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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Yeah he made that movie for me, also liked him in Bill and Ted's adventures
  2. Love the last one I have a couple of friends who are lawyers and copies are on the way to them.
  3. Eveneing everyone, ribs on the grill Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend Let us all remember those that are serving and those who have served in the past. Freedom comes at a price and for the USA that price includes the victims of 9/11>The to should be remembered on this weekend
  4. printed a copy for teh IT co we use. They will enjoy it too
  5. robroy

    Gotta See This

    Fabulous pic Chappy, keeping a copy of it
  6. Good one Marty Sure echobay we believe you only zoomed in once
  7. Yeah sometimes its 'can we have sex right now'
  8. why are you describing me to everyone ............................... oh you weren't
  9. the gimp Here is really good
  10. Married 26 you got it right
  11. tell 'em Mac, we can all dream, although I don't need billions. But a couple of mill would be nice
  12. Takes a jelly filled one, "thanks Mac" Today made it to 70 here, first day this week without rain, calling for more rain every day through next Thursday. Sounds like we have the north west area weather here in the Mid Atlantic. You are welcome to have it back
  13. not only do I agree with everything jcl said but I would also add that those we try to aid still hate us even as they are eating the food, wearing the clothes and sleeping on the bedding we send to them. The hate America because we are able to give aid.
  14. extreme ouch, gotta hide them before the wife gets ideas