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Everything posted by TheTerrorist_75

  1. This is a great place to post this. I'll check to see if anyone posted it elsewhere and if not link to this. Good find.
  2. I knew that DestiNY deal was bogus. I am glad I didn't go to the interview and get hired. All of those who were hired spent up to 16 hours a day, seven days a week going to school and doing community service (to impress the citizens). All 190 of them just got their walking papers. They didn't even get enough weeks for unemployment. On top of that only a hand full got the $60,000 a year salary.
  3. I would have made it say "Are you ready to s**t"!
  4. Sounds like you need to get a job working with your hands Mac. Look to the building trades or machine shops. Either will keep your mind occupied. Now if you want to pick up chicks do some bartending.
  5. We have achieved pinned status. Drinks on the house.
  6. I would not reuse the Corporate key. Use the key that came with the upgrade disk. If you try to use the Corporate key again you may not be able to download the updates.
  7. What brand and model is it? Is it still under warranty?
  8. Pete wasn't banned from G$ just demodded. He changed his SN back to Pete_C once the Loserville trolls had no reason to be there and Call For Hell was renamed back to Tech Support.
  9. Azureus is a terrible P2P program and Win2K doesn't have the issues with too little memory that WinXP has. If anything it could be a bad stick of memory. I believe you have a corupted driver, weak or failing power supply, bad stick of memory or toher hardware problem.
  10. What is listed in your Event Viewer? The 0 X 00000002 means there is a problem with a device using IRQ #2. I don't know if this works with 2K but try typing MSINFO32.exe in the run box then hit Enter. See what devices are using IRQ #2.
  11. Combine all of the suggestions in an orderly manner. Are you updated to SP3 or SP4? What type of torrents were you downloading? Reboot into safe mode. Go to MyComputer properties, Advanced, Startup and recovery. Take the check out of Automatically reboot on system failure. Reboot to normal, see if it generates a blue screen error. Another place to find error messages is in control panel, Administrative tools, Event Viewer. Could be a problem with your harddrive or IDE cable. this could also be caused by bad power supply's, bad memory, and bad cpu's. Make certain all the cards, cpu's, memory,
  12. I wasn't talking about System Restore. I was referring to using the recovery CD (you did create them?) and placing the computer back to a factory install. You would need to download all the updates and programs again. This would only be necessary if the fix failed. To use System Restore you need to login as Administrator. How to restore the operating system to a previous state in Windows XP
  13. It's possible that it could break something if done wrong. If it messes up you may need to recover the PC.
  14. The fix I linked to or the one eMachines told you to do?
  15. All that to get a Lexmark to work. Lexmark designers should be taken out back and shot.
  16. I change the homepage in Control Panel/Internet Options to About:Blank then visit the update site.
  17. Right click My Computer and under the Perforamnce tab see how much resources are free. You should have at least 80% on a fresh boot.
  18. I guess qparted can only resize patitions. I found the program I've recommended previously to a friend. He accidently started a format on his drive. He was able to recover all of his data with this. QueTek
  19. Lexmark is a pain the @$$. I have used Canon printers for the last 4 years.
  20. I think Knoppix will still read the drive. You can then use the burning software contained in Knoppix to save the photos or transfer them. qparted amy rebuild the partion. You will need to ask the Linux gang.
  21. Win98/ME [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Double click Default in the right pane and under Value data: change the name to what you want then click OK and exit the registry Editor.