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Everything posted by mikex

  1. Can't get windows to load normally, safe mode, safe mode with networking, or command prompt. If this was 98 I could pop in a boot disk get to the file in dos, replace it or uninstall. M
  2. My desktop machine hangs at xmasbus.sys, I googled and found bad hdd or bad cdrom. Has anyone had this? I have a drive to replace with, 120 in a drawer. Never felt like going through the insall/update circus. xmasbus.sys who would name a file xmasbus? Mike
  3. Happy birthday you old fart..... lol sorry I just had to say it. Wish you the best. Mike
  4. Every generation society degrades. Years ago it was said it takes a community to rasie a child, today no one is allowed to correct other peoples children. The child does not know disipline. Spanking is a crime, there are different degrees of spanking some people go to the extreme. If kids knew there was a reaction for their actions maybe they would think first. The death penalty. More people in prison should die! The cost to house, feed, and keep a death row inmate in good health is too damn much. "Everyone has a right to live." is what some people my say...so do I. The person you killed dese
  5. one big pat on the back for matrymas. way to go M
  6. Hey folks, As soon as I posted here I got a phone call. My sister called said her ex husband was just shot. I have known this man for 20+ years he was still my brother-in-law and a good friend. He apparently had a big family gathering at his house friends, family and good times. For some reason his adult step son started an argument. He shot his girl friend and my brother in law. The girl friend is in critical condition. My brother in law...dead...two shots to the chest. Talking to people who were at the gatheringg today this guy was drunk and/or high on pills. It is hard to see a body rolle
  7. Thanks sultan for the update. I don't go to G4, please wish him the best from us. M
  8. Thanks folks. I worked from 8 to 3 today then came home where my wife made a large pot of chicken,sausage,okra gumbo. My brother-in-law came in and cooked some ettoufee ( A 2 Fay). Ate like a pig, had a few beers life is good. Got a few cards made me laugh... my kids and my wife got me a small gift, mind puzzles. The best was a 10 reasons i love you list from the wife and kids...life is great. Got some left overs come by tomorrow evening, we'll have it all ready to do again. Again thanks to all. Mike
  9. It was the heat...the heat I tell you.
  10. Semper FI I learned how to build fires in the Boy Scouts, I didn't become an arsonist. Root of the interview is teach your kids before they learn from their friends or video games. Mike
  11. I use gmail for everyone. If I see they don't spam me or sell my address I will change my contact info to reflect my true address. gmail has a decent spam filter. I use Thunderbird as my email client. It has a spam/junk otion that can be trained. So far so good for me. M
  12. LOL I bet there are a bunch of .txt files with that pasted to them. M
  13. Just had a problem updating Spybot1.4. Had to turn of Norton Internet Security firewall. I would get an error #11004. Just a heads up. Mike
  14. jcl Thanks for the insight. Found exactly what I was needing. Mike
  15. find those post you'll find a bunch of socks and marbles. We all know some of lost a few marbles. M
  16. Sumi Das was with TechTV. Wonder were everyone went? I don't do G4TV. Mike
  17. Simple. Something to change TCP/IP settings to something like and subnet And something to change back to Obtain IP address automaticly and Obtain DNS server automaticly. Can it be done. Any takers. The work I do I have to manually change back and forth numerous times daily. Kinda a pain on a laptop when you can't type fast. Desktop keyboard is easier with the number pad. Mike