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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. What cost 39 million? For starters, watch the opening credits (of ANY movie); A so-and-so production in association with such-and-such, produced by this-and-that production company and me-too productions presenting a this-is-really-my-film film. All of them expect to get paid handsomely. Then watch the closing credits; count the number of people and companies involved (well, no one could possiby be expected to actually count them all, what with boredom setting in after the first two hundred or so). All of them get paid. Do you really NEED an assistant (and sub-assistant) to fetch Perrier for
  2. Wish they had ALL the buildings represented, but pretty cool nonetheless. Every city should have something like that.
  3. As much as I loved Firefly and liked Serenity, Josh should just poke his head out from the fanclubs and see that the rest of the world doesn't seem to care. Sci-fi is a tough sell.
  4. Keep in mind some people mean NO harm whatsoever, they're just not familiar with people different from themselves. If someone walked in wearing clothes they rarely see or if they pulled up in a nicer car than they're used to seeing they might react in a similar fashion.
  5. The infection can cause temporary loss of hearing (permanent if it's not fixed up), and some anti-biotics have hearing loss as a side-effect (which worries me more, they told you to come back? What if it IS the anti-biotics? I'll just presume the ER knew what you were taking and ruled that out as the cause). Glad it's gittin' better already.
  6. I am especially dumbfounded at WHY this is considered news. Not that Cheney was using a nasty ol' firearm, not that he shot somebody with it, but that the news media wasn't informed about it quickly enough. They're blowing that up to actually BE news for some unGodly reason. Waahh, we had to wait 'til the next day! (Should I mention a certain someone who actually killed someone? And how long it took the media to find out exactly what happened? Or at least "a" version of what happened? No?)
  7. Yeah Liz, there was lightning but I was indoors and only saw the flashes. After the first flash I looked around wondering if a lightbulb had popped, then I heard the thunder. I peeked out long enough to see snow and got a teensy thrill since thundersnow is so rare. Friday night I got ready for work, bundled up like mad 'cause I heard arctic air was on the way, got into my car (in the attached garage) and the thermometer said 26 degrees. Hey, not so bad. Started 'er up and within two miles of driving the thermometer plunged down to 4 degrees. I must have been driving with the wind 'cause I did
  8. Good thing MS has no expenses related to programming, research, support, employees, real estate, taxes, etc. or else it would cost even more than two bucks.
  9. Do a web search for "Incompatible version of the RPC stub" and open the Microsoft page that explains what to do. Been there, done that, not that difficult to fix as fixes go.
  10. JDoors


    I'm not sure if you'd know this or not (my friend was a BB customer and didn't know this), are the mailed movies censored like the ones in the stores? For example, he rented an "R" rated movie, we watched it at his house, I loved it. The next day I rented it at a mom'n'pop store by my house, watched it again, and it was incredible how much was left out of the BB movie. BB is or was like Wal-Mart is or was (either may have changed their policies and since I'm not a customer of either I wouldn't know), they buy censored versions of various media products. So, do you know if you're getting the
  11. Got one of those rarities: ThunderSnow! Cool. We're gettin' the below freezin' temps tonight.
  12. JDoors


    Not really sure what point you're making about others renting that movie. According to news reports they send the newest movies to the newest customers first to keep them happy, and to people who rent fewer movies to save money on postage. So they give older customers a lower level of service than they've come to expect (having been tricked during their trial membership) and send the latest DVD's to people who will hang onto them for days or weeks at a time (keeping them unavailable to others for days or weeks at a time). I dunno, it just sounds like typical American Management thinking, which
  13. Kudos to you for your persistance! I'll have to save that one for future reference as I'll never be able to remember it.
  14. JDoors

