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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    Mlb Tv

    I'm not interested in sports, but I will say that I've been watching more and more full-length features online, most recently a BBC documentary debunking global warming. Hey, we're sittin' in front of this darn thing anyway, so ... why not?
  2. JDoors


    ... And we're in one of the lowest taxed nations!
  3. JDoors


    Like this? College kids allegedly raced off from a stoplight, lost control and smashed into a column killing them all. That used to be an RX-8.
  4. (Couldn't really see anything in the video ... ) I've seen one close enough you could see the flames licking around the fireball and hear the roar as it passed overhead. Cool.
  5. A lot of good ones, but that one speaks to me.
  6. JDoors


    In a way you're lucky you didn't witness something much worse. There are a lot of pictures on the Internet of accident victims, and some of the worst are from motorcycle accidents. (I have finally gotten it through my friend's and family's heads that I do not wish to have such pictures forwarded my way -- I've seen more than enough thankyouverymuch.)
  7. Reminds me of the small town near my Grandma's farm. We were in a store on the town square and this dirty, smelly guy in overalls comes in. The clerk dropped us like a hot potato and went to help the grimy guy. I asked about that and was told ALL the reasons farmers were served first. The one reason that stuck with me was that they had cash (not necessarily my Grandma, but in general) and had arranged to be in town for one reason only: To spend it! As for impressions one country has of another, well, in the USA we think all Aussies live on the edge of the Outback, carry big-ass knives and wre
  8. JDoors


    I have to admit I did a lot of stupid things when I was younger. Did I think I knew what I was doing? Yup. Did I think I might hurt myself or someone else? Nope. It was only after a lot of experience that I learned I was not immune from, nor in control of, the laws of Nature. When I see someone doing something stupid at a distance I pray they survive long enough to get some sense and don't hurt anyone in the meantime. When someone does something stupid and they nearly involve me, after my adrenaline fades I let it go (unless it's apparent they are intoxicated in which case I call the polic
  9. I definitely remember the name, but only vaguely remember ever visiting. Wonder if you can regain your popularity once you've been gone?
  10. I'm surprised, though not shocked, to find out some people believe we are all rich-beyond-reason Hollywood spoiled brats. We still have farmers struggling to keep up, country folk livin' in cabins eeking out a living, city folk making just enough to get by as long as they visit the local charity to get enough food to feed their kids, and, though it's an incredibly small percentage of our total population, people so desperately poor they don't have enough to eat or a place to sleep (and, of course, all too many who have no intention of ever making an honest, decent living). I guess t
  11. JDoors


    Nuclear energy makes me nervous, but Chernobyl is a bad example as it was a poor design, poorly maintained, with poorly trained, poorly paid workers who made mistakes once trouble started, and a poorly prepared government that made HUGE mistakes once the extent of the problem was known. A worst-case scenario if ever there were one. The one thing that truly fills me with emotion is knowing how many of those poor workers intentionally sacrificed their lives to try to contain the damage. They went into the worst areas of radiation ... because it HAD to be done, knowing it would soon kill them. Ve
  12. JDoors


    I'm still using '98SE. After one update Spybot started acting goofy (freezing for longer and longer periods of time) and eventually crashed. Now it just crashes, I can't run it long enough to update or run a scan (as I said, I even d/l'ed a fresh copy), so it's been uninstalled, never to be seen again. Both Spybot and AdAware have found the occasional surprise (like dialers - I have NO idea how those things get on here since I am a safe-surfer ... or so I thought). I've always turned off scanning for things that were unimportant to me (like MRU's, I'm the only one that uses this computer so I
  13. JDoors


    The frogs look like they could be a cute art project for kids.
  14. That's hilarious (and reminds me of the pic of the hunter that was, err, caught with his pants down, when shot came that he could not pass up).
  15. JDoors

    Tax Returns

    I don't get this (yes, I've heard the reasons, but I just don't "get" it). Why, oh why, would you voluntarily pay nearly $100 a week YOU DON'T OWE THEM. Couldn't you USE an extra $100 each and every week of the year? All you have to do to get it is modify your W4 and bam! An extra $100 shows up in your paycheck. If you enjoy "saving" money fill out another form and have that $100 automatically deposited into a savings account (which you will have access to in emergencies). Same results, but you actually get PAID even MORE money in interest (not much these days, I admit). Complaining about ta
  16. JDoors


    I never signed up as a beta tester for anything. I had to remove Spybot as it was crashing my system. I even tried d/l'ing a new copy -- no good, still crashes my system. Must've been some update they added that no longer works with pre-xp computers.
  17. JDoors

    Tax Returns

    I refuse to pay more taxes than I have to so I never get back enough to plan a shopping spree. And this year preliminary results indicate I may have to pay (so I got free use of their money all year long, HAH! Take that Uncle Sam!).
  18. I remember seeing a video of this ... must've been a comedy skit on some show. Or, in this day and age, home video of the actual event!
  19. Sigh ... at least they're all funny!
  20. JDoors


    The mobile home phenomena in the U.S. is likely due to more than a dozen reasons, some of which are; less restrictive laws (particularly in rural areas, mobile homes are eventually legislated out of existence once as an area becomes more urban, lower standards can be looked at as less safety, or as more freedom to do as you please, less nanny-ism as it were), vast open lands (more places to put mobile homes, adequate transportation infrastructure to serve those rural areas, and a high percentage of automobile ownership, even for lower income families, to use that transportation infrastructure
  21. Um, weren't the sea lions there before the docks and boats?
  22. JDoors

    Eagle Cam

    What?!? Are you suggesting people insulate themselves from the true, um, nature, of Nature? Survival of the fittest and all that. (BTW, even I get weirded out by the nature of Nature sometimes, for example, the Cuckoo bird's reproductive technique.)
  23. JDoors


    You might be interested in a web search for: TORNADO ALLEY ------ Wow, I just did it to be sure stuff would show up ... 55,000 hits. If you don't wanna browse I bet the Wikipedia entry would be sufficient.