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Everything posted by robroy

  1. A husband and wife are traveling by car from Key West to Boston. After almost twenty-four hours on the road, they're too tired to continue, and they decide to stop for a rest. They stop at a nice hotel and take a room, but they only plan to sleep for four hours and then get back on the road. When they check out four hours later, the desk clerk hands them a bill for $350. The man explodes and demands to know why the charge is so high. He tells the clerk although it's a nice hotel, the rooms certainly aren't worth $350. When the clerk tells him $350 is the standard rate, the man insists on speak
  2. bluebeard ......................the pirate, cutthroat btw glad to see you back here Shadow_Thomas Its been a while
  3. now you got me looking for my copy of Batteries not included too, great movie Vile your brother's experience reminded me of one a friend had thirty years ago. He bought a brand new motorcycle and had it wrecked by someone in a car at the first intersection. Her insurance replaced his bike.
  4. Dealing with the public in any way is always fun hahaha. We catch somebody building something without a permit and it is our fault that they didn't get a permit. The best though is when the thing they are building is not to code and they have to tear it down. Had one guy trying to span 20' with 2 x 6 floor joists. He only weighed maybe 120 and was walkingon itas he was building it. His wife weighed well over 200 and luckily had not stepped on it. I weigh 195 and stepped on it carefully , near the edge. I could feel the deck moving under me as it started to sag. This guy still wouldn' t believ
  5. welcome back hitest
  6. I finally got win 2k back on one drive, now I am going to redownload and burn the ubuntu cd. I'll let everyone know how it turns out. the original seemed to have burned ok but never let me get to boot up. It seemed to have corrupted the original mbr
  7. only an attorney could be this cheap
  8. Still having problems with the hard drive, guess i have to go out and get a new one I fdisk, formatted and scandisk it and scandisk says it is good, even with surface scan. But when I try to load any software it seems to have problems
  9. IRS ............(well some people get a refund from them)
  10. welcome Mandy, glad to have you aboard
  11. say can you hold on while I let the dog in, then forget to go back to the phone for 15 - 20 minutes what is your favorite drink, not necessarily alcohol?
  12. good job Marty and for an excellent reason, glad it works
  13. turns out my problems were twofold bad install disk, downloading and burning a new copy bad sectors on the hard drive I had tried several times to reinstall grub with the same result and could not get in to edit the menu.lst
  14. ooooh raspberries, goodey goodey, here's some whipped cream to go with them Welcome back thesidekickcat. You can't run off and hide, we all need your 'god bless everyone' at least once a day
  15. Let me add my best wishes to Keith and his family
  16. Hey rv i"m guessing your wife doesn't browse the net, if she does we will send flowers
  17. Hey murtu good luck, I'm a linux noob and having lots of fun trying to learn it
  18. robroy

    Forum Benchmark

    sure you were out of town, thats what they all say. a little doctoring of some digital pics and you could be at the leaning tower of Pisa Congrats Jeff member 500 just joined Welcome aboard Henry