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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Saved, and saved. I hadn't seen the first one before and the second was lost with others during that aforementioned dark times.
  2. Thanks! I lost that link during "the dark time" (o/w known as a reformat).
  3. Looks like your refresh rate is already high enough (85Mhz). Since it's a CRT monitor you can set your resolution at anything that suits your fancy, 1024 on a 17" monitor makes things pretty small. That's great for fitting more information onscreen at one time, but it can be more difficult to read text. A lower resolution might give you some relief (at the expense of having less information onscreen). If lowering the resolution doesn't help (after you give it some time to get used to the difference), or possibly in ANY case, you'll probably need to take more breaks. Focusing your eyes at diff
  4. Dinosaurs wanna know: What effect will unregistering that DLL have? What services or features will be disabled?
  5. JDoors

    Energy Prices

    Wanted to title this "Natural Gas" to differentiate it from the gasoline thread, but we all know where THAT could lead. So, I've been worried sick over what my next natural gas bill was gonna be. Friends and family have reported two hundred, two-fifty, three hundred dollar gas bills. Whoa, I can't afford that! We had a long spell of temps that hovered around 0 degrees F., it seemed like the furnace was on all the time. I had the thermostat set fairly low but Jeez, I got tired of feeling chilly so I eventually turned it up to a reasonable setting. Then the outside temps moderated, thank goodn
  6. So to avoid gorging on unhealthy food, your advice is to stop being lazy? That'll never work!
  7. Doesn't sound like you're really the tattoo 'type.' Maybe you could consider wearing an angel-themed piece of jewelry; an earing, pendant or ring instead. (I don't recommend this, but I did a web image search for TATTOO INFECTION, I knew what would come up ... and it did. Yeah, ya really don't wanna look at that.)
  8. JDoors


