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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. If it's not a technical issue (as referenced in the previous post) it could be "operator error." If she uses the scroll wheel a lot she may be inadvertantly changing the font size. If you're holding a key while scrolling that's an IE shortcut to change the font size. Hmm, to jog my memory of which key to hold I was trying to force the font size here to change, but I can't get it to work here. Instead of IE changing the font size, which I KNOW it is capable of doing by using the scroll wheel, I get sent to previous and next posts. I guess this forum overrides the IE shortcut. Maybe someone e
  2. A delay from Microsoft is news? If people weren't so anxious to rag on Microsoft over every imperfection they'd have it so much easier.
  3. We're getting closer to the day when newborns are "chipped" & all information is available to anyone, anyplace, any time.
  4. For Word; faster hard drive, more memory. For startup; (As previously suggested) Use a startup utility to ensure that nothing's starting you don't want or need, faster hard drive, more memory. Also; Turn down your display resolution & color depth, if it's higher than necessary for the work you do. What's the default document that Word opens with? What are your hardware specs?
  5. I'm beginning to see where PP might be led astray. Not only is DDE (or whatever current special handling PP uses) known to be not 100% reliable, JPEG standard has many permutations. Maybe some files do not strictly adhere to any of those standards, or PP may have trouble with some of the less common ones. The BMP format has less variations so would be inherently easier to deal with.
  6. Uh-hem. Are you laughing at me or what?
  7. Additional info: If you choose to download a file recovery utility, try to find one that fits on a floppy disk and can be run from one. If you d/l the utility to your hard drive you risk overwriting the very file you hope to recover. If you have other drives (or partitions) d/l to them, not the one containing the file you wish to recover. Once you empty the recycle bin the space taken up by that file becomes available for any other program to write to, thereby writing over the file you're trying to recover. So the less you do with your computer the better. Temporary Internet files could overw
  8. I don't have any additional advice other than agreeing that Irfanview could be used to batch process the conversion to BMPs, but I had to say, wow, that totally sucks. Computers suck, that's my advice. On the file type issue, PP may store the image as a DAT file (just guessin' on that point) but within that DAT file is the original format. At least, according to Microsoft, once converted to BMPs you won't have this problem again.
  9. Thanks, another long-lost favorite recovered! (And with my luck, by the time I get them all back it'll be time to format & reinstall again!) ------ Not that this is of the slightest interest to anybody, but I just had to tell ya'lls how goofy I am: The very next day I found I still had that one, but it was in the wrong favorites folder. Doh.
  10. THAT'S a funny picture! (And I can't help thinkin' how warm & toasty the kid must be in there.)
  11. Local news did a short story on gasoline prices: "They're inching upward due to the price of crude, which is determined on the world spot market which means there's very little that can we can do about it, and because the refineries damaged by Katrina aren't yet fully operational." Translation: "We can and will stick it to ya! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
  12. It's confusing because you keep saying "mouse" but you're actually talking about the pointer, right? I'm afraid something's really buggered up if the factory pointer/touchpad and keyboard drivers can't cooperate with each other. I'd revert to the original setup (save your files, reinstall the OS) then d/l and install the latest drivers.
  13. It's not clear if you've added a mouse or you're talking about the dot-thingy locking up. To paraphrase Jan Brady: Drivers, drivers, drivers!
  14. Hope I don't need it any time soon, but it's saved for future reference. I keep a Favorites folder labeled "Personal Advocate" for such things.
  15. Seriously useless -- Perfect!
  16. JDoors

    Those Ozzys

    "... Police ... charged an Australian driver with 'reversing further than necessary' ..." But if the only gear that worked was reverse, wasn't it entirely necessary?
  17. Wow, the few I've looked at so far are thoroughly researched and have well-written explanations. A lot of work must have gone into that site. Should be useful.
  18. Oops ... did it again ...
  19. JDoors

    Piracy Is Good!

    I didn't get the impression they were promoting piracy, just sayin', in a sense, that piracy is as good as marketing for spreading the word about a good product. IMO, this is a the more likely reason people are buying: "... perhpas some people who might have been on the fence decided to buy the game because they didn’t have to worry about losing their CD or worrying that some copy protection scheme was going to create headaches." I know there are many programs I did not upgrade and many I no longer use because I couldn't be bothered to work with the copy protection schemes on them. Screw '
  20. JDoors


    Not sure I needed to know you used one of them, you could've just said you saw that one ... but there sure were a lot I've never seen before. I don't quite get the fascination with side-by-side toilets. Um, is that supposed to be strange or something? (Aside from the obvious ones like the men's and woman's being side-by-side.)
  21. JDoors

    Music You Love!

    Yup, VERY cool so far. First artist I entered they played a song I didn't have, and I thought I had everything! Cool. Site needs some work to make it easier to figure out what steps are required. It's working as you said, but I think I got there by chance.
  22. Although our weather sounds similar, no one's fooled 'round these parts. It's sure to get back below freezing a couple of times and snow's almost a certainty at least a couple more times. Plastic's remaining for a while, furnace stays on. Actually, 'round here you have to leave the furnace on 'til late spring, nearly summer. It's not unheard of to have the air conditioner running one day and have to fire up the furnace the next.