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Everything posted by mikex

  1. Everyone.... All together now.... Mike you big dummy. Removed drivers then reinstalled...working. Thanks Murtu52. M
  2. desktop. router does not show it. will delete the drivers and reinstall. M
  3. The router is the modem. Cat5 out to a wireless radio. Wireless internet, WISP. M router is handling two xp machines.
  4. I have a WinME machine I am trying to get to connect to the intertnet through a router. The router handles username/password. I googled and Scanned M$ KB. All seems to be in order. NIC is recognized with drivers. ?? What am I missing? Oh it's a fresh install...no spyware from the net blocking...LOL M
  5. found a dc connector to solder to the board, online $25 plus shipping. Screw HP, if this one "wore" out the next one will also. M
  6. I have a HP zv5000 laptop. The battery last for about 30-45 minutes. Will purchase a new battery. But the problem I have is the power cord does not "set" snug to charge the battery. I spend half my time fighting the dam plug. My question is how do I find the type of DC connector that is on the laptop, aside fom opening it up. I found a site with hundreds of connectors. Need to figure which is the "one" I need. Plan: Replace the DC connector on laptop. Replace AC adaptor Replace Battery M Thanks murtu52. Didn't see it.
  7. mikex


    Sig and Link worked for me.
  8. Looking for a background to compliment a webcite. Tried making one myself but as you all know I can't do graphics. The site is waterdrawsllc. I made it. not much of anything. It is for a family member, and is turning out to be a freebie. M
  9. mikex


    Handplane get me your address. I have a truck load of dry ass weather I boxed last week. I'll send it, pack some water and send back. LOL. My yard was so dry for the last three weeks it had cracks in it. M
  10. green trolls. Damn I'v been out of the forum so long I didn't notice "Part III" of this thread.
  11. unplug the drive with XP, run a 98 bootdisk to fdisk and format. the put XP back inline as C:\ of course. Now you could use XP to format the drive to NTFS. M$ KB on fdisk and format. I would estimate about one hour until you get XP back in line. Of course this is if you don't have a "Live" CD. M `EDIT Killdisk is a very handy tool to "wipe" drives.
  12. I just changed a cracked screen on my laptop. Was not a problem. Took about 1 hour, of course I googled this and got info from HP (manufactor). ven the wireless, which the antenna is behind the screen, works. If anyone come to this crossroad I think if you feel confident inside a PC I think you could do something like this. Research, read, research, read, ask, and read. Print directions if needed. Good luck, Damn my first ventur inside a laptop, I feel good, looking forward to memory and hdd upgrades. M
  13. 70 ANd no pocket protectors here. M
  14. Hope Mr Stimpy stops in for a visit every now and again. Welcome Mr. Grizzled. M
  15. The three moods of macmarauder. Nice. M
  16. Dave Don't worry about it. No trolls and no Flamers here. Hell you had the post title correct. It was a rant if anyone were to be offended they were warned in the title. It has been about six months since I have been to the "4" and don't miss the children. I do miss those I knew in the cfh / zdnet era. I will stop at that because I feel my own rant coming, I will not hijack you thread. Hell it takes a big person to serve up an apology. mikex30 M
  17. It Works! 'nuff said. dk Try it. M
  18. Thanks Pierce Will edit the code this evening. M
  19. Here is the php code. What do I edit to get the email sent to the correct address? I played with this area, ($i=0;$iI NEED VALID RECIPIENT EMAIL ADDRESS ($recipient_to_test) TO CONTINUE") ??? M ~edited~ <? /* ############################################################################## # PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS HEADER!!! # # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # # FormMail.php v5.0 # Copyright 2000-2004 Ai Graphics and Joe Lumbroso (c) All rights reserved. # Created 07/06/2000 Last Modified 10/28/2003 # Joseph Lumbroso, http://www.aigraphics.com, http://www.dtheatre.com # http://www.dt
  20. thanks Pierce dk got your pm thanks. Got this one with the site setup. Need to tweak it to get email going. Again thanks gents. M
  21. X-Cannon I don't know of anyway to do what your askiong. Aside from keeping the apps from auto loading, I think you may be stuck. If you would find a way please post back, I'm sure others would like to know that tip. M
  22. How do the fish in the Chernobyl cooling pond. long hair, no teeth.
  23. _DR As soon as I can get back to him I will try it. Thanks M