    Something I've noticed: When I've been at the computer for a long time, my feet swell up. One of the first things I do in the morning is slip on my 'boat' shoes (mocassin-like) to fetch the paper. Later in the day I go online and, well, waste an hour or more. When I then prepare to put something in the mailbox or fetch the mail I go to slip on those same shoes, and I can BARELY get them on! Is it because I'm sitting for so long? Or sippin' coffee the whole time? Could it possibly be an indication of something else? I'm on my feet at work all day, when I'm just lounging 'round the house I us
  9. Eh, seems like harmless fun -- IF it's done as harmless fun and NOT to intimidate. Like any horsing around it can get out of control though, so don't expect it to last long. ONE incident, and the whip cracks.
  10. I don't know the cost -- But are you asking here as a delay tactic? Go ask at a tatoo parlor (if they call them that)! It won't hurt to ask, and you (probably) won't get an infection just by talking to them. They'll also have tons of art you should look into for more inspiration. I'm sure there's a lot of 'angelic' artwork that might be even more meaningful for you than what you have so far. Looking, asking, without the commitment to actually GET a tatoo should also help you get more comfortable with the place. Ask about sanitation (any place will have excellent sanitation practices, u
  11. 1) Television (Why oh why do I watch mindless crap when I could be doing something else? 'Cause it's on TV! OK, I can turn if off, what do I do now? Go to #2!) 2) The computer (Similar to #1, 90% wasted time.) 3) Watching what I eat (I have to or I'd weigh 600 lbs, BUT ... that leads to, "Holy Jesus Christ I haven't had a burger/taco/pizza/chocolate/ice cream/etc. in six months and I want one now Now NOW! Two of them! Four! Keep 'em comin' 'til I get sick!) 4) Sales (When pizza/chocolate/ice cream/etc. goes on sale ... I'm a sucker for a sale!) 5) Drive-throughs (Encourages laziness & unhe
  12. Some cool effects there (I can't figure out how you did some of them). Good lighting too.
  13. I can't comment on individual products or deals, but having read the site's policies it looks fine. They spell out everything necessary (though I didn't find their privacy policy so you might want to check that out). They supply an address and telephone number. They use secure pages. All good signs, things you want to look for. They list several "ratings" but anybody can make those up, I didn't track the ratings down, again, you might want to click on those to see if they're legit, second-party, unbiased sources, rather than just their interpretation of the data they have from their customers
  14. A medical story in the "Say Something Nice" thread? A first! BTW, regarding the wait in line for the cashier to actually fix a problem rather than just pass it on: The lady behind me did not take it so well. I don't recall her comments but she made two that showed obvious impatience with the whole deal. Also, I let the cashier know when she apologized for the wait that I appreciated her taking care of the problem properly.
  15. I'll read it later, it's time for my Siesta.
  16. I'm sure it's partly oversight, not thinking about access, and partly fascination with power, that is, the original games used text because the technology didn't exist for voices, now that voice capability is a given, they all want to use it and displaying text might seem "backwards" to programmers. Write, write, write to the game developers, dedicated magazines, Congressmen, anybody who'll listen to you.
  17. What, exactly, is the engine for? To turn the rotisserie? Now THAT is overkill! Yee-hah!
  18. There is only one "official" site to receive your free annual credit report, here: Official Annual Credit Report Site Any other site may or may not provide unfettered access to your credit report. Some have been known to "accidentally" sign you up for unnecessary services, costing you money. The above link is the ONLY official site. ====== So I decided to take my own advice and get my reports. You select up to three credit report agencies to visit. Essentially you click "Next" to go to the first, when you're done at that site there's a button on top of the page to return to the Annual Credit
  19. Hopefully this link bypasses the advertisement if you still haven't been able to see it. Wow, that was totally positive. No if's and's or but's. "... In tests conducted at Vinson's lab, coffee topped the list of foods that are densest in antioxidants, surpassing blueberries, broccoli, and most other produce. Only chocolate, dried fruits, and dried beans ranked higher. ..." Better than broccoli? Yee-hah!
  20. OK, this could've gone in the "Rant" thread if I had a different outlook on life: Shopping ... So the person in front of me at the register has an unlabeled item. Uh-oh, this rarely turns out well. The cashier is searching, and searching, and searching ... Can't find any clue as to the value of the item. She dials the associated department and is obviously connected to another person without a clue. Another cashier comes over, reads something on the item, it's a holiday "giveaway" at $1.99 IF you purchase three unrelated items. The customer says, "Oh, no thanks then. You know what? This wasn
  21. If it's anything like copyright tricks used in the early days of software, the ones who make it too difficult will either give up or risk falling by the wayside. MicroSoft is the only one that has successfully (?) implemented an inconvenience on consumers that only serves to protect the manufacturer, but they're the BIG exception. No one has THAT kind of power in the music industry to force their crappy ideas on consumers. Just get your content elsewhere. (Anybody want a copy of InfoWorld's Product of the Year, Javelin? Yeah, it's twenty years old but it's never been used! 'Cause I kept crash
  22. Good Lord!!! Where on Earth are you?!? They shove carts into each other there? I'm stunned! I've been bumped maybe three times? Four, tops? And I'm over 50, so that's a lot of shopping experience. (Picturing Mad Max shopping carts with razor blades and pointy objects sticking out -- "Arrgghh, take THAT!" I'll take the model with guns a'blazin'! "Outta the way mister!" Tat-a-tat-a-tat!)
  23. Always enjoy the pics, now, how about a pic of the new camera? C'mon, share the geekness.
  24. Though this is also a pet peeve of mine, it's moderated somewhat by knowing "keep to the right" is a cultural thing, and we ain't all from the same culture. Sure, I could say, "Hey buddy! You live HERE now! Follow our rules!" But I'm not yet at that stage of cynicism and anger. I give it ten more years.
  25. I don't know which makes me angrier; kids outrageous and unchecked behavior in school, parents who deny that their kids could possibly do anything wrong, or people who stop and thoughtlessly block the path for others. [rant] They're about equal, though I have to deal with path-blockers every day where I work and of course whenever I shop. At work I just accept it, I have to or I'd go insane(er) (I usuallly try to let out a little chuckle, thinking to myself, "I cannot believe how many people are this thoughtless!"), but I'm always disappointed when some idiot blocks the aisle in the grocery st