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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. OMIGOD that's SO funny! I sent 'em out -- can't figure out how to make it available here -- It's too much! OK! Figured out how to show you guys me making an Elf of myself: JDoors Elf'n it up!
  2. Well, I did have some X-mas shopping that had to be done a couple of days ago. I couldn't find what I wanted, and I even went to <drumroll> ... THE MALL! <piercing scream!>. So I wound up buying myself some presents instead. Work ... Boy, it's like they WANT me to be cranky! The first coworker I talked to couldn't WAIT to tell me how much money they made the day I had given away -- A record, in fact. As much in one day as we often make in an entire week! And I gave that day away ... In exchange I'm working Christmas night, which will be dead, and tips will suck.
  3. Me too (for many of the same reasons), and I go back to work tonight after a five day haitus. Not lookin' forward to that. Plus I volunteered to switch with someone so I'll be working the overnight shifts X-mas eve and X-mas day. Why? Oh WHY?!? I guess she caught me when I wasn't at my crankiest. I pity the next fool who asks me to switch ... Oh: And the weather ... it's still raining, pouring in fact. Thunderstorms. "A veil of tears for the virgin birth." Guess most people are grateful we didn't get it all as snow like out West. Still, good weather for crabby people.
  4. I agree, if there's an easy way to avoid a problem, take it. Uh-hem ... As long as the subject in question doesn't now feel the urge to take something other than food; Knick-knacks, clothes, other household items.
  5. Put a 'fridge in there and I'd never have to leave.
  6. Something about those faces is creepy. I'm bookmarking it but not feelin' well so ... for later.
  7. There may be a "template" for envelopes that would automatically set the margins, landscape or portrait mode, etc. (I use WordPerfect so I don't know where it'd be or what it'd be called in Word.) I've never really had much luck with printing envelopes easily (no matter what word processor I've used). It usually takes a lot of tweaking (not to mention I've never had a printer that handled envelopes reliably).
  8. It's raining cats 'n' dogs, or so I thought. It was coming down so hard it sounded like I had left a window open, it was THAT loud. I glance outside and it didn't LOOK like it was coming down that hard, but it sure sounded bad. I need to go shopping, open the garage door, and water's POURING out of the gutter along it's entire length. It's like a waterfall. So THAT'S why I heard so much water, I had a waterfall going on over the garage. There's a trickle coming out of the downspout ... There aren't any trees nearby ... so WHAT is blocking the gutter? In the rain, I had to suit up, climb a l
  9. Dang! Some more good advice! The "Test" button is sufficient for checking GFI's, so you should press it occasionally just to be sure. There's no way to check a breaker really, is there? Other than snapping it off or on, not that that would test whether or not it will work when needed. And since surge protectors "wear out," why don't THEY have test buttons? Other than just guessing at whether they're worn out or not, shouldn't there be some built-in way of testing them?
  10. I don't know her or course but from your description it's a mental or emotional problem so I doubt she even needs the items, nor will asking you fulfill whatever's going on in her head (it may be too difficult, even painful, for her to ask). I don't know what the correct thing to do would be -- Confronting her even in a helpful, compassionate manner may not work: "We noticed some items missing, we don't mind, but if there's anything we can do for you let us know, just come right out and tell us what we can do if you feel you need something." I just don't know if that would work or not. Your
  11. It's almost believable that's an actual spec page. Can't argue with that!
  12. Love those! True, oh so true. I collect quotes so here's a bunch on "friendship": Never Explain--your Friends do not need it and your Enemies will not believe you anyway. --Elbert Hubbard If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone; one should keep his friendships in constant repair. --Samuel Johnson Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache; do be my enemy--for friendship's sake. --William Blake The only way to have a friend is to be one. --Ralph Waldo Emerson Friendship without self-interest is one of the rare a
  13. (Man! I've been robbed more often than I thought!) Had my storage locker cleaned out when I lived in an apartment. Kids, they took all the stuff I'd kept since I was a kid (including a beautiful chess set given to me by my Dad). All I'm gonna say about the kleptomaniac is, it's not uncommon. As long as it's restricted to stupid stuff, let it go. What's a can of tuna or soup? It's annoying and offensive, but she likely has a mental or emotional disability -- Have a heart.
