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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Since it'd take more than a nail to take out that bad puppy, here's a railroad spike that should do it:
  2. I'm a little confused ... So debit cards are subject to theft and there are thousands of victims, and according to this story "somebody" is responsble for "somehow" circumventing the PIN security codes? Great story.
  3. "1. In either My Computer or Windows Explorer, create a new folder. 2. In Internet Explorer, click Internet Options on the Tools menu. 3. On the General tab, click Settings under Temporary Internet Files. 4. In the Settings dialog box, click Move Folder under Temporary Internet Files folder. 5. Click the folder that you created in step 1, and then click OK. 6. If you are prompted to log off, click Yes, and then log on to Windows again. If you are not prompted to log off, click OK to close all of the dialog boxes. 7. In either My Computer or Windows Explorer, delete the old Temporary Inte
  4. Is it possible Windows allocates whatever amount of space you choose rather than dynamically allocating the space? That is, you allocate how much space you wish to use for Temporary Internet files (Control Panel, Internet Options, General tab, Temporary Internet Files section, Settings button, Amount Of Disk Space To Use slider) and Windows might actually set aside that much space as unusable for anything else? In other, other words, follow that path and set the Amount of disk space to use much smaller. Trouble with words today: If you set the amount smaller, even to zero, it should automati
  5. All nice. I too can't resist deep space photos. But the one that I hadda have is the gray cat. The only pet I've ever owned myself was a similar gray cat and that photo reminds me of her. Aww, it looks like Storm!
  6. Searches in half the time with double the ads?
  7. I like it so far ... Don't yet know if I'm ready to replace TClock though. ------ Not going to work for me (w/'9x system). Causes some display problems. I probably could find some combination of options to avoid that, but I'll just stick with TClock. Still, looks cool.
  8. The tide's already turning on Google. Hence the big hullabaloo over Google capitulating to the Chinese and censoring their searches. I'm sure there'll be more bad press until Google is as evil as Gates (deserved in either case or not). It's the American way to knock down the top dog.
  9. So many! Lot's o' good ones, the ones I particularly liked: Empty playground at night (PICT3871): Impressive! I've never seen color depicted so well at night, was that luck or skill? Skill, of course! Girl on bus (PICT3660): B&W looks better to me than the sepia one. Zipper (PICT3557): Umm, is that ... ? Sure looks like it, intentional or not. Boy by fence with head down (PICT3231): Makes me wonder, what's the story? Cool shot. Some older ones I hadn't yet seen: Girl's face (PICT2881): Purty, real purty. Red flower (PICT2866): Nice.
  10. Dangit, they all look good for different reasons: a) Most stock-looking. I'm a fan of stock-ee-ness. Multi-spokes are always cool. c) Still stock-looking, though not accurate for the year (if I got my years right). With the tires you're considering I'd go for "b" to up the pizzaz ratio. ------ Interesting effect with "" there.
  11. WAY true. "OK, just gonna check the mail before I go to bed ... " Four hours later ....
  12. I hope his contributions aren't overlooked just because he hasn't been active recently. I remember him in so many movies and shows ...
  13. Without workin links I can't say which ones to get, but if you're going with actual aluminum rims it almost doesn't matter ... Any aluminum rims would look nicer than covers!
  14. Compare screenshots HD to DVD Cool mouseover HD vs DVD comparison screenshots. I'm not sure I understand the guy's methodology so I can't vouch for the accuracy, but if it is accurate, it sure shows off HD. Click on the shot to open the full-size screenshot (which you then click on to alternate between HD & DVD - bizarre navigation scheme). After switching back & forth the DVD shots start to look pathetically cartoonish in quality. Notice things like the texture of parchment, the leaves in trees, you can even see the pores in the actors skin (not that they'd appreciate that one). Now
  15. I SO agree with what this implies. (I admit I've never driven a newer MC, but why would I want to?)
  16. I'm on your side. Until the code is acted upon (interpreted by the preview pane for example), it's just a file.
  17. (From your description I'm not positive how your hardware is set up so forgive any confusion on my part.) Was the headphone jack an integral part of your computer case or a drive? It's likely defective, considering using it caused a problem. When you plug into that type of jack little pins are moved into or out of connection to change the speaker configuration. If the pins are not moving correctly or do not return to the correct position when you unplug the jack, it can leave your speaker configuration just as you describe. If the jack is in a drive you could tear apart the drive and see if
  18. The debate on longevity and power consumption has gone both ways for years, but if all you're concerned about is Internet safety while you're away, don't worry. There's nothing that can occur while you're away that cannot happen if you were sitting in front of the computer. In other words, if there is some way to breach your system, it can happen while you're right there, so not being there shouldn't be a concern. If you feel that your security software is doing a good job, then you should be able to trust it when you're away. Come to think of it, systems are most often breached because of so
  19. It wouldn't hurt, for troubleshooting purposes, to start clean (without any additional utilities or programs loading), but it would be unlikely that Windows can't start due to low resources immediately following a reboot. If one of those startup programs is the source of the problem that'd be the way to check. BTW: Windows can "function" with very low resources (I've been down to 10% with slow performance being the only effect -- however I did reboot for safety's sake). I often, probably usually, run at close to 30% with no trouble at all.
  20. Quick check: Send an e-mail to yourself. If THAT fails ... umm ... It's broke.
  21. And the plot thickens: Japan NOT Banning Resale of Used Electronics Guess it's a bit complicated (haven't yet read the "not" article nor compared it to what the original link states). ------ Seems used equipment must be checked before it's sold. Skip the poorly translated first paragraph and check out the table of items that must be certified before they can be resold: Table of items. That list sure makes some cultural differences apparent. Rice cleaners? Automatic toilet seats? Sounds like a horrendous bureaucracy-in-the-making.
  22. Not positive about how it all works but once DSL is available (the necessary equipment is installed at the phone company) I don't believe you will be restricted to one particular provider. You should be able to shop around, playing one provider off another, to get a lower rate (or a higher speed). DSL is reliable, consistant, less expensive than satellite, I dunno why you'd stick to satellite given the choice.
  23. I think we can overlook Windows resources as the problem as it only occurs during bootup. If it occurs frequently a fresh install may be your best option. With the age of the '98 OS there's bound to be some errors in the files and registry that may cause the boot process to fail. Due to various factors every item loaded during bootup isn't processed in exactly the same order every time. Windows may be able to load before the bad files or entries load, or Windows may not get the chance to load before those errors load and the boot process would fail. A fresh install would resolve that.