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Everything posted by robroy

  1. bd what does he think of American beer? Liz that bread sounds great Vile I know what you mean about work, we are swamped. got to run , back to work time
  2. robroy


    welcome back Sultan
  3. water, flavored water and iced tea are the popular drinks in this house for the summer months, a little sode for the son once in a while, ooh and gatorade. None of it is cheap any more
  4. WTG Matt I just got a SuSe box running version 9.1. Was having problems getting ubuntu to get to boot. Glad you succeeded
  5. Loved Blazing Saddles and History of the World part 1,
  6. they buy less food because the actually eat less I drive an accordand carry a weeks worth of groceries in that, enough for 3 people. I remember when I was a kid my mother went shopping in town once a week and carried the stuff home on a bicycle, she had to push it with 10 -15 grocery bags hanging off it. She never learned to drive. The cleaning stuff was part of the load too. Another thing to remember is that travel distances for most people in Europe are not so far. In Britain for example, you have a population of over 60 million, not sure of exact figure any more, on an island that would fit
  7. not going to be much room for the driver by the time you fit that 426 in there nice stretch cooper, don't think it would handle too good I wouldn't mind my old '69 Buick Centurion with the 454 four barrel backbut it died ten years ago.
  8. Vacuum...............the cause of implosions
  9. Yeah bd look at the mini cooper and other brit vehicles, except for the Range rover or Rolls Royce. They are all smaller than most American cars. I took me longer to get used to the size of the car than the other side of the road. First car I drove over here was a 75 Impala, a boat compared to a mini. Congrats to the Brit on the written test
  10. Talking of football and athletes, they all need to try Rugby Football, The same players stay on the field for the whole game, they play it without all the padding and the game lasts 90 minutes with a ten minute halftime. I enjoy football but do think that many of the players are overrated and overpaid. Personally I also feel that any of them that get into trouble by breaking the law should be sat out without pay, then if convicted they should not be allowed to play any more. They are not good role models for our kids. This goes for all sports not just football. Shane Hmiel abused the nascar dr
  11. I also offer my condolences to you, your brother and his family.
  12. lmao only question I have is when are they going to say " It could make you blind" just a minor side effect, hardly worth noting