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Everything posted by xxkbxx

  1. xxkbxx

    Oh Yeah

    I was in one of those - want to break up, but all her friends will hate me - so I act like a dick for a few days so she breaks up things. Anyways - now my wallet is fuller and my cell phone bill is about 1/10 of normal. As far as being a tech whiz - I find it really funny now how I use to think I was a whiz back in 7th or 8th grade when I didn't know jack about computers - nowadays I know a little more than jack
  2. That's what I assumed - not bad though considering he bought it offline for about 15 bucks
  3. My neighbor has a Windows XP 180 day free trail ending in roughly 30-40 days. Does anybody know what happens the day it runs out and if XP warns within the final week that the trial is over? Thanks in advance
  4. I know a bunch of people who've done that - it's just what you have to do sometimes
  5. xxkbxx

    Oh Yeah

    Noted, you are now my official first person to ask for circuit diagrams... BH It's a hell alot more than just circuit diagrams - it's enough to preoccupy me until i get a new girlfriend (i've recently had a lot of free time b/c my last one relationship just ended) It's sad that i invest free time in computers and LED's
  6. I always just say that i reloaded windows
  7. IT COSTS MICROSOFT ABOUT 2 BUCKS A DISC TO SELL!!! (disgruntled moaning)
  8. Definitly go MSI - Biostars are cheapy You'd have no problem getting 1GB now and the 2nd later (except that you can't go Dual Channel - not that big of a deal)
  9. Makes sense I'm just pissed that I couldn't run it from cd images that i burnt with alcohol 120% It has to use the D drive to search for the CD, and my virtual drive is my F I've already burnt the 5 CD's so I'm not really interested in learning how to fix it
  10. xxkbxx

    Oh Yeah

    Cool - my boss gave me his 5CD guide for electronics (circuits and crap) I just glanced over it allready and I already know the resistor ratings by color!
  11. Funny Tried compatibility modes and such - didn't work I just launched the EXE from my hard drive and now it works! Must have been an autoplay issue of some sort
  12. My boss gave me an old program (5 disc set on electric properties and such) It's very old - intended for windows 3.1, or "95 or better" After installing the program and intending to run I get Exception EInOut Error in module ELECT132.EXE at 0003522C File access denied I'm assuming the issue is the program being intended for an old machine - is there anything i can do?
  13. Not specifically, but I'd be interested I'll give that a try this weekend
  14. xxkbxx

    Oh Yeah

    video 1 video 2
  15. I do mine with photoshop and imageready you create the image, and each frame had different layers
  16. My teacher was claiming for about a week how her laptop was crashing - when infact her IP was locking on and not logging into the school network (not really crashing ) She bitched and moaned about it, i'm sure all the IT guy did was change it over to autoconfig IP
  17. here you go... comments? suggestions (i slapped this together during school in about 20 minutes)
  18. xxkbxx

    Oh Yeah

    I would but... Working on a newer version - something a little cleaner than the prototype. I need to get a hold of those things that plug onto 9 volt batteries (instead of soldering directly onto them ) Now I can use my old keyboard cable to shield the wires - I broke the keyboard when I took it apart to wire in some backlit LED's - it's allright though cause it was just a cheap $15 one. (I have to resort to typing this from school until tonight when I'll get a new board after night classes) Yesterday I ordered 100 LED lights from eBay 20 white, orange, blue, red, and green. Then I ordered
  19. xxkbxx

    Oh Yeah

    I just looked at that mod site Brian Holiday recommended in the other post and... I mod'd my XBOX controller to work on my PC with Call of Duty - and that pwns (of course I added an LED to the connector!) Also, I hooked up 3 blue LED's to a 9 volt battery as a "make-shift" collar for my dog. She always wanders away at night and now I'll be able to tracke her! Earlier I tested it out in my basement by turning off the lights, turning on her collar, and sending her after hidden cookies in the basement. The video will be on Google video soon
  20. Yeah, 4MB internet won't download 4MB/s on P2P It will also slow down your internet while you download (not that I download P2P )
  21. Man, now I'm not going to do my homework today - I'll be too busy looking at mods! I would like to do something simple, but unique in the near future. Most importantly cheap, I don't want to throw out too much money on something that will just be a novelty.
  22. Nice "mod" I did that once with some paper cone speakers when I was bored (later I hooked them into the amp in my car just to watch them burn)
  23. do a google search on deleting "spywareno" There's obviously a registry key under a different (less obvious) name. Possibly it's an applet that is reloading the spyware
  24. I'm a big fan of Registry Mechanic - it costs a little bit of money, but you can't realisticly expect any freeware to help your registry