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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Headlight goes out on the way to work. When I used to work on cars for a living that meant you unscrewed a metal frame, unplugged the bulb, plugged in the new bulb and screwed the frame back in. But no-o-o-o-ooo ... I pop the hood. You can't see anything, there are plastic covers over the access to the headlights. Hey, they're hinged, convenient, no? OK, there's a hole in the metalwork the size of a small child's fist ... You can't actually SEE anything because there's no way for light to get in there ... So ... get out the worklight. But, the only way to illuminate the bulb assembly is to h
  2. JDoors

    Ice Bergs

    It'd have to be a pretty tiny iceberg for there to be any danger of one rolling with just the weight of a chopper and a few tourists. I'm not sayin' it's smart to land on one, or that there aren't other dangers, but rolling? No. Start a web page! NZICE.COM! Sell t-shirts! You have to strike while the iron's hot man! So to speak.
  3. No problems with confidence then? SO cool, sweeping the elections. Go Goats!
  4. I'm sure on the web you can find someone who wasn't satisfied, there seems to be a negative site about every product ever produced by man or nature, but I've never heard anything negative about SpinRite. I've been purchasing (and using freeware) from GRC since the Windows 3.x days and have always been impressed with the quality, useability, small footprint and trouble-free software he writes.
  5. But it says it's true RIGHT THERE IN THE STORY!
  6. Sesame Street was after my time, so what does that make me?!?
  7. Well if that don't just make a TON of sense! Put basic software on the web. It looks just like a drawing program of a few years ago (I didn't experiment too much) so WHY NOT just put it in a web page?
  8. JDoors

    Retail Me Not

    I typed in some of the stores I shop with online and some useable coupons came up for some, some I wouldn't use, and one store got no results -- but I'm bookmarking it for later use!
  9. JDoors


    No, but if you like I can send you a package via snail-mail. Might smell a bit by the time it gets there.
  10. Must be something about old age in there -- Gets creaky, breaks down, something.
  11. My only problem with Slevin was that Josh What's-his-name just isn't up to the level to carry a movie like this. Everyone else in the movie was better than he was -- In my opinion (well, against Ben Kingsley, Morgan Freeman, Stanley Tucci, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu and Danny Aiello anybody would have a tough time shining). The story was great fun though.
  12. JDoors

    Ice Bergs

    Huge icebergs have to affect the temps of the ocean 'round there -- hope it's not a disaster-in-the-making. Must be fascinating to see though.
  13. You sure that was the local art gallery and not the local strip club?
  14. JDoors


    Well, obviously I wasn't about to let her starve to death! After a few days I'd just break the dried up rock of fish-flavored food out of the bowl and gave her something I knew she'd eat. I'm guessin' she supplemented her diet with mice, mole, bird and rabbit meat (which she would upon occasion offer to me, gee, thanks).
  15. JDoors

    My Project

    My previous car had many nice things about it, I enjoyed owning it every day. But every month or so something serious would be found that had to be repaired. I figured paying for repairs was no worse than paying a monthly payment on a new car, so I kept bringing it in to the shop. One of those times I got a call from the shop, "It's time to give up." He was making money on me but even he didn't want to put any more into this car. I sold it and got a small loan for a car that has had, in five years (knock wood) only a few minor problems, all easily and cheaply resolved (oops, except for the A.
  16. I loved some of the related ones even better.
  17. JDoors


    Doh. Of course. Aside: My cat hated fish-flavored cat food. Chicken, beef, even turkey, fine. Tuna-fish flavor? Salmon flavor? Would. Not. Touch. It. She'd rather starve and let it dry up into a rock than touch it. Oddly, she'd eat real canned tuna.
  18. Oh boy ... Like I need another excuse to spend time online ... --resists the urge -- for now-- Good idea though, and when I'm ready to blog it's nice to know there's a place to go.
  19. A laudible goal, getting guys to use hankerchiefs, clean up their bathrooms and all. But facials? Ugh. If you want a girl, date a girl. (Just kidding! Not entirely.) They certainly have a point about available resources for guys, (GQ, they don't mention it but the articles in Playboy, etc.) all are aimed at "metrosexuals" rather than just us guys. Many people, not just guys, are somehow missing out on common-sense information. I'm reminded of a conversation I had where I mentioned using a washcloth. I got blank stares. "You use a washcloth?" Um, yeah, we're missing some basic information it
  20. JDoors

    My Project

    Looks like you need a job at Honda or a parts store, just think of the benefits. I've had my Explorer for five years or so and I still haven't gotten up the nerve to crawl underneath to check out how much, if any, damage is there from what looks like a previous accident (lots of tiny clues to indicate one). What I don't know can't hurt me!
  21. Could be the battery, considering the age of the system it deserves to be the battery, but no other problems have cropped up (at least, none as unusual or severe as having to reload system resource drivers). As for the modem not connecting (which I'm not sure could be related to the battery) I just chose to leave it on for now. Remind me, is that SFC the program that scans for corrupt or missing files? If it's what I think it is its usefullness is rather limited on a system that's been up and running for this long. SO many files have been replaced over the years it's difficult to know which o
  22. BTW: If you only get an "Open" in the rightclick dialog box, hold the SHIFT key when you rightclick. You should then get the "Open With" dialog that has a checkbox for "Always ... " to make the change permanent. (Old-timers advice, might just apply to '9x)