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Everything posted by xxkbxx

  1. It is possible for this problem (turns on but no signal) to be the CPU, RAM, motherboard, Video Card, or Monitor. Pretty much everything but the power supply can be ruled in - making it extremely hard to test unless you have test parts on you.
  2. Is this with expolerer up and running? (as opposed to in the boot process)
  3. Have fun terrorist - one day I'll may do a multiboot with all stages of windows available Why? Because you can!
  4. I'm not sure if the boot.ini file would do anything for you because I don't see one OS recognizing the other on a separate hard drive. IMO I'd just put the one you use most frequently as the Master, then the other as Slave. As needed, just pull up the old boot menu and boot from Slave (if this wouldn't be an inconvienance to you)
  5. ONLY?! same page here, I would rather find a new one on eBay anyday!
  6. I've had it happen alot with old AMD K6's and even with Socket A Processors, the paste just builds up as someone stated
  7. just curious, what kind of jobs were you getting for those prices? edit added later// those were not computer jobs, I reread your post Hauling off people's Christmas trees. BTW, we get something in the mailbox about every week. I know our mail women pretty well and she mentioned the notes I did and said it's not an issue unless somebody raised major hell - then they would just "warn me"
  8. Definite negative on the bear - retracting to my first post, last night I put an LED on my cell phone charger so that I could find it at night. But the dang thing is too bright, it woke me up! I'd put in a stronger resistor if I had free time. I would never mod a HP - they suck too much
  9. (the husband, that is)
  10. Okay, changed just for you Dragon! from this: to below:
  11. Backup & reload, that's the simplest and most annoying way to fix 95% of problems
  12. The newsletter I plan on putting it in is a 12 page newsletter distributed to around 530 houses in my neighborhood. I've probably already done about 15 jobs over the past while just from word of mouth - 9 times out of 10 it's just loading on spysweeper then cleaning up their junk - or uninstalling windows messenger - FREE V1AGRA, T33N PORN & SUCH! - The cost is: Outside Cover $75 per issue Inside Front Page $50 per issue Inside Fold $25 per issue The mockup I did (business card size) had a ghosted computer with BOEHM COMPUTER REPAIR written over it. I also had something along the l
  13. I learned by taking apart crap - then with an internship at a local store (work there part-time now) I am most likely going to put out an advertisement locally in our neighborhood's newsletter around April or May. With that money, I do believe I could build the machine just for that cause! I'll get back to this after school
  14. I'll get on it tonight - i can change the led change time to about 1 second so that they aren't as "intense" Glad i backed it up as a Photoshop File too
  15. I thought my new sig should reflect my new thing - LED's here was my first: I thought it was likely to cause epilectic siezures (no, I don't know how to spell that) So I replaced it with my current one - only 35 different layers on photoshop, animated with imageready!
  16. Due to complete boredom and lots of free time (at the moment) I devised a plan/project that I thought was worth sharing. When I planned on building my first PC, I had a really difficult time finding a website with a tutorial, or a progression of some sort in building the whole thing. The best I could find were all-text guides (like that on tigerdirect.com and a few shauddy pages with pictures. My idea would be to set up a PayPal charity type fund - with the proceeds going towards building a relatively simple computer - Socket A board, Athalon XP, 256 MB RAM - really inexpensive. I would prob
  17. xxkbxx


    Like I said, whole new world
  18. xxkbxx


    So I worked today Saturday from about 7:30 to 5:30 in the Charlotte Hamfest and Computer Fair - my purpose was assisting my boss in out section of computer and other related items. At 8:00 when they opened the doors to the customers I learned about a new breed of people - those who partake in the rituals of call signs and ham radios. Hats, badges, LED lights with your call sign displayed - Who would have known such things exhisted. I thought it was just a trend at first, older people who work with computers and an affinity for CB's. Anyways, I just thought I'd share my experience. Also, on