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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. My Dad always instilled in me an appreciation for just how good things are NOW. He'd say, for example, "Sure I remember when bread was a nickel a loaf, but I only made eight dollars a week!" He was always in awe of advances in technology, and never got over being amazed when he saw an airplane lift off ("I know the science behind it, but it never ceases to amaze me that something THAT BIG and THAT HEAVY can fly"). That may be why the following has always been one of my favorite quotes: He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. --Alber
  2. JDoors

    My Project

    I wasn't even going to comment on the paper boo-boo since it sounds exactly like something that I'd do.
  3. I guess we're in the same boat. I saved the last Earthlink CD they randomly mailed out JUST for the purpose of reinstalls when their updates fail. How sad is that? I'm eventually gonna give up Earthlink. That sucks since I've had the same e-mail address for freakin' ages, but I've had it with their poor programming. I'm considering another ISP and upgrading my firewall/antivirus to a full-boat protection package (yeah, I could use free stuff, but I've not been entirely satisfied with that stuff either -- my first firewall was ... what was it called? TinyFirewall or something? It trashed my en
  4. WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I HAD MY PROBLEM!!! I kept trying to think of a way to disable the toolbar from outside IE, I tried various things (all the different options dialogs in the Earthlink software -- why oh why can't they have ONE option page? -- IE tools, etc.), but didn't think about HJT. Dangit.
  5. Nice! Looks line one happy family! I think the only pictures we have of our family always have someone yelling at someone else somewhere in the photo.
  6. Hate to be picky but this one is from one of my favorite authors, P.J. O'Rourke. I still remember when I came across that line in a book of his a dozen or so years ago, I laughed my behind off. I also happened to see the quote used in an article recently and it was attributed to him. And Babs said THAT?!? Hey, I found a quote from "Lynn Lavner" in my quote database:
  7. As someone who's been on both sides, it's curious how all my drinking buddies became boorish morons once I stopped drinking. I stopped drinking, and THEY changed?
  8. This time I'll spare you the actual details of the "do this-es" and "do thats" (over three hours with "live help" yesterday and the problem was still not resolved). The Earthlink Toolbar had an update. The toolbar has the popup blocker, cookie management, scam analyzer and other handy protection tools. An update? You bet! I wasn't able to get IE to run until today when I manually went through the registry and files removing all traces of the software. You can't turn the toolbar "off" except via the toolbar itself, the toolbar does not show unless IE is running, but IE won't run if the toolba
  9. Sounds like sound advice, but my tools were all engraved with my name, a fairly uncommon one, and it made no difference whatsoever to the type of person who would borrow and not return or who would outright steal. They don't care about your property or what you do with it. They're either thoughtless or malicious. Though bright pink or lavender are good color choices if you're going to make an effort.
  10. JDoors

    My Project

    I was doing an engine rebuild with a buddy and we painted the engine parts in my apartment. (Hoo-boy, were we dumb!) We were both blowin' blue snot for weeks after that. Hope you have good ventilation!
  11. Here's the thing: I used to moderate a help board back when '9x was the new-fangled cutting edge OS, after having been a DOS and 3.x moderator. (And ain't that a hoot just thinking about '9x being cutting edge?) We'd often get flamers saying Apple this, Apple that. And you know what I did? I went to the Apple boards and counted the posts. There were just as many as in the Windows boards. I bet, I know, it's plain and obvious, that help boards did not disappear or diminish once XP became the standard. You rarely see any questions concerning '9x because the OS itself is becoming rare, yet, ther
  12. I've always like this one and have actually used it in conversation. And just in case anyone is ever offended by a joke here:
  13. As long as we're talking about stealing from co-workers: I was fairly used to loaning out tools and sometimes having to make the effort to get them back, and also used to, but never content with, tools walking off on their own. A co-worker needed help moving and when I opened his home toolbox for a screwdriver to disassemble his bed, my initials were on "his" screwdriver. I pointed that out to him and he said, "Oh ... this is embarrassing." Embarrassing, indeed.
  14. First thought: You're getting old -- "New-fangled cars and operating systems!" Next thought: People have always had to make the choice between the latest and greatest (umm, not sure if 'greatest' applies to XP). Between sorted out and cutting edge. Between what's comfortable and what needs an entirely new skillset. More thoughts: The Ford and '9x may be relatively reliable, but at some point repairs become increasingly difficult due to a paucity of parts, or a lack of compatible software (and NO updates). I think we tend to forget or let slide the problems older cars and OS's have
  15. All clever turns of a phrase, but not any stranger than real songs. "I can't let you say goodbye," aww, what a sweet sentiment ... right? Willie Nelson I Just Can't Let You Say Goodbye I had not planned on seeing you, I was afraid of what I'd do. But pride is strong here am I, and I just can't let you say goodbye. Please have no fear you're in no harm, as long as you're here in my arms. But you can't leave, so please don't try, but I just can't let you say goodbye. What force behind your evil mind, can let your lips speak so unkind, To one who loves as much as I, I just can't let you say goodb
  16. Almost too accurate to be funny.
  17. The "police blotter" in the local paper almost always has items about the theft of construction equipment. Ticks me off. Hope something leads you to recovery.
  18. Just to be fair: Forensic archeologists discovered fingerprints on an ancient map that, after DNA analysis, are believed to belong to a human male. Scientists are waiting for confirmation of these results as the scientific community does not believe it is possible.
  19. Made me smile (let 'er rip to over 1000!).
  20. ... However, chocolate, ice cream and pizza still considered to be healthy alternatives to brocolli, spinach and whole wheat.
  21. JDoors

    My Project

    I hadn't noticed the color difference on the bumper 'til you mentioned it. Oh ... Yeah ... I see. Is that a "metallic" color? Definitely hard to match. As for price, is the factory color that much more expensive than the gloss black you are using? ('Course, if you already had the black ... )
  22. Take into consideration that you have not found any significant malware, which implies you have safe surfing habits in place that protect you before the stuff gets on your drive. I would be far more concerned then about the waste of time daily scans incur than any wear and tear on the drive (drives almost always outlast their usefullness anyway, no matter how they're used). BTW, the "warning" about cookies is nearly always overblown (they are rarely malicious in nature -- and considering you don't "catch" anything else you're likely not visiting sites that use them in an objectionable manner)
  23. No way man! I wanna STAY on his "nice" list!
  24. Would you have downloaded a program from a stranger? I guess that is just a natural thing for me to avoid so I was genuinely shocked that someone would (not that I've even been in a situation where someone I didn't know tried to get me to download something -- wait ... a long time ago, I barely remember popups, but I knew to deny it even then). He hasn't said a thing to me about his computer since so he's either fixed it, or I reacted in such a way he isn't going to come to me for help any more. The latter's a bit embarrassing, but I can live with it.
  25. JDoors

    My Project

    Why not match the paint? Afraid it won't match well enough?