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Everything posted by mikex

  1. mikex

    The Full Story

    He has you fooled. read his threads, all the help he gives is coded so as to help you fix your problem all the while you are altering your machine so Dave will have total control over the "net. Oh thought I was talking about mac. Sorry. In all seriousness Dave you need not say anything here. We know you. I would not expect anthing less from *4. Porn ok Spam ok Flaming ok trolls ok Friends helping friends BAD BAD BAD! M
  2. keep it cold for the same reason a hospital is cold. to keep the nasties to a minimum.
  3. Il has the idea of what I was thinking. If you can't get a new drive, now would be a good time to evaluate what you really want on that drive. Now would also be a good time to make the 60 your primaryand the 10 your secondary drive. Could always ask Santa for a drive with a little more space. M
  4. mikex

    Delivery For Mac

    Liz your such a softie. I know you didn't let him out. wink wink
  5. mikex

    Lets Understand.

    I have 200ft of rope being delivered 2nd day air. Another 1000ft is on backorder. The arbor day foundation is donating the trees.
  6. I have the oxygen delivered before his party. You know what happens to the "old" folks when they come to our parties. Welcome Happy Birthday rhema7
  7. mikex

    Delivery For Mac

    I didn't know mac jogged, just seen him run out the back?????
  8. this is what socialism is. meaning everyone working to advance enveryone. Without the questions we ask some will not get answers to their own problems they may not know how to put into words.
  9. mikex

    Lets Understand.

    Exactly didn't want to psst anyone off and run them off.
  10. Printed! Signed! Passed out copies! lol
  11. LOL rv are you speaking from experience? LOL
  12. Oh this is a can of worms.... The best one is the one the user: Learns how to use Updates and actually uses. try the free/trials and get familiar with one it will keep you safe. Remember to use online scans when in doubt. m
  13. Hey mac there are guys out front asking for a signature for delivery of a really big lead box. Oh and since when does fedex wear yellow bio suits? And it's COD. What are you doing in the basement now. You know we still didn't get the insurance money from your last fore' in biochemnuclear flatuance nutralizer.
  14. We try to help and be friendly. We poke kind-hearted jokes to those who know we are joking. To all the new comers please remove the crap from your shoes, we are trying to keep this place clean. Trolls will be tried and hanged! err Trolls will be hanged! You will find we are a motley crew here. But there is a bit of harmony. That said, Welcome. mikex Directed to the lower lifeforms that may come by. From what I have read from the new posters everyone are more mature than *4. Didn't intend any disrespect, I was a new member, just as everyone else. I apologize if I offended anyone. M
  15. mikex

    Hello All

    take your shoes off also....only if your feet don't reek. Welcome home. M
  16. First off Hats off to you Pete_C. You are a man in the most respectable ways. I felt hurt when G4 went to shit because I voted for you to be a mod. I felt as if I helped "bind" you to that site and everything that went on there. I want to feel sorry for you being demodded....but....I cant. I do feel they were wrong in the fact the should have let you have a gentlemans departure. I feel like I am talking to an old friend from school...thanks for you help @ the CFH boards. I can see you taching "kids" and smiling when you see they have caught on to what you are saying. I know you are in conta
  17. mikex

    Movie Quotes

    DUmb and Dumber??? What we have here is a failure to communicate. Paul Newman AND AWAY WE GOOOOO.....Jeff will start billing us for bandwidth. M
  18. mikex


    Listen to this man! He makes words of truth!
  19. Milk is $3.45 here. Aren't you glad you don't drive a "Beast" that runs on milk. Oh we do. Got Milk.....no too damn broke to have milk. Bought gas to get to work so I can have BREAD with my WATER. M
  20. You know regestering in the forums with a user name of google is quite smart. Search the net for post by google you will likely get google.com. After all if we don't know the answer, where is the first place to look....google. Hats of to you. M
  21. Et waz juist a villtle promlam. Nut ting to vorry about, commrade. Commrade
  22. Aug 12 here. Still time to move and enroll here, Liz. M