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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    Crazy Cures

    I think the MSN site is designed so you can't link directly to an article -- I got an essentially blank page. I couldn't find what you were talking about either. I have as much faith in "real" medicine as I do in "alternative" medicine, very little.
  2. I resemble those remarks.
  3. I can't help thinking how proud she was when she figured it out, "Oh! I got it!"
  4. Reminds me of this cartoon (edited for content):
  5. Didn't already have any so I thought, interesting enough to go ahead and start a web search. Sure, there were plenty of results to a search for "NATIVE AMERICAN ART," but, and I'm not sure if this is a commentary on North American culture or what, nearly every one of the results had something to sell (or directed you to someone who had something to sell). Wondering if a similar search for, say, "NATIVE NEW ZEALAND ART" would result in more cultural sites interesting mainly in educational values, or a similar number of sites selling NZ art? Anywho ... Hopi works are the most appealing to me
  6. What the HECK is going on in that picture?
  7. JDoors

    My Project

    (Wondering if you realize your signature looks like a slo-mo crash ... )
  8. I thought they'd be the same ol', same ol', "Use Coca-Cola to clean blah-blah-blah" (how would sugar-water clean anything, even acidic sugar-water will leave a sticky mess), but those were nearly all new to me!
  9. Well, you made me think about my essentially blank site and how long it's been since I did anything with it, so ... A site that lists all the essentially blank sites and how long it's been since they were updated?
  10. I second the Crutchfield link. They have practically every piece of information (and factory-look parts) you could ever need.
  11. JDoors

    My Project

    Have you driven a Ford lately? There's probably a fuseable link in the wiring harness for the lights -- Not always cheap, not always easy to replace, not always easy to find either.
  12. Wow, that's amazing that that "screen door effect" could be hiding entirely different pics. (Hmm, could be a good way to "watermark" copyrighted pics ... )
  13. Honestly? Men don't even need the on/off switch seeing as how they're always "on."
  14. As long as you know what you did, it's the 'right' way to fix the problem.
  15. Ohhhh Lord ... That last one ....
  16. Not. There are hundreds of, err, inconvenient pictures of soccer players in compromising positions.
  17. First thing I worry about when Windows doesn't display correctly is corrupted video drivers. Since you can't even boot to Safe Mode (making it unlikely it's a display driver problem as Safe Mode uses the most basic, most compatible driver available), umm .... I'd use the Windows Install disk to boot the machine.
  18. So ... The dog was stupid enough to try to save the cat, and you say that proves the superiority of dogs over cats? I don't get it.
  19. OKAY then, that explains a lot. Too much in fact.
  20. I don't know the true history but in general, like a lot of holidays, it begins with a celebration of one kind or another, others find it interesting enough to adopt it (with modifications), THEN it becomes commercialized as enough people participate to make it worthwhile to exploit it financially. People were "celebrating" Halloween, Christmas, et al long before any of them become commercialized. Some holidays become more entrenched in some cultures than others due to a difference in the mix of peoples, faiths and differing tolerance of other peoples and faiths. Mexico has celebrations sim
  21. JDoors


    It would be even funnier if I didn't receive most of those e-mails each and every week.
  22. I didn't know they could grow high enough to be considered a "forest." Looks like they could use a lumberjack.
  23. JDoors

    My Project

    Do you have a budget? That is, some particular amount you're willing to spend without going over? Or are you going to just buy whatever you want?