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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Not sayin' anything else.
  2. I always loved that one. Also the one with the duck that repeatedly asks the bartender if he has any grapes (sometimes told with various other objects).
  3. As far as I got I'd actually be ticked at the customer -- Try to help someone and they start throwing a half-dozen decimal questions at you over the phone? What? Just tell me what your freakin' problem is. Obviously you've had time to prepare all these math questions, maybe you should have spent that time preparing something that would help solve your problem instead of being purposely belligerant. I'd have said, "Call me back when you wish to discuss how I can help you."
  4. Exactly what NOT to do: A co-worker started telling me his computer woes. SubjectX: "My wife received a MySpace invite from someone we didn't know. Me: Go on. SubjectX: "So I told her to add her, why not?" Me: Uh-oh. SubjectX: "We signed up and when we went to her page it said to display her page it had to dowload ... " Me: UH-OH. SubjectX: "... something, so I did ... " Me: No! You didn't! SubjectX: " ... then it said it had to download something else, so I did ... " Me: What were you thinking?!? WHY! Why would you download something from someone you didn't know?!? SubjectX: " ... well, it w
  5. Cute enough -- more interesting that ImageShack can host SWF files. Didn't know that.
  6. I was looking through my village's website for more information on an accident at the village's waste treatment center (turns out an inflated fabric cover over one of the retention ponds "failed") when I came across this typo in the description of a current construction project in the village: Effluent? Pretty apropos that I was looking for information on a waste treatment center and found out about the "birth of an effluent neighborhood." Yuck!
  7. This one's more clever than it appears. This one's unfortunatly accurate. This one's actually quite good. C'mon! This one's funny!
  8. Hope he's not speaking from experience!
  9. (Could go in the On The Web board -- but if you're interested in "movies" well, it's art, ain't it?) MovieSet Only a handful of movies so far, but VERY interesting stuff for those movies.
  10. Just watched a movie where a new student can't wait for Mom to drive her to school. They get in the car and drive to the other side of the road. Their house is across the street from the school! (The rest of the movie was SO bad I won't give them the benefit of mentioning the title.)
  11. Reminds me of a tip I learned while patrolling the casino's property during the Winter: If your doors are frozen shut see if you can get hold of some windshield washer fluid (maybe keep some in your trunk, or a Good Samaritan may have some). Pour it over the door seals and it'll melt the ice enough for you to open the door. ------ So! How cold is it? It's cold. I went out to pick up the paper and there were two helicoptors hovering overhead about a mile away. Uh-oh -- Gotta be news crews. Come back inside (the news was already on) and wait for it ... It's SO cold one of the town's sewage trea
  12. JDoors

    Dsl Adventure!

    I suspected as much when "David" said to wait and see if tech support could fix the problem without further contact. What else COULD that mean except that they would fix something on their end? I've had the connection go out for an hour or so once in a great while, but this time it was an all day thing. And, coincidentally, during a cold snap that could have broken something on their end (just a gut feeling). Back in the dial-up days I had a six month feud going on with Ma Bell over the noise on my line. Doesn't have anything to do with anything, it just popped into my head.
  13. What the ... ? Even worse, it's probably rats.
  14. So yesterday I start everything up ... oh ... wait a minute. Because I had a problem with my DSL modem connecting I have been leaving it on all the time to maintain that connection. Now? It's not connected (the PPPoE Active light's off). Open IE, go to the modem's address, run the diagnostics ... yeah, it tells me it's not connected (that's always useful, when you're told what you already know). Click "Fix This," re-run the diagnostics, and there's no improvement. Turn the modem off, wait, then on. No improvement. Re-run the diagnostic. No improvement. Hit the RESET button on the modem, op
  15. That took a sec, but when I got it I laughed out loud. Looks like whatever got left on the driveway is stayin' there for the Winter. Doesn't look like it'll warm up much above freezing anytime soon. I'm usually pretty obsessive about clearing everything -- but what-the-hey, I gotta take advantage of gittin' old somehow.
  16. Well, I didn't get to shovel a third time so the drifts came back. Then ... the temps dropped into the 20's and teens. Great, what's left on the drive and walks is now rock hard and cannot be removed. Eh, I got the 4x4, I don't REALLY need to shovel the drive anyway! ------ Speakin' of 4x4's, I forgot to mention my drive home from work during the worst of it. I did something bold, something that ticks off everyone who's never had a 4x4, but darn it, I'm sick of waiting for all the slippery little cars see-sawing their way out of the snow. There's several hills 'round here, but one in particu
  17. Well, if people are using the term in an ambiguous way, then the answer could be yes. No? I betcha "people" were using it in a generic sense. I only used the hacker example because that one does set some people off; "a hacker is a so-and-so, you mean a CRACKER (or whatever)!" Sometimes they get pretty darn riled about it, too.
  18. Boy, we got socked in the MidWest. Shoveled twice already and it's as if I hadn't done a thing.
  19. Obsessive compulsive much? I have an open mind as far as words go, as long as people get the idea I don't expect everyone to strictly adhere to some technical jargon. Like (this may set you off, I dunno): Hacker. Yeah, there's a particular definition, but if you say hacker to the general public they have enough of an idea of what it means to accomplish whatever it was you wanted to convey. Now, people who don't use their turn signals ... THAT sets me off!
  20. A small boy was lost at a large shopping mall. He approached a uniformed policeman and said, "I've lost my grandpa!" The cop asked, "What's he like?" The little boy replied, "Crown Royal and big boobies."
  21. JDoors

    My Project

    Is he being generous, or does he simply recognize a money machine when he sees one? Must be nice to have it running properly again.
  22. I remember a MicroSoft Knowledge Base article that clearly stated MSCONFIG was for troubleshooting purposes only and once the problem program is found you must reinstate it using MSCONFIG then remove the program using the correct method. If I recall it has to do with the fact that Microsoft cannot guarantee that MSCONFIG will know how to remove all traces of a program, just what's listed in conformance to Windows' standards. And we all know how well programmers stick to Windows' standards, don't we? So you may wind up with bits 'n' pieces left behind that could cause problems, including memory