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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. I tried the site you gave and when my popup blocker was active, the site would not load. I turned off the popup blocker and the site appeared fine. Wonder if they have a way to prevent access if you don't accept their popups advertising the domain?
  2. Maybe 'tis the other way round: The Internet crowd might be cribbing off of Letterman? Some are humorous but I did like this one in particular: "From: Condolezza Rice Arafat is spamming your email, don't answer him." Sounds so High School.
  3. JDoors


    I agree, Quicktime has several virus-like habits. There's a "starter" file that runs when you boot your computer and it gets reinstalled every time you run QT. I don't WANT that starter file booting up, but I can't stop QT from installing it any time I view QT content. For a while I would remove it from my startup files but I finally just gave up and leave it there now. It probably automatically STARTED the installation in the background before you had the opportunity to approve or deny the install, hence you have several files already installed. It's time to hunt & destroy (it's possible
  4. JDoors


    I usually roll my eyes and move on when you're cheerleading for those f'ern makes, but you got this one backwards. Mazda rebadges the Ford truck, not the other way 'round. (I thought they were dropping the Ranger this year?) I know one difference in the f'ern car's favor: The manufacturer's back up their product without question. Just heard the tale at work last night of someone whose child got stuck in their Honda. The seat belt buckle would not release. The kid was panicking and actually got hurt before they could cut the belt off and release him. So they go to the dealer and, being a typi
  5. Made me smile ... I grew up in the MidWest and when I visited Los Angles in the "Winter," they were all bundled up 'cause it was in the 60's. We were in short sleeves! Right now it's a perfect late summer day; sunny, not-too-hot, perfect humidity.
  6. Tough to investigate without a specific site to test out ...
  7. A Baptist Preacher was seated next to a cowboy on a flight to Texas. After the plane took off, the cowboy asked for a whiskey and soda, which was brought and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the preacher if he would like a drink. Appalled, the preacher replied, "I'd rather be tied up and taken advantage of by women of ill-repute, than let liquor touch my lips." The cowboy then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me too, I didn't know we had a choice!"
  8. Jesus, that's cold. My could'a-been went back to an old boyfriend that was a loser (unemployed, drugs, mentally abusive). At the time I thought she was s-t-u-p-i-d for going back to the guy but he eventually turned out great, and their kids are great too. But she's still not getting the house.
  9. Umm, Marty, do you need glasses or something? Did you LOOK at that picture? You sure you want to be the one to search those passengers?
  10. You reminded me of a friend who had a phobia about airplanes flying directly overhead. One time we're driving past O'Hare (with the car's top down) and I managed to time my speed PERFECTLY: "Hey Lisa, look up." Man! You could count the bolts holding the wheels on that thing. I can be SO freakin' mean sometimes!
  11. Even funnier when you see someone telling it in person, making all the hand signals.
  12. Well don't tease us! I want a free Xbox, what was the site? Seriously, seven years old and he's already more computer literate than 90% of the WORLD.
  13. JDoors


    During the recent arrests concerning the bridge the local anchors got it wrong: "Mack-in-ACK." Aside from the seriousness of the charges, their boo-boo cracked me up.
  14. Just an additional assurance: The bored morons (Borons?) out there run programs that scan addresses automatically, they're not "targeting" you in particular. And yeah, your firewall is doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing: Stopping them cold.
  15. A lot of people say "photoshopped!" But it's not. It's just the result of an International airport on a tiny island. Hong Kong used to have an airport close to downtown HK and some of the photos from that make it look like jumbo jets are flying right through downtown (airliners there had to go as straight up as they could after takeoff, THEN had to make a SHARP turn to avoid a mountain!). These and more, and photos from the old HK airport, are at Airliners.net. There's a search function there and you can narrow down the photos to just the ones from this airport. I have also seen a Wikipedia e
  16. In around thirty years of working I've only admitted to hating one person, and I softened up on him eventually. I've hated the habits of others, the work ethics, the world-view held by, the, uh-hem, smell, or a dozen other things about co-workers, but the people themselves ALWAYS have redeeming qualities that makes it impossible for me to "hate" them. Doesn't mean I always trusted them, or even liked them, but hate? I reserve that for only the most heinous of unredeemable low-lifes.
  17. ... long as we're cryin' in our beer: One woman I thought was "the one" is now married to someone else and has kids. We had gotten to the point where I bought a house, planning on a future with her. Whenever I see her she STILL says, "Don't forget, I still want your house!" Me? No way, rejected. Dejected. But here it is twenty years later and she wants the house?!? Yeah, that's on my to-do list, to put her in my will. (She's joking, but it's kinda dark humor, isn't it?)
  18. Don't give 'em any ideas!
  19. That scares the heck out of me. Why anyone lives where animals can EAT you I just don't know.
  20. All right now, that's just bizarre.
  21. JDoors

    Computer Woes

    No upgrade due to no money (back when I had some I was an upgradaholic). Besides, with software and feature bloat my 256M 750Mhz PIII is already slow as molasses, I sure don't need any additional OS overhead. Performing a '9x "do-over" isn't intuitive, but it's possible. You'd THINK putting the original OEM install CD in the drive and booting from it would give you access to Windows' Setup, right? Nope, it says you already have an OS so bye-bye. Yeah, I knew that, thanks for nuttin. Somewhere, somehow, you have to find the CORRECT program titled Setup.exe and run that. That sets up the OS on
  22. Never heard that one ... hafta remember it ...