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Everything posted by murtu52

  1. murtu52


    nah, i think it's more than that....maybe weekly, or every two weeks....
  2. I just looked into my hotmail account today, and I recieved an invite to join Gmail, which is pretty funny since i already have Gmail . I signed up on their list to get an invite a long time ago, around May 2004, but I got my gmail in June . Oh well, anyone want it?
  3. Wow, nowaday's you can pick up a router thats not on sale for about $20-$30.
  4. well, the first time i ignored it, but then it came again. Then, i responded....its getting quite annoying now...
  5. Lately, on my Gmail account, I've been getting one spam messege. I know, not a lot, but still, its quite annoying. It's something about getting a new job, and it says on the bottom, to get yourself off this mailing list, please send a messege here with the title REMOVE ME. I have done this many times, however I still get this messege. And, i don't really know HOW he got my email address, as for all account sign ups on websites i use spam email accounts. I was just wondering, is anyone else having this problem? and what are some things i can do to stop it?
  6. Yes, i agree with hitest, its a great distro. Also, when you finally want to commit yourself to it, you can install in onto the HD as debian, however I've never done this.....Anyway, good luck, and I hope you choose what you want!
  7. Well, first try putting the cd in first, without any change. I did that with my old compaq (also a P3) and it apparently already was set to boot from cd first, and HD second. If that doesn't work, you can change the settings. When the computer boots (when the screen says "Compaq" on it, or whatever type of mobo your using), in the corner it'll say Setup-XX (XX=some key). Press that key repeatedly (until the computer registers it) then it'll take you there. From there, go to boot sequence, and change the sequence! Easy as that.
  8. Well, about the distro, there are a few that you can run off a cd. Knoppix, based off Debian, is a great choice. There is also Morphix, Slax-Live and a variety of others you can find here. Don't worry about not knowing how to program; I even started using knoppix, and i don't really know any programming either. It's a great tool to use to begin learning, and its pretty straight forward. Good luck with linux, you'll have a lot of fun with it!
  9. I have an idea, as i do this many times to clean up my account, stuff like that. All i do is create a new admin account and copy everything to the C: drive (or any partition you may have) and from there, copy it to the new folder in the new admin account. I'd wait for anyone else's suggestions first, but mine doesn't take too long and is a great last resort.
  10. Sorry, no case modding for me Have any siblings? how much of each?
  11. I gotta say water, or some sort of juice. Whats your browser?
  12. Nothing to be ashamed of, we all need to start somewhere. Gmail is Google's mail service. It is still in beta, therefore it is based on the invite system: You need an invite to register, and eventually you get invites to invite others. Rumors are that it will soon go public, but these will stay rumors until actually proven.
  13. Whoa, whoa! Too much information! Nice joke.
  14. Verizon Hot or Cold (What's your preferable temperature?)
  15. I wonder what Nintendo will do to cope with all these great competitors? I am a huge fan of Nintendo, but it better have a good system, or i might switch to PS....But, plenty of time to wait for that!