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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Oh yeah, I "forgot" to also mention I have CRS syndrome. It's so frustrating as several friends and I have Netflix subscriptions and if I'm not near a computer where I can look things up I'm always saying, "Oh man, I saw this great movie, you should put it in your list, it's ... umm, about ... something ... and the name -- oh heck I'll never remember the name!" End of conversation! As for antacids, I had severe pain that was always diagnosed as heartburn (using all the latest terms for it) for YEARS, until the pain got so bad they actually looked and found the problem, which got fixed. During
  2. Well, Windows Blinds has to embed itself deep into the OS to perform its magic, so nearly anything else that's modifying the OS (antivirus for example) may be causing a conflict. You could do some manual troubleshooting by turning off all programs* that start with Windows except WB, then see if the problem goes away. If it does, add back one program at a time until you find what's conflicting with WB. Then check for an update to THAT program. Personally, though I love to tweak the look of Windows to my preferences, I haven't used a troublefree utility since the Windows 3.x days. I've given up
  3. Pete, in another thread, mentioned that after much worry and medical investigation, his problem was that he was sleeping on one side all the time. Change sides, problem solved. Which reminded me how similar a situation I've had. My left arm was hurting inexplicably. Worry, worry, test, test, etc. Yup, I was sleeping on that side too much. BUT ... If I sleep on my right side, then I get heartburn (same for sleeping on my stomach). So, sleeping on my back is the solution? Oh Jeez, I don't know why but I cannot do that. I'll almost ... drift ... off ... Then I HAVE TO TURN NOW! So ... I wind u
  4. Hmm, did somebody recognize themselves in this little story, huh? I guess I, at least, jumped to the conclusion that that person was just an angry, lawsuit happy, ungrateful witch. (Writing that out makes me feel a bit guilty.) Not that I have never dealt with that type of person before (which is why I took the jump; been there, done that). Then there's the issue of dealing with people who are so angry, for whatever reason, you can't teach them. They make you feel like you're just trying to make excuses for bunging up their computer or are trying to get OUT of fixing it (which, in thei
  5. That's all WAY over my head ... Now I gotta worry about googling? What's the definition, in layman's terms, of "appliance?" Application? Such as "Local," "Images," etc.?
  6. Funny, but in the same way that VW Polo commercial was funny: Rude, crude and socially unacceptable. BTW, you have good taste: The stuff you host is mostly well chosen. Oh, and the computer-generated music video? Did ya know there's a whole DVD of those available? A web search for "Animusic" would lead you to the DVD and sites that host several other similar videos (the one with the word 'pipes' in it is awesome).
  7. I actually stopped fixin' friends & family's computers for this reason: Once you're done anything that goes wrong from that point on becomes your fault. Delete the IE cache and they get a virus? It's your fault! Run Ad-Aware and their video driver becomes corrupted from using a poorly written game? It's your fault! Enough. Take it to someone who gets paid to put up with that.
  8. SO cool! Funnies, AND insight! It's like I'm learning AND having fun!
  9. Knowing the type of folks here this may be unnecessary, but if your security software isn't up-to-date you will want to be careful: I've been getting a LOT of viruses via e-mail lately (they're all blocked by my software). Far, far more than usual. Must be a lot of newly infected machines out there and/or a particularly nasty varient in the wild. CAREFUL.
  10. Of couse the ideal resolution would be to fix the reason those programs are crashing. An uninstall/reinstall for WB and a Add/Remove Programs/IE/Repair for example. There are ways of telling Windows to ignore hung programs and shut down no matter what, but that should never be used as the solution to this type of problem. Doing so can be like hitting the power button on the PC -- You will eventually wind up with corrupted files. As Windows and other programs shut down many perform housecleaning duties such as saving and closing files, writing to the registry, logs, and other files, among oth
  11. So she's another one of those "I think I've been harmed in some way SO I'LL SUE!!" types of people, similar to the "I'm gonna call the POLICE!!" types. If she's got XP restore it to the condition it was in before you fixed it.
  12. Yaaaahhhh! New Rant, just like the old rant! Tech support! I boot up today, walk away to pour the coffee, return and my firewall has plastered alerts all over the screen. "This application is requesting access to the Internet; Allow, Block, etc." Hey, I allowed that application years ago but then computers suck and things go wrong all the time so what the heck, click, "Allow." "This application is requesting access to the Internet; Allow, Block, etc." Look buddy, I just clicked allow ... ok, relax, click, "Allow." You can guess. The same alerts popping up repeatedly, an endless loop. Thou
  13. JDoors

