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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. I don't know if it's just right here where I am or what, but I don't hear ANYTHING about the McCartney's (other than the original news item about the divorce). Shoot, it was only here on this board that I found out she had had surgery on her leg(s).
  2. JDoors

    Biz Skills

    Re: panhandle Re: immigration It's been repeated for every wave of immigrants: The ones who are already here and are or are getting assimilated look down at newer arrivals, who are blamed for everything that's wrong, or whose habits or requirements are deemed inappropriate (kind of "We have ours, now YOU go away!). Right now there's a lot of resentment toward Mexicans, in many other countries it's Muslims.
  3. What? You're still here? Looks like they saw through your disguise. (Yeah, I'm still here for now, but I won't even have time to say goodbye when they come for the the well-equipped.)
  4. JDoors


    The only one for which I have no logical explanation.
  5. JDoors


    So I noticed yours was the only house TP'ed ... What did you do? Consider yourself lucky I guess. At least you don't have five-year-olds accusing you of being mean right to your face. I have to work on my mean-old-man routine. They're not supposed to be strangers, they're supposed to be your neighbors. (I know, I know, nowadays your neighbors ARE strangers ... )
  6. JDoors


    I work nights so if the holiday falls on a workday I shut off all the lights, close the bedroom door and sleep like a baby. I didn't have to work last night though. Cute costume! We didnt' get that many extraordinary costumes this year (but then, only ~30 kids showed up). Come to think of it, the only one that stuck in my mind was the hockey player with blood all over his face.
  7. JDoors


    Thanks for the idea (though I worry about their health). Maybe I'll check the village's website and see if there're any suggestions. And ... STAY OFF MY LAWN! Which reminds me, I just saw the animated movie Monster House. Guess what it was about? A mean old man that chased kids off his lawn and stole any toys left behind. Umm ... Nawww. Not me!
  8. JDoors


    So after a slow start we wound up with around thirty kids or so. I have WAY too much candy left. I mean, seriously folks. ------ I am officially the mean old man of the neighborhood: A couple of kids show up, the little boy says, "Trick or treat!" The little girl says, "Why do you steal our toys?" Uh -- what? "You're just mean!" Whenever I mow or do yardwork I have to pick up after the neighbor's kids. I throw everything in the garage. Some kids ask if I have, say, a blue football, I go get it and give it to them. Since I haven't exactly prepared a defense for this unexpected inquisition
  9. Hilarious! (Some of them I've seen, but lots were new to me.) ------ OK, no problem, removed.
  10. If Gloria Steinham's activities hadn't had so much of an impact I could read that and laugh (as a simple illustration of an absurdity by using absurd exaggeration). However, she peppered it with commentary on things like projecting penis envy onto men and oppression of, well, everyone else, by white males, things she actually believes, so it ticked me off instead. (Let it go ... it's just a humor piece ... let it go ... )
  11. A control number should be enough, with the fine print explaining that only the first certificate presented with that number will be honored.
  12. JDoors

    If Quotes

    No fair telling me to take my logic elsewhere, then ask a question with a logical answer! Just for that, I'm not tellin'.
  13. I especially like the way the intended victim clearly and repeatedly states that no one will ask for account information in this manner, then asks for and receives account information from the moron. Good one.
  14. Nice ... the music's appropriate (reminded me of Sega Genesis' "Ghouls 'n Ghosts" game).
  15. Pretty good morph job there. Beer goggles, heh-heh.
  16. JDoors

    If Quotes

    ... because they don't build one type of machine for walk-up service and a different one for drive-thru's?
  17. JDoors

    Two Shots

    It's rare enough that I've never heard of it before. Odd that the change would occur later though.
  18. I can still almost get by with one phone, but most of the people I know have one glued to one ear. ALL. DAY. LONG. (Who the heck are they talking to at three in the morning?!?) My dad was a firearms collector and marksman, he poured his own lead bullets. In the kitchen ... where we ate. I used lead bullets as toys. (Explains a lot, huh?) I never used a seatbelt until I was in my late teens. Never wore a helmet (still don't own one). Got stuck with rusty nails while playing in construction sites and condemned buildings. Ate tree nuts and soy and milk and seafood and never had an a
  19. Nice twist to Roshambo, didn't see it coming.
  20. JDoors

    Crazy Cures

    Well, it's a MicroSoft site and I use a MicroSoft browser and this is what I get:
  21. JDoors

    My Project

    For a Japanese car? They don't make springs in Japan? I guess if it's good enough for Daimler/Chrysler, it's good enough for Honda.
  22. Change your "pen" to draw walls, or add more sand, water, water spouts, grow plants, or even burn it all down with fire: Sand Game (Needs Java. This is a host of the original which is on a Japanese site, apologies if it's been posted before.)