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Everything posted by murtu52

  1. Actually, I hope to make my own Apache webserver too. I am in the process of obtaining the domain, so if all goes well I'll be joining you in learning the ropes
  2. I have heard of AIM fix, one of the greatest tools I have ever seen. Works like a charm, removes almost all the AIM worms/viruses I have challenged it with. I recommend this program to ANYONE... :D
  3. I got my deals from: I especially like slickdeals and bensbargins....
  4. Just asking, what kind of sites are you trying to block? Bad, malware-type sites, or parental lock-type sites? If it is the former, perhaps IE-SPYAD would be a good choice....
  5. well, i have listened to This Week in Tech once, if that counts! Like to do things on the spot or plan them out?
  6. smart guy....i mean, think about
  7. murtu52

    The Ceo

    nice one.... :)
  8. murtu52


    Well, actually, a website on hacking told me this simple statement: Hackers put stuff together, crackers break them apart. Simply put, hacker is slang for programmer. Cracker is an actual hacker.
  9. looks awesome, if only i could buy one...
  10. well, maybe something is wrong with the port on the motherboard. Try moving the drive to a different IDE plug....I'm assuming its IDE...
  11. Thank you all for your responses. I believe that this is my card: And after looking at the Wifi Card database it seems there are 3 versions, all three capable of running on Ubuntu. So, I guess the hard part now is to convice my dad . Also, as many of you have recommended, I also thought that GNOME would be a bit too much for my CPU to hold, but unfortunately I don't know how to set up fluxbox or openbox. So, if I end up going that route, does anyone have a good, simple tutorial that can help me out? Thanks. Also, shanenin, actual
  12. indeed. It seems you may have a few bugs...maybe a defrag could help?
  13. No, no, waaaaay too scary for me. Comedy is my favorite .... What is your favorite science branch?
  14. Well, when I was fooling around in GIMP, I found this nice combination that resulted in a kinda flowery image. I am no expert by any means, but I kinda like this image.... Signature
  15. Well, after roughly a year of empty promises to myself, I am now forcing myself to install linux on one of my computers. I have been wanting to do this for some time now, but I guess I was just too lazy (and scared to an extent) to do it. So, today, I finally download Ubuntu (after searching around, it seemed like the best choice; all the ones that were recommended as beginner distros didn't appeal to me as a big enough challenge, and the more robust ones look too complicated...). However, I now have a bit of a problem here. Which computer should I install it on? I have a few computers that ar