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Everything posted by murtu52

  1. wow, that would be REALLY fun to drive....hehehe
  2. well, actually i just got DVD decrypter a couple days ago to burn a couple DVDs (not DVD movies), its a shame they are closing it down; its really good software. Oh well, at least i, like BT, have the installer on my HD .
  3. well, it could be that your motherboard could be messed up, but i doubt it. However, just to be safe, please try putting the current NIC into a different computer, if possible. Thanks
  4. yeah, i wish i could join as well....
  5. nice card and motherboard. I especially like the price for the card.
  6. Perhaps adults take things too seriously, just sit back and relax, try not to get a heartattack .
  7. murtu52


    i would welcome some rain, but a whole storm is asking too much...
  8. true, true, even i am still afraid of that when messing around. But, for those with Windows 2000, never fear, google for msconfig and you can always download it, and use it with Win2000. Or at least, this is what i have read.
  9. Just a question, what is the mobo on your new system? If it supports PCI-E, you might want to consider upgrading to PCI-E instead.
  10. nice one...i have a feeling this site will becoming much bigger....
  11. aw, well, sneak back here if you need any help that can be transmitted over the internet, i have tons of free time these days....
  12. murtu52


    well, in general, i would love to learn hacking to learn how to stop it, but i guess learning hacking for an ill-minded reason isn't good at all....
  13. thank you very much, now it looks so much least now i can easily access that website, for the extremely short and infrequent times that i do ....
  14. yes! i was wondering where you went...good to see you back.