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Everything posted by xxkbxx

  1. I guess that's your problem then!
  2. Just spend 80 bucks, add 1GB of RAM and you're on the road
  3. I don't want to be the one to tell her it's going to cost about $100 for service and $80 for the new hard drive. Apparently she was mad at her 17 yo son - unless he opened up the hard drive and messed with the head, then I really doubt it! some one owes their son an apology (the 1 out of 1000000 time that will happen )
  4. Not a question - just a story A women brought in a computer (almost brand new Dell) yesterday that wouldn't boot up for her (she had a bad hard drive) BUT... Out of anger she somehow struck the computer, bending the I/O shield and breaking the video connector - which damaged the pins. I attempted to separate all the pins, to prevent a short, and then installing a PCI based Video Card - which didn't work Today, desoldered the video connector, took one off a broken motherboard, and soldered it on. Somehow, despite all predictions, it worked - I really excepected the thing to flop and I'd just ha
  5. Because Norton gets pretty stupid sometimes
  6. For an X2 4800 Go with an ASUS SLI - either the regular or the premium. I'm happy with mine - it's great with my X2 3800
  7. Ok I will thanks seth Sceeter32 SATA's act as plug and play devices (I asked my boss about it last week because mine does that too)
  8. HP installs python along with Quicken, Music Match, and a whole but-load of other crap I never could figure out exactly why for python though
  9. XP has always installed normal for me on SATA drives
  10. I wish I could still drink whiskey. It would have relieved the boredom of waiting for programs to run. I'm still only about 75% done. I still have a couple of programs to install and a lot of tweaking to do. I wish I could drink at work - half the time I sit there with XP reloading, hard drives formating, and updates installing (too bad i'm underage and I have a 15 minute drive home from work - maybe i should work from home)
  11. Personally I'd add a lot more to your page People make their first judgement on a company within seconds of seeing the webpage (just like MOST people judge others immediately)
  12. I'm assuming you have the stock heatsink - if so you can either upgrade the heatsink, get new grease on your processor, or switch to water cooling. The most practical idea would be a new heatsink (I'd also get some of that arctic 5 cooling as much as everyone raves about it) **Just remembered - go into your BIOS and see what your CPU fan is running at for optimal temperature. There's a good chance it's not running full speed so you could change it there or through something such as speedfan
  13. That was the generalized 'FUBAR': tenseless and both nouned and verbed. The increased expressiveness is worth the incompatibility. ouch - you got me pretty good Webster style!
  14. Your windows files could possibly be corrupted - just a guess try a repair install just for kicks
  15. FUBAR"ed" F'ed Up Beyond All Reason "ed" Just messing around
  16. I put opera on my cell last night - it's a lot better than the crap browser they preload on their - now i can visit REAL websites not just ones with text (until i go over my usage plan though) I'll have to check out the chat sometime then
  17. Start burning DVD's/CD's or if you can hook it up as a Slave on a separate computer and start copying files
  18. I'd personally do it through BIOS If your AGP card is like my PCI Express - make sure you plug in the additional power connector - it doesn't work without it
  19. Working with jumpers if fun - what do you mean? Incorrect jumpers explain why your system speaker won't work, hdd led doesn't work, power led doesn't work, power switch doesn't work, and reset switch doesn't work. Get yourself a flashlight and some tweesers 'till you get it right
  20. My bro (away at college) had a similir issue with word and excel Instead of walking him through virus/spyware removal if that was the problem I just adviced a backup and reload. Turns out the problem came back right after he installed Norton Antivirus - are you running Norton?