    Oil Leaks

    Never heard of one splittin' in two ... Plenty of people accidentally leave the old one on the block (they don't check that it came off with the old filter) and the doubled gaskets fail ... but splitting? Nope. I forgot to put the oil filler cap back on before a long highway trip. At speed, I noticed nothing. When we finally arrived smoke BILLOWED out from under the hood. Guess I had left a smelly trail -- Oops.
  15. Dang! They sure have a lot of information scattered throughtout the site. The price I got (Far N/W Chicago suburb) seemed high actually (but gee, if I can get it I'd be happy!). Nice they display prices for surrounding homes. Detailed information includes tax information, which I haven't seen on other sites (and my county website doesn't have). My home value increased by over three thousand dollars just in the last week! I'm rich!
  16. JDoors


    Well, it was a question of their business practices, not whether or not I get to see a particular movie (I was using examples of their service to illustrate changes in their policy). Let's see, I estimate I rented twelve movies a month at the video store before NetFlix and get about the same number from NetFlix (more than enough to put me on their "throttle" list). That'd be $240 a month if I bought them. Um, no, that won't work for me but thanks for the idea. When I see a movie I like I do buy it.
  17. JDoors


    I know that was lengthy but I already answered your question in there somewhere.
  18. Here's the ad (click on the graphic, requires FLASH): Gibson Ad
  19. JDoors


    Yeah, that seems to be the consensus of those unaffected by throttling, "Who cares?" Really helpful to those of us who are affected. The rest of this is a rant and since you're unaffected and don't care, I recommend you skip it. I got Serenity last week, not a day, or two (or a week, or a couple of weeks, or a month) after the DVD release date so yes, I believe I have reason to be unhappy with that. Exaggerating that I can't expect a new release the next day left me dumbfounded. Taking movies out of the queue to FORCE them to send a particular DVD is unworkable (there are a l
  20. By saying you know who & where I assume you're looking at a Firewall log. The firewall is stopping the attempts so you don't need to worry about it. Especially since you've scanned your system and cleaned it (presumably). That computer in China may be infected, or it may be a spammer, or it may be some moron trying to get in. Whatever the reason, your firewall's stopping it. In my experience it will stop soon (probably when the kid's parent finds out what they've been up to, or when they realize they've never received a response from your system due to your firewall blocking them -- they'
  21. JDoors


    Last Christmas I received a gift subscription to NetFlix. I loved it! No more trips to the video store, no more trying to schedule when to watch movies, no more returning unwatched movies, a thousand-fold increase in the number and types of DVDs available, hyperlinks on their site lead to finding hundreds of great movies I've missed or didn't know about, by rating movies I've seen their software recommends other movies I might like, by linking to friends and family they can make recommendations of movies I might like, there's a lot to like. However, lately I've been wondering, as have my fri
  22. I was certainly surprised the first time, shocked the second time, STUNNED when I saw it a third time, and they're STILL playing it . I wanna say for Gibson but maybe that name stuck in my head 'cause one of you guys mentioned it. IF they ever play it you kinda have to pay attention because it's not until the end of the commercial that you realize it's for a guitar (I'm a captive audience in the breakroom at work so I wind up staring at all kinds of crap I wouldn't watch at home). It starts out with a big Indian celebration of some kind, looks like a wedding or coronation. Lots of music playi
  23. The artist's site is linked on the page & has more interesting stuff (though it's slightly harder to navigate than the page you'll see here): Bizzarro? (Some of the art has mildly graphic or adult themes.)
  24. Maybe you guitar enthusiasts can explain something: I've seen guitar ads on TV repeatedly lately, never saw them before, is there some reason for that? (I forget the brand, the one that parodies "Dollywood" movies if you've seen it.) Is the brand trying to do something? Is there some event that triggered their ads?
  25. Just my opinion, but Windows is optimized for performance (considering all it has to do). Any changes to the GUI by outside vendors is extremely unlikely to do a better job (that is, improve performance). If you don't already have the latest greatest and bestest graphics card that'd be the way to go -- Buy the best card and you could use a 'skin' program and likely still see an increase in the speed of the GUI. (Of course if you bought the card and left Windows alone the boost would be even greater.) ------