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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. As much as I admire old pony cars, I also know they're not, let's say "sophisticated." That's one of the reasons I like the trend toward modern cars whose styling pays respect to those cars of yore (current Mustang, future Camaro & Challenger). Yes, there were some really great old cars but compared to modern technology they're lumbering dinosaurs. Still ... If someone were willing to give me a 440 Six Pack 'Cuda or Hemi RoadRunner I wouldn't object.
  2. I'm shouldn't beat a dead horse here ... yes, in general pickup trucks have different handling than cars. But if you KNOW that and STILL lose traction, you exceeded the capabilities of the vehicle. Is that point in doubt?
  3. Mildly interesting, just not my kind of thing. The message-source map was also mildly interesting. I should direct some bottles to people I know who would like it.
  4. Funny, that doesn't LOOK like Florida!
  5. Okkkkkk ... That's ONE way to put it. Another way would be to say you were going too fast considering the weather and the abilities of the vehicle (extra weight out back could have made the spin-out even worse). First time I drove a pickup in the rain was ... interesting. It acted like the rear tires were bald, they kept slipping so much. Had to baby it something fierce.
  6. Can't help thinking about as a kid taking the cardboard tubes from Christmas wrapping and using it as a "sword." Who knew it could lead to criminal behavior?
  7. Oh boy, wait 'til the environmental wackos catch wind of this!
  8. Re: Loud alarms. I can't stand 'em. In school I had a Big Ben alarm and I wound up throwing it out the window. My current clock beeps meekly, and even then I put tape over the speaker to quiet it even more (others have asked me how it could possibly wake me, I STILL wake up with my heart racing). Re: Vented mouse. That's what I saw, the vented gamepad. The mouse-mod was actually pretty good. Re: Washing instructions for the EQ shirt. Buy one and let us know what the tag says.
  9. Dang, that explains all my suffering over the years. It's the law!
  10. You reminded me of being in my friend's TransAm, in the rain, when we decided to make a left turn at the last second. OK, it was PAST the last second. We spun right-round and wound up heading exactly in the opposite direction we had been going. He drove off -- like we MEANT to do that. It was hilarious. (Yeah, it could have been something very different from hilarious if something had gone wrong.)
  11. I dunno, it's also funny as heck.
  12. ------ Oh ... wait ... One time I only had enough money to replace two of the tires on my Comanche, so I did (even though I know that with four-wheel-drive you are absolutely supposed to do all four at once). Usually you want the better tires on the front so you retain the ability to steer out of trouble, so that's what I did. Then it snowed. And I went around a curve. Sure enough, the front tires dug in just like they're supposed to, and the lessor rear tires allowed the truck to spin 'round! I caught it before disaster struck though (sheer luck, my emergency driving skills are either poor,
  13. I've heard of the air-cooled mouse but never saw one -- looks, err, cool. I didn't look at the rest of the site before now, THIS ONE SCARES ME: An emergency light & siren for an alarm clock!?!?!? More like heart-attack inducer!
  14. JDoors


    .. Tried to "crush" a beer BOTTLE on his head ... Now THAT'S a stupid drunk trick.
  15. I guess it looks newer, but you always manage to take pictures that minimize showing any damage, so it looks perfectly fine now anyway. I kinda like his wheels, but yours look really, really good too. (What happened to his wheels?)
  16. Similar to a previous post which had a t-shirt that doubled as a clock, the EQ T-Shirt! The shirt has a microphone that analyzes the sound around you and displays it as an equalizer would on your shirt! EQ T-Shirt
  17. Umm, OK, I guess ... I understand the reasoning. But I also believe immediate punishment for a heinous act is MORE important than playing a High School sport. (And if bias for Football played a role in the decision then the judge should serve the sentence FOR them!)
  18. JDoors


    Forgot another annoying QT habit: The nag screen. What is this, shareware or something? No, they just want you to buy the Pro version. Well I don't WANT the Pro version, why do I have to answer that friggin' question every time I open QT? (Thank GOD they haven't figure out how to nag us if you click on QT content to open QT by association or via embedded web content.) That said, the quality of the video is pretty good (though I hate that many online sources require you to wait for the entire file to download before it plays).
  19. JDoors

    Brief Safe

    OH BOY. Err, are you answering your own question about who makes skid marked shorts?
  20. JDoors

    More Tips

    You'll need to translate into American: [1] Most people here probably know what a "torch" is or can figure it out, but it's a "flashlight" to us. [2] No problems. [3] I have no idea what a "hottie" is. [4] Nor what "janola" is. [5] No problems. [6] What's a "stick of blue?" (Or is this an inside joke?)
  21. You don't think Black Widow or Brown Recluse spiders are dangerous? (OK, you hardly, if ever, actually SEE them, but they're hardy enough to survive up here!)
  22. It's not entirely clear what steps you have taken to try and make it work, and "tight security" isn't enough information about your setup (there are a kajillion things that could mean).