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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Strange..............................not normal Welcome Peter
  2. Yeah it sounds like it isn't getting the graphics card right, Had a similar problem first time I installed SuSe. The first time it tried to set the display much higher than the monitor could handle. Had to reinstall with display set at 800 x 600 Don't know if this will help
  3. robroy

    Pc Iq Test

    PC IQ test You are a PC devotee (8 of 10 questions correct) Careful, you're bordering on geekdom. Welcome, we've been waiting. Feel free to refer to yourself as an enthusiast if you like the sound of that term better. No matter your title, you know your way around a PC, both inside and out, and aren't afraid to tinker ok I guess
  4. Tell the Brit to watch out, they seem to like british blood, always trying to get me too
  5. Liz, Mac's first quote is from Armageddon
  6. It helps Liz but apparently to avoid the anal probes we also need cast iron underwear
  7. Try putting the hd back in and boot with a win 98 bootdisk. fdisk and reformat the hd. I just had to do the same on a 3.2 gig hd to install iccaros linux. Works great now.
  8. Has he set folders or drives as shared on the desktop, or tried mapping a network drive from the laptop?
  9. Batman....................comic book
  10. All the good luck I can send is on its way
  11. Yeah it sounds good, looks good and therefore must be good Bright-Eyed good luck with it
  12. Tarmac .......................................John Macadam invented it