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Everything posted by robroy

  1. just don't sit in line with the stove
  2. Yeah bozodog Its high in the UK butmuch of that is going to the government and it was about $3.50 20 years ago when I left so it isn't like over here where it has doubled in 2 years. Also most people over there drive smaller cars and have done so for many years. BTW it's $2.06 here, I am so glad that I live 2 blocks from work, travel time 2 minutes at 4 mph. plus walking is healthy so they say.
  3. love the bigamy one and the pms one
  4. ubuntu has a built in partition mam\nager that does give the option of installing to a second drive. I have just installed it on an older comp. My only problem is with the grub dual boot loader that apparently doesn't like windows2000
  5. you may need the drive manufacturer software to get the full amount of space on your drive, although I agree with tenmm about using 2 drives, the second as a backup. I use sygate firewall and they have a test site that checks your firewall. sygate
  6. progman.exe is the program manager that windows 3.1 used and if it has a problem then you would probably be able to delete the file and reinstall a new copy. You would have to do it from dos, from the c: prompt cd windows dir/w/p (this will allow you to page through the windows directory to make sure the file is there) if it is there del progman.exe if you have the replacement copy on a floppy disk, then copy A:\progman.exe that should fix it. Someone with a copy should be able to send it to you as an attachment. I don't have any 3.1 disks any more then reboot the computer jsky you should be
  7. welcome back..........and about time
  8. maybe he had a case of verbal diarrhea and was worried about hemerrhoids too
  9. Ok I set up an older comp with 2 hd the master has win 2k and the slave has ubuntu 5.04. When I try to boot the computer it gets to grub loading stage1.5. grub loading, please wait... never gets beyond this point any ideas TIA
  10. I'll keep using codestuff starter thanks. Works good for win 2k
  11. robroy


    You all can keep all the rain, we've already had enough to last 6 months
  12. Looks pretty good, although I understand agp slots will be going the yway of dinosaurs in the near future. Can't say too much about that though cause I just got an ATI all in wonder agp card in February. Using it for a tivo type comp system. I didn't look at all the rest of your components but I have never had any problems with nvidia chipsets.
  13. nobody will ever get a camera shutter that fast
  14. lol I have to agree with that