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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. I get it, you don't like him. So essentially the 'vulnerability' was deliberate, but just a leftover from when it was necessary and of no security concern. Typical sloppy Microsoft coding then?
  2. Hey! I worship that guy. I've been a fan of his programming skills since the Windows 3.x days, anybody who programs in machine language as a matter of course is a God in my book. "Gee, I'll just whip up a utility to do such-and-such, here we go: 110001100110001110001110001111100011000, done!" I d/l'ed the utility mentioned and, as always, I was taken by surprise at how quickly it downloaded (because machine language takes up so little space). Again because it's in machine language his stuff is FAST. And he is scrupulous about not leaving stuff in memory, not needing DLL's and other crap all o
  3. ( ... Wondering how big a monitor I'd have to own to display that in IE without scroll bars ... )
  4. And from the horse's mouth: Steve Gibson's site -- topic currently on top of page. There's also a utility to test if your system is still vulnerable (Windows 2000 and up only).
  5. No matter what I do all I can save is the thumbnail. If I click a thumbnail it opens as ... a thumbnail. I'm not hurtin' for wallpaper so it's no biggie. (Actually, I don't USE wallpaper, I just can't resist saving a beautiful graphic -- I'm a packrat!)
  6. What am I overlooking here? How do you d/l one of those wallpapers? (Save Target As?)
  7. First wanna correct the info on the ozone layer: While the loss of the ozone layer could have catastrophic effects, it is not part of the 'global warming' picture. The ozone layer absorbs the sun's Ultraviolet (UV) radiation as it rains downward on the Earth. If it thins or disappears there will be more UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface. That can cause more skin cancers and sunburns with minimal exposure. Global warming is said to be the result of Infrared (IR) radiation becoming trapped by Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The Earth heats up from the Sun (and civilization creat
  8. While tweaking Windows can be a fun and interesting, and it's FREE, the gains are going to be minimal. IMO, the time you spend researching, tweaking, testing, and undoing the ones that cause problems, will never -ever- be recovered by any speed gains (which will mostly be in the milleseconds range). If you feel you need more speed, hardware upgrades are far more likely to result in meaningful speed gains (but they're not free, unless you have 'sources').
  9. As it pertains to 'phishing' in particular, no way it's the OS author's responsibility, nor should it be. Anything done to protect a widely distributed OS will be obsolete by the time you install it. Scammers will always target the largest audience to get more 'bang for their buck.' That's Windows right now and for the foreseeable future. Comparing an OS that has a smaller installed base, fractured development and dozens of variations to one, large, monolithic, standardized OS is irrelevant. They may perform similar functions but they are entirely different products targeted to mostly differe
  10. I was wondering how that got in there. Sorta funny (though not if you're a parent who bought one).
  11. I liked a lot of those (for some reason, particularly 'lonely' roads & trees). Wow, some of the commentary from others is relentless. "Bah! Ugly-ugly-ugly! I hate it! Boring!" Sheesh. Are they all from the G4 forums or what?
  12. Look at it this way: these things tend to even themselves out over time so you're in for one heckuva lucky streak some day!
  13. " ...I grew up on a Unix command-line. ..." <edit> Was gonna comment on someone who was obviously sheltered from the real world but then read the following: </edit> " ...for comedic effect, the author chooses not to mention the long, heavy years spent using Microsoft Windows for School, University and Work. ... " OK then, the article is meant to be comedy, not an actual treatise on the merits or pitfalls of Windows.
  14. First, chlorine?!? Something they've reduced, minimized or eliminated altogether from public water supplies due to health risks? Yummy! (And likely explains the actual or perceived 'yucky' taste.) I'm guessin' the chlorine atom is pretty well 'attached' so the health risk is either non-existant or, at if there is one now or to be found, is different from the one that occurs in potable water supplies. Second, "Oops, we left a toxic chemical in there, let's see how this bizarre puffy stuff tastes!" Ain't serendipity grand? I know, I know, essentially everything we eat is comprised of ch
  15. Yeah, unless there's some functionality I'm not aware of, the video card does not turn off the monitor. That's the job of the BIOS or OS energy-saving settings -- That is, if it is being "turned off" as opposed to going dead. If it's actually being turned off by an energy saving setting check the BIOS (access to the BIOS varies by brand) or the OS settings (Windows: Control Panel, I have mine disabled so I'm not sure what the icon is ... Power?). To troubleshoot if the power's being turned off, temporarily disable any power saving settings. Some troubleshooting ideas if the signal is just go
  16. I guess it depends on your motivation. A long, long time ago I was determined to lose weight and switched to diet. Son-of-a-gun, it didn't taste bad at all. I thought they had performed some miracle and made it taste OK after all. Once the weight was gone I had a diet soda and it tasted like CRAP again. I've been so leery of having that nasty taste in my mouth again I haven't tried any of the new sweetners introduced since Nutrasweet. I'm willing to try Splenda since I've heard it's quite good, but I'm not goin' out of my way to get me some.
  17. It's not entirely clear: When the light goes out, can you make out the "no signal" box? That would implicate the video card, plug or cable. Not sure if you're using the term "VGA" in a non-standard way. VGA is the standard for what gets shown onscreen. Do you mean the VGA connector? The connector is designed to transfer the the signals generated using the VGA standard (hence it's called a VGA connector, it has enough wires and pins to transmit the information in a VGA signal). What is the brand & type of video card or onboard video? Could this be an overheating problem? (Not likely if th
  18. Add/Remove Programs, Internet Explorer, Uninstall, Repair. That's another option.
  19. Those aren't flame graphics on the case, that's how hot it runs at idle!
  20. Think I'll wait for them to figure out what's going on before I switch to that nasty, NASTY diet stuff. Oh, and it's "pop," not soda.
  21. I can't even imagine how much anime you had to have watched to match up that many frames to the music. And, frankly, I have to wonder why the Japanese aren't more disfunctional as a culture.
  22. JDoors

    New Pics!

    Whadja use for blood? Coulda fooled me!
  23. I have doubts that it's Windows itself locking up (that is, as far as the Windows installation goes). Are you using specific software to access the web? THAT, is what I'd reinstall. What video settings have you chosen? If you've forgotten what '9x is like, the lower your color depth and resolution are the more memory you'll have available for Windows to run smoothly. It's not common to run out of resource memory with a new install, but I suppose if you have it tweaked up (and are having other video problems), it's possible you're hitting that wall. Fewer icons, fewer everything. Another thin