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Everything posted by xxkbxx

  1. What type of price range are you looking for? As far as being confused ... are you referring to socket numbers and such?
  2. I kind of figured that was the problem, i guess i'll do it later
  3. Okay, but whenever I go to get the disc image from the game, it shows A LOT of disc read errors
  4. How excactly do you set up a virtual drive? I got Call of Duty for Christmas (I ACTUALLY OWN IT) I know how to burn a disc image, but how do I run the game form it?
  5. I tried to partition with XP CD and the load would freeze up at around 30% I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU use Partition Magic (I'm doing it right now!)
  6. My boss (I work at a computer shop) gave me a fan/light controller for Christmas. I've noticed a pattern when I get my paycheck - I spend half of it at work! I'll let you know how my X2 and 6800GS do on Call of Duty - I just got done partitioning my hard drive so I'm ready to load
  7. I just popped in the Sound Blaster and deactiviated onboard audio - now it works Just to let you guys know - AMD X2 3800 w/ 2GB RAM is fricken sweet! Photoshop opens in seconds, programs don't lag, and I can multitask like crazy!
  8. I'll just pull the sound blaster out of my old PC (cheap AND easy) Merry Christmas
  9. I built my PC today, and after loading all drivers and update my sound is not working at all. I have an ASUS A8N-SLI board with onboard audio - and windows device manager is showing that all the drivers are installed. If anybody knows of a fix it would be great! (i learned that I got Call of Duty 2 for Christmas and I realllllly want sound to go with it tomorrow!)
  10. I've got one PC connected directly to a port on my Linksys WRT54G, while the other one has a wireless card connection. Also, when my brother is home from college he can use his laptop around the house
  11. xxkbxx

    Pretty Cool Mod

    I like it - that's pretty neat. I'm finishing up my build as we speak (loading windows updates and drivers) I put in a Vantec fan controller to control 3 fans and to control 2 blue cold cathode tubes in the case - I think it's pretty sweet
  12. xxkbxx

    Pretty Cool Mod

    Hey everybody, I read about a pretty cool and fairly easy mod online for changing the LEDs on a floppy drive to a different color. So, I went out to radioshack and picked up one blue LED to replace the lame green one. It was very easy to open up drive and get the piece with the LED solder points out, desolder the old one, and solder in the new. I'd recommend this to anyone with a little free time and a few dollars. I was able to do this with little soldering skills too! I'll put a pic up when I get the whole system built
  13. My laptop hard drive in an external case is my life saver for backing up crap
  14. I beleive I have seen a board in the past with PCI-e and AGP (PCI-e is better BTW) however, the AGP was only operating at PCI speeds (slower than AGP)
  15. I've actually used Spy Sweeper at school to test if a CPU was any good
  16. I just downloaded one called Ultimate Boot Compact Disc It has several programs, including many paritioning ones Just Google it (I googled for free partition programs and got it)
  17. After dealing with idiots from Gateway the ONLY IDIOT i trust for building a computer is ME!
  18. At one point of time I had Windows XP running with 128MB of RAM, then I installed McAfee Oh my God it was slow! But after a Ram upgrade it's much better - so you'll most likely be fine
  19. If it doesn't accept it anyway you have to update the BIOS
  20. Most likely... Have you noticed that lately they are starting to ask a lot more questions about why you are loading XP again, what model your motherboard is, where you bought the computer, if you built it - where do you live? Stuff like that, I just go "uhh.... I'm not sure"
  21. I think if I wait like every 5 years to get a machine, I'll always spend less, and ALWAYS get much more just because of advances in technology
  22. I'll be sure to purchase an extra copy (<- That's a wink, just so you know) What size partition would you recommend for my emergency partition? So far I'm thinking 50G - XP and Applications 100G - Random Junk (Movie's and such) 100G - More Random Junk (Music ect.) Whatever the necessary amount for my backup XP is, I'll subtract it from the two junk paritions
  23. Most likely your RMA's drive is remanufactured - which might lead cause it to deteriorate more quickly
  24. I found the bill to my old computer - my parents spent $3000 on it in 1999, I can't even IMAGINE spending that much today - you would have such a machine
  25. My boss's buddy has a dream machine with a 4400+ X2 with 4G of OCZ Dual Channel Platinum Ram that's overclocked like crazy on a ASUS AN8-SLI Premier. He made fun of me when I told him about my system and asked if I was going to get 2 7800GTX's in SLI If only money wasn't an object