. First, I'm getting pretty darn lazy, second I'm not sure what I could have done. So I'm watching Peter Pan (2003 version). I'm used to a lack of deep bass by now. Peter's saying, "I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!" Everyone eventually chimes in, "I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!" Suddenly there's a loud POP! And I have my bass back. I do believe in fairies. I do. I do.