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Everything posted by xxkbxx

  2. Winamp and other programs work once I turn on Windows Media Player and play something
  3. Like I said, it's not just Winamp
  4. Okay, I will be playing a song on Winamp (and other programs just NOT WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER) and the audio will be very muffled However, once I open another song simultaneously with Windows Media Player - the song on Winamp becomes loud What could this be?
  5. xxkbxx

    First Cookout

    95 degrees here in the south the past few days - didn't even snow once this year here!
  6. First things first - you probably don't know what a chanticleer is - well, it's a mythical rooster from Chauncer's Canturbury Tales, but more importantly it's the mascot of Coastal Carolina University - the model of this project. I had a lot of time (at least a lot more free time than usual, b/c of spring break) so I wanted to plan something out and make it look nice. Well, the plan was to carve into a sheet of plexi - roughly the size of an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper the logo of Coastal Carolina University (below) I printed out a version (the paper on the left) without color so that I could ju
  7. If you have minimal soldering skills, and possibly a molex connector, you can rig a fan directly on your drive
  8. I've never had to use a floppy - unless it was for RAID
  9. Are there even such things as drivers for SATA hard drives. I know there are SATA RAID Drivers - but that's for RAID set-ups. I really don't think that there are drivers for just hard drives
  10. XP "Corporate" DING, DING! The Colorado college was passing out a corporate version with the pirated key. All of the kiddies were then passing it around to their friends. That's why if you're doing something illegal - you keep it on the D-Low. Of course, it's impossible not to tell everyone how you used pirtated software and saved about $100 some
  11. Glad nowadays you just save upon exiting
  12. I observed my boss doing laptop repairs - and nowadays I feel comfortable doing it most of the time. Best bet is ussually to go online and find the manual because some models have annoying tabs hidden everywhere. Also, it's always great to have an open CD case to catch screws, you're lucky if you can rebuild a laptop with no more than 5 or 6 screws left over I always hate switching out motherboards from Mass produced companies - they always have to use their own special connecters. All you need is just a dental pick and some time and it solves the problem
  13. With XP though - there shouldn't be an issue with previous installs. I've done 100+ XP installations with NTFS quick format and it's never caused a problem
  14. As long as you know what you're doing you won't break anything - especially if removing a modem (prehaps the easiest thing you can do, besides changing memory)
  15. Yeah, I was in DC 2 weeks ago and I do believe Ullyses S. Grant's statue would have signified him having died in battle - I'm sure it's true to some extent though
  16. xxkbxx


    I always push mow the front (to make it look nicer and because of hills) and ride the back. I also push mow a friend's yard about weekly this time of year - last sunday I blew all their leaves out of their yard into the woods - which took 2 hours because he didn't rake leaves any throughout fall. It's good money though On a random note - my neighborhood, or at least the social people on the street, has a "lawnmower race/social event" around Labor Day each year, and I do believe I will be putting green LED's under the front deck of the John Deere mower. (I bet you'd find it suprising that I'
  17. I believe that movement setting is common in older BIOS's. The worst, IMO, is the old Compaq BIOS - you have to click F10 on each menu to save and then save all changes or nothing goes in
  18. 100% Spyware Free (doubt it for most programs) Just like the "FREE POP-UP BLOCKER!" which puts on spyware specifically to give you pop-ups
  19. when they released it, Microsoft noted that SP2 will not work correctly on 9 out of 10 machines - whether or not that number has decreased, i don't know.
  20. Unistall the modem and the pci card in Device Manager, then reinstall the modem - making sure that all files are loaded.
  21. I don't see it being that much of a help, unless you frequent safe mode on a daily basis - still cool though
  22. xxkbxx


    Wouldn't be the first time the news exaggerated something Anybody see the girl on the Today Show several months ago? She was covering floods (out midwest, I think) and she was in a canoe. During the intro, two guys walked right in front of her, in ankle deep water. I'm sure it's online somewhere
  23. xxkbxx


    Ah, didn't have time to redo the project this weekend - too busy redoing the lights in my car (what a suprise!) I'll just push this one to the back shelf (again)