  14. That's pretty much been code for ... forever. My house is 22 years old and it's got GFI circuits for the baths and garage (though ... not in the kitchen ... Hmm -- I seem to remember something about too many false triggers in kitchens so they're not required there by code). I like the idea of whole-house surge protection, but the cost is prohibitive for me (parts & labor). At my old job I knew the electricians and could get work done by bartering ... no such luck now. I can do minor work, but rewiring at the breaker box? Uh, no.
  15. Some have been favorites of mine, one or two were new to me and are hilarious, some are ... not that punny.
  16. Oh! Good one. Probably told this a while ago but: A roommate asked me to help set up the TV/VCR/Stereo in his room. Pulled out the cabinet and ... why ... there's the ruby ring my father made for me, sitting behind the VCR. That's, umm, odd, isn't it? I'm terribly forgetful so rather than accusing him of anything right away, I ignored the ring until I had some time to think if I had loaned it to him or not (it's a possibility). Later, no, I hadn't. When he wasn't home so I went to retrieve my ring ... it's no longer there. Huh. Imagine that. When I knew he wouldn't be home for a while I went
  17. I've always used one card so any problems would be more obvious, unfortunately it's not accepted everywhere (Discover - no particular reason I chose that one that I can remember, likely I didn't use it often elsewhere). I hate when I have to use another account. I've turned down offers or cancelled purchases just because they would not accept the card I want to use (and wrote letters explaining why they lost a sale).
  18. I owned an earlier Mustang Cobra -- Hoo-boy, the winter travels stories I have ... NOT a good Winter car (though I never got entirely stuck due to the awesomeness of my driving skills ... uh-hem. It's difficult to believe that anyone would be so used to front-wheel-drive they would put chains on the front of a rear-wheel-drive car -- but pictures never lie, right? Chains aren't even allowed in my state. Nothing to do with anything, I just like to ramble.
  19. Got an e-mail from my ISP reminding me my current credit card is due to expire, "Click here" to update my account. Since I know my card's due to expire, and I know the correct site address for my account (been there too many times) I went ahead and clicked the link. However, remember, you really SHOULD use another method of going to an account. The e-mail could have been spoofed, the site it leads you to could have been spoofed. You wouldn't want to type in your credit card information into a spoofed site (to state the obvious). Either use a current "favorites" link or type in a known addre
  20. We'll have to remember to add that potential problem to the advice we give when the question comes up again.
  21. I lucked out and got an industrial surge protector through work, but it's really past due to be replaced (another issue: They don't last forever). Maybe Santa Claus will have one in his sleigh?
  22. Aww! He loves you SO much he welded YOUR name on his jackstands! What a LOVELY gesture!
  23. Oooo! I forgot about that! A friend had his furnace go out, I loan him my new space heater. Months later he hadn't returned it, I had to go get it. "It's in the basement." Yeah, the damp, soggy basement. It's no longer a new space heater, it's rusted and dented. Grrr. I loan another friend my new folding ladder. Months later he hadn't returned it, I had to go get it. "It's out back." Yeah, out in the rain and snow. It's no longer a new ladder, it's corroded and has paint spilled on it. Grrr.
  24. Heaters that get hot enough to ignite surrounding material or have exposed heating elements need the tipover switch, oil-filled and forced air (the heating element is enclosed) don't get hot enough to ignite surrounding material. Nice add concerning generators. I really would have thought that running one in a garage with the door open would be "safe enough." But then, I'm pretty dumb. ------
  25. I agree, almost any radio with a good antenna is the way to go with CB. Have a safe trip, and be especially nice to truckers, they've saved me from many a ticket (one time they surrounded me, forcing me to slow down, I thought they were being aggressive but they were actually "hiding" me from a trooper -- as soon as we passed the trooper they spread out and let me fly!).