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Everything posted by robroy

  1. you have to remember we had several thousand years of practice at the bad words whereas you young uns only had a couple of hundred. Or as I tell everyone at work ' you all took a perfectly good language and screwed it up'
  2. It's in a 25 zone downtown so it isn't all that bad. Helps to slow the traffic to let side roads feed in without another damn light
  3. Oh so very sad and true What does that say about human ability to cast worthwile votes Pretty much non existant, especially in local politics. We just had city councillor arrested for drug dealing and a magistrate for forgery
  4. which war????? last one we lost was to your big corn, not our little stuff roundabouts, we have several in this area and most people seem to ignore the correct way except for one on a major highway
  5. Totally agree with tenmm on all he said Son in law has 2000 cavalier, great car
  6. yeah I want one of those jobs too. Only jobs I know where you get paid for being wrong. Must be nice, we don't get that kind of luxury. be wrong for a week and you are job hunting in most cases. For much less money at that. I'm had it, too ugly for tv, too much brit accent for radio, and born too early for computers. Can I get reborn and start again, but retain all my memories. Then maybe..........
  7. Feel for you Vile, Consultants have got our network totally screwed. Server is an AS400, lots of pc's networked to it in different workgroups, Trouble is when you do smething the comp freezes for two or three minutes before responding. our pc's are all IBM pentuim 4 about 10 months old and run half the speed of my p2 500. But the consultants bill us at a rate of 250.00 per hr. ok enough rant here
  8. Bows down in awe to the King of I tunes
  9. the trouble in America is Maize, thats the big corn on the cob corn. Its big, in Europe corn is much smaller, except what is imported already canned. So the psionic forces were much easier to overcome...... aaaahhh my head they must be trying to stop meeeee fffrroomm writingggg thiiiisss
  10. If you use eithe a cookie tray or a large cast iron skillet to put the pizza in, then close thegrill for a while.
  11. Glad I have an accord and an old mustang lx. Both run fine with 87 octane.
  12. Demolition Man........................the movie
  13. think i'll pass on that one, thanks anyway
  14. you could look in the bios and see if there is a monitor in there. Many computers have this feature even if it hasn't been activated. I knowthat probably scares you but it really isn't hard to do. If you want to check there are plenty of people who can talk you through it. Just let us know
  15. that sounds like it should work good, although if the room temp is 85 as well it is a little harder to get that temp down. I had to take the cover off one of my comps to cool down the cd player, it almost ruined a cd
  16. yeah you need a fan really. couple of years ago I had a problem with the comp keep crashing. Overheating was the problem. had to add two fans, one blowing in and the other blowing out, still running that same basic box, have just loded SuSe 9.1 on it I really like Suse
  17. Building Inspector.......................... ooh that's me
  18. How about Logie Baird... he invented the tv or Thomas Edison...... or Alexander Graham Bell ... oh I forgot we are looking for the greatest American and those were all Scots
  19. So that's the noise that woke me up. Wondered what it was. Just got relaxed in the recliner for the first time in a week Mac you gotta keep that file on a leash or in a crate.