    Bird Flu

    Sounds like a personal view that'll start some flamin'! (And I so agree that those who insert their same, tired, old, unjustifiable, unrelated, phobic attitude about some politician into their posts is annoying, but it's very likely a part of their every-day personal, school and/or workplace conversation so it would be impossible for them to filter it out here just 'cause it's annoying to us. )
  14. Six weeks ... Just before X-mas. Good luck on the hunt.
  15. Are trackballs still available? You don't have to "grasp" the larger ones like you do with a mouse. I recall others have said they use them because of their arthritis. Windows itself has some "accessiblity" options that can be helpful so don't forget to check those out. Also it's a good idea to use a lower resolution display than you might choose for yourself (smaller numbers in the Display/Settings box): Larger items are easier to click on. Check the mouse settings once you install one, some have a "detect accidental doubleclicks" option that helps.
  16. I say something heartfelt that on any other board would be considered "flame-bait" but here, on a board chock full o' maturity, I'm told they understand what I'm trying to say! Thanks Liz.
  17. Sadly, I have had a bad Craftsman lawnmower experience. Twenty years ago I bought a cheap-0 "Murray." A few small repairs, but it lasted over fifteen years. When it finally crapped out I go buy a Craftsman. Man, what a beauty, all the features I ever wanted. It quit in the middle of the first job. I haul it to the repair joint, pick it up the next day, and it quit the first try. I haul it to the repair joint, pick it up and it quit the first try. <patience....> I haul it to the repair joint, pick it up and you guessed it, it quit the first try. I hauled it to the nearest store, got my m
  18. How'd you do the repair install if the CD drive doesn't work and the system won't boot? It's messed up man! REFORMAT:REINSTALL Why wouldn't you be able to reinstall your Internet? <edit> Sorry, it's gettin' difficult to keep track. If I got it, your new one won't even get to the BIOS screen? (Using whatever key combo is required for your system?)
  19. JDoors

    Bird Flu

    Considering the panic & economic destruction Mad Cow has caused throughout the world while we have seen few effects (even though we eat more beef than most), actually, I think I have some confidence they'll at least contain the problem here (and that surprises me!). Plus, all the news coverage is just as likely caused by the "chicken little" syndrome as it is by any actual or immediate threat here. However, chicken farming does not lend itself to the same controls as raising beef, so ...
  20. If you live near a CarMax their website is great for "browsing" for available vehicles. Just fill in what you're looking for, hit search, and a list of available vehicles comes up. Check off the ones you want to look into and it'll show more details on just those so you can compare them side-by-side. CarMax <edit> So five years ago I searched their site for "cars under $10,000," found a few, went there to look and bought one (99.99% satisfied with both car & dealer, not bad odds for a used car & any car dealer). Now I see, five years later, I can get the same vehicle but five ye
  21. I'm OK with "moving" wetlands, and as long as it's a public park it'll never be up for development again so it becomes permanent wetlands. Um, it does become a permanent taxpayer financial liability however, so I hope they take that into consideration (grab all they can from that developer while they're hot to build). Note: The following sounds harsh and I apologize for the tone, but the same thing is being played out all across the country. Wal-Mart IS fulfilling a need and has become very successful doing so, I just hate seeing the fallout from it (and I have seen it documented and personal
  22. Modern boards and electronics aren't as finicky as they used to be. As long as you're not shuffling across the carpet then picking up the CPU with your bare hands, static isn't likely to be a problem. If you touched any metal part of the case beforehand you very likely discharged any static that could cause a problem, plugged in or not.
  23. Just take a nap until the power comes back on! Another thread solved by ... Oh, wait ...
  24. You got a garage it'll fit into?!? (I can picture that thing shuffling through the snow though!) One of the many interesting things at that site was the movie of the guy climbing up into it. He looked a bit shaky, scared even! Like, "Holy crap ... I'm gonna die ... the things I do for this crappy job ... "
  25. OK, one of the reasons I can't learn is, let me edit your post to show you how it looks to me: See my problem? (I get it, but if I don't do something drastic it'll go in one ear and out the other -- so forgive me havin' a little fun wit' ya.)