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Everything posted by robroy

  1. I guess he was and it was a and he was hoping for an but probably got a
  2. Hey Matt about time you stopped in, crank that Floyd up and grab a seat Burgers and steaks on the grill
  3. I hate most advertising and especially ads that use a sad event to gst to your feelings. I also play a lot of those tracks and will keep on playing them. As tenmm said changing our way of life because some brainwashed a$$ is going to try and hurt us is admitting defeat. I am sure that when they were planning the attacks they never thought that we would respond with such force. I will now play 'Stairway to Heaven' loudly enough that everyone can hear
  4. I'm guessing yes he made it up to me that the written language and spoken would be the same, none othe the many quirks that make English the hardest language to learn
  5. The computer recognises both dives being present when you boot up. When you installed ubuntu it asked where to install and also to make a partition to install it on. If you answered that in such a way that the computer didn't use the whole of your second drive then an f drive would show up under windows. I don't have xp so I am not sure if that may recognise the ext3 partition that ubuntu makes and show that up as your f drive. I am sure one of the linux experts couldhelp with the dial up problem you have. I don't know enough and don't use dial up. Ubuntu automatically found my cable modem an
  6. Marty, it can't be done, the file format in any form of linux is so different from windows that windows won't recognise there is anythng there. If you want to do things like defragment that drive you have to either find a linux progam or write one. Even if it is a partition on the main drive, when you defrag windows it will not recognise or harm the contents of that partition. I am not sure what you are trying to do exactly. My problem was that I couldn't get either o s to boot, but that was caused by a bad sector on the hard drive right where it stores the master boot record. To put both o se
  7. Learned something new today. Thanks Chachazz
  8. robroy

    This Is....

    good one Chachazz
  9. First movie rolls in 30 everyone make their bathroom trips and get comfortable. Soda and popcorn are available in the lobby (the fridge and microwave) here we go
  10. good job chappy, I got five
  11. 8, don't know how I did that
  12. I want to hear your story Mac Great rant Jeff, I won't even take tylenol unless I'm really suffering. All the viagra ads and now they say about 50 people may have been blinded from using it. Do most people buy cars that have optional turn signals, because around this area half of them don't seem to have any, or at least don't know how to use them.
  13. knew I'd seen that scientist before Sorry Mac
  14. beach img] in Jamaica
  15. wel thank you all, and let me add my own Happy Fathers Day
  16. I think we probably done enough hijacking of Vile's section of the thread here. Sorry about that Vile, we didn't mean it. oops we probably did. Anyway glad everything is going to be okay for him Talking of favorite movies my all time ones areLord of the Rings and Star Wars. Read Tolkien's book 30 + times since 1970 and one day here I am going to set up and watch the 3 extended versions on the 61" big screen
  17. robroy

    My New Vmware

    very nice toy there Chappy
  18. another good movie, guess I may watch that one again real soon
  19. could be fuel pump, injector systems with the electric fuel pump in gas tank give the same syptoms. I just had to replace one 5 weeks ago.
  20. don't buy a wireless router if you aren't using the wireless part. just get a regular linksys or dcom router, I have usrd a dcom for two years without any problems, I also use a dcom cable modem. Another good free software firewall is sygate personal firewall. By the way welcome aboard