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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Ahh ... Another Internet Phenomena: The "It's not real" effect. People are so used to seeing made-up stuff they are no longer able to distinguish real from fake (though I think that particular "conversation" is fake ... but that's not my point). An example is the photos of planes landing on an island airport. They fly right over the beach, closer than you've ever seen planes to people. It's real, the photos are real, but inevitably someone proclaims, with false bravado, "It's Photoshopped!" What are ya gonna do?
  2. Are they more like loudspeakers, or headphones?
  3. All I can tell ya is everyone I know that has an X-Box 360 and is online has become a hermit -- I rarely see them outdoors. I think they must like it. A lot. (Partially kidding.) They all sprang for the Gold and I've never heard anyone complain they weren't getting their money's worth. (I pretty much stopped gaming so my personal opinion is moot ... )
  4. As I recently mentioned in another thread, people have hit me from behind, or backed into my car, and the first words they say are, "Didn't you see me coming?!?" What is wrong with people?
  5. At least, as far as you stated, HE broke the rules and HE, alone, was punished -- Most management nowadays would take Internet access away from EVERYBODY. I have a billion examples of such scorched-Earth management where I work.
  6. I doubt I can find it but there was a site that had more "artsy" photos like that; people, places and things. And yes, they were just as annoying. Seems like a pointless accomplishment to me.
  7. And yet ... knowing there are cameras everywhere ... employees still try to steal, or do other things, right under the cameras! I watched a guard escort a customer to her car, standard procedure if you request it. But then they started making out. Umm, not so standard. Then ... they crawled into the backseat of the car! They were RIGHT UNDER A CAMERA. He got fired and I can't imagine what he told his wife, "Yeah honey, I got fired today." "Oh no! What for?" "Uhh ..... "
  8. So you may know I work for a casino. The casino's been there for going on twelve years. Yesterday I go to work and there's a new surviellance camera ... in the breakroom. What's next? [Looking up at the camera]: "Hey, Sky1, could you have someone send some toilet paper in here?"
  9. I can almost hear the wood balconey creaking ...
  10. Well, even if only 10% of your contribution eventually reaches the intended subjects, that's more than they'd get if no one was looking out for them. There are lists of charities and the percentage spent on overhead, if that's how you want to judge them. I know there's an anual list in Forbes magazine, don't know if there's an online version at Forbes.com. I might check it later.
  11. JDoors

    My Project

    The engine compartment sure looks clean considering the miles, and those wheels look good on there. Why the red grille surround?
  12. ... If that came quickly to mind ... I'd be worried.
  13. I donate to charities that are well-known, and that (obviously) work toward a goal I believe in. The amount spent on overhead only matters if it is revealed to be outrageous and undefensible. And even then it's possible that it will still be the best choice, that no other well-known charity would be effective for that cause. Rather than worry about some percentage that may have hundreds of reasons for being what it is, I prefer to pay attention to what the charity is able to do for their cause. So if "some" representitive calls asking for support for police in general, no. Even though I suppo
  14. Well I can say it's not done to rip anyone off. It's meant to eliminate all the confusion over who gets what -- Just go ahead and put the gratuity on the bill and be done with it. Among other reasons. Of course it SHOULD be posted somewhere (I've seen it on menus). If you went ahead and tipped in addition to the gratuity charge ... I dunno what I'd do. It'd have to be a large amount for me to be bothered getting a charge-back on my card, and I'm cheap.
  15. ... my mind's in a fog today, think I'll save this for later reading.
  16. Birds-eye view with RC plane and VR goggles. The site's French but the techy stuff has both French and English subtitles. Wow, wouldn't that be SO cool?
  17. Haven't eaten at a place with carhops so I'm not sure how I'd feel at the time about tipping. Looks like a waitress, works like a waitress, should get tips like a waitress I guess. The majority of my income is from tips so from experience: Do not ask about shared tips. If that "private" transaction is discovered they could very well lose their job for "stealing" from the other employees. You're putting them on the spot; should they be honest, should they let you know they can't do that, should they let you believe it's ok but put the tip in the "pot" later, should they go ahead and steal fro
  18. JDoors


    THAT is stunning, and original. Bet the flush uses a LOT of water!
  19. Hope it was minor w/o injury. I've been hit from behind more than anything else but one of the funniest was the guy who, after hitting the back of my car, said, "Didn't you see me coming?!?"
  20. I saw that film. I think it had Edward Norton in it. And Edward Norton was in it too.
  21. Ah-yup. And we're darned proud of it too. OK, sometimes we're a teensy bit embarrassed. They've done studies and can't really explain away why boys do boyish things and girls do girly things no matter what. What's that? We're BORN different? Oh really?
  22. I'd say something, but since no one ever gets shot in other countries there's really nothing I can ... HEY! Yes they do! BTW, that huge weapon looks like it'd be a TON of fun. I watched a video of someone shootin' up an abandoned car with one of those -- Awesome. I don't think about tickin' off someone with a firearm, I worry about maniacs in general. The only time someone tried to attack me (partially my fault -- I tried to "teach him a lesson" for HIS bad driving that almost killed me) he came after me with a pipe. Do they have pipes in Canada?
  23. ... not THIS color I hope: