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Everything posted by mikex

  1. Go figure. Your Political Profile Overall: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
  2. Not I. I learned by the Oh Sh!t method. My wife was the primary computer user because my job kept me away from home. Well I would get to the machine stay up late screw something up. OH SH!T. Now I had to get it working before she got up in the am, which was usually about 2-3 hours after I laid down. Found CFH board.....the rest is history. Still learning today. M -edit- I am presently working for a local Wireless Internet Service Provider. We do get some machines to work on.
  3. I got to 25 and was asked where's the deaf person I'm talking to. ????
  4. could not boot from cd. will take the POS outside and give it a good hosing, that'll clean 'er up. LOL
  5. the doers do and the pointers get the glory. But what the hell, the doers do because it is the right thing to do. M
  6. I am getting "acpi.sys" is corrupte. This is during install from floppies for Home and Pro, with different floppies. This is on disk 4 of both sets. Downloaded from M$. ? Does anyone have a working set I can try? M -edit- damn machine doesn't want to boot straight from cd. BIOS is set to have cd as first boot option.
  7. OK folks I asked a MOD to kill this thread. I did not start this to be a poor me thread. It was "Look how one charity is helping another." You are more than welcome to start a political rant thread. But not in this one. As soon as the MOD gets the PM they are more than welcome to either lock this thread or Delete it, their choice. I am sorry if I sound selfish or <insert adjative here>. Mike
  8. mikex

    6.8ghz Laptop

    I'm not rocket scientist, but the future is coming fast.
  9. How much space should I leave for Linspire. This will be a secondary OS, XP is primary. Between 6-8 gigs? M
  10. It is an amazing amount of money raised. We meet evacuee's at the hotel, their life was in the trunk of their car, going somewhere else to start over. In our area we were able raise a lot of money while we are donating to evacuee's. Such love. My kids came home yesterday to say new kids are coming in to the classes, "Is it ok to be friends with <name>?" My wife and I both "Do your best to be a friend to them, their friends are all over now." They were worried about befriending a kid after hearing all that the media has said. M
  11. that is not where I rest. LOL Crapper
  12. Your Linguistic Profile: 55% General American English 30% Dixie 10% Yankee 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern
  13. blah blah blah poor cindy. First is she not proud of the work her son did. By volunteering for the military, he showed that he was not selfish. I will not go on about the war in Iraq. But I will thank any service man and woman that haas served for me to be able to sit in comfort and complain. M
  14. $54.9 Million In Lafayette, LA I think we did $812,222. Loved every minute of the telethon. I would reccomend if anyone had a chance to volunteer at the telethon phone bank DO IT. M
  15. Hate mail meets TV. It is always best to get news from multiple sources. Some of the best are those that have nothing to lose if the ratings go to crap. M
  16. This thread was started to show one charity helping another. That is what we do here with each other. Ask and answer. Please do not start political wars in this thread. I will not hesitate to request this thread be locked or deleted. Mike
  17. ROFLAO Tyme just ain't that type. But it sure scared me.
  18. Hey guys I have a Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop. 2.8 mobile P4 with 256megs of ram and a 24 gig HDD that has 14 gigs free. I want to try a dual boot with Linspire (5.? I think). I don't have a restore cd if something screws up. I plan to make an image of the drive. How do I do the dual boot without reformating? I was thinking of a third party partition software to break the drive up. The try to get Linspire to install on the second partition. ??? M
  19. <serious voice> Looks like a virus started destroying your cable...</serious voice> LOL damn never seen that before. looks like a neat little removal of the wire. M
  20. mikex

    Pics Of Nam

    flash4 Thanks for the pics. Thank you for your service. M