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Everything posted by mikex

  1. pssst I heard some one got her a thong. lol And not the ones you were on your feet. AH shhh here she comes.
  2. OK this hurricane crap needs to stop so we can get on with our daily grind. I watched the weather for most of the day. I am sick of it. Tired of worrying about loosing everything I own. Tired of thinking how am I going to get to work when the gas prices jump again. And I only live about 4 miles from work. Damn milk is nearly 4 bucks here. We will soon start seeing a sur charge on bread for fuel. I got everything I own from the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico. I have the scar on my back as a thank you. I loved the job, being in control of a boat that could carry the material for near
  3. err I was the one who told everyone it was your bithday....and now I can't ahh suprise you with the ahh great party I uummm was pllanning. Yeah that's it a party, I was planning a party. Yeah a big party....with clowns and...Hey we have clowns here already lets party. Oh did I mention how good you look. Not a day over 29. M
  4. we are going to try dual booting one laptop then the second. The software we use for the business dictates the need for a windows part.
  5. some nice options. sure beats cd through different folders. M
  6. I have to make an image of the drive. This laptop came preconfigured and we can't find any cd for it. It is a company machine. So I intend to take my time with this so as not to screw anything up. M
  7. OK I have Ubuntu and Kubuntu downloaded. I plan to have a dual boot on a laptop. XP Pro sp2 2.8 mobile pentium 256 megs ram 24 g hdd. I need a dummies guide to not screwing up my work laptop. Yeah I know "risk of loosin all data on drive..." I trust you guys to point me in the right direction. I have never done linux, always been a windows guy. I guess a GUI would make my life easier. Anyway need a how to from patitioning if I need to do so or will the distro I have do it. M
  8. http://www.comptroub.com/ $14,500 for franchise and $430 monthly fee back to them for advertising and managment. M Feedback on or about these guys. not from them. My screwup.
  9. TT-75 nice avator and title. lol $40 is not bad for a good router. You may be able to get long lif from it, with firmwar updates from the manufactor. I know we don't have to tell you but....try to put some sort of security in place for the wireless side. M
  10. I'm looking for a partition manager to resize the drive on my laptop so I can put linspire or Kubuntu on the free space. Would like freeware, or full capability from share ware. We all know where and how to get the best for free, but I want to be legal. M
  11. mikex


    Freaky....the way you can squish the body through the balla.
  12. Be very careful!! You may be violating your schools computer use policy.
  13. mikex

    Where 'o Where

    It would not surprise me if he came back and said he was helping out. M
  14. Phoenix besttechie raising from the ashes of fallen forums
  15. I have to jump in here. I sub'ed at the local elementry and high school, they don't get what they deserve as a whole. There are some that need pay cuts or to be booted. I know many do not get money that is marked for education, this money filters down through the school board office personel. Louisiana passed laws for casinos to operate in this state, the taxes were to go to teachers. Did it? NOOOOoooo. We are talking MILLIONS of dollars a day in taxes from casinos.
  16. mikex

    Where 'o Where

    Well, they call him the fireman, that's his name. Making his rounds all over town, putting out old flames. Well, everybody'd like to have what he's got: He can cool 'em down when they're smouldering hot. He's the fireman, that's his name. M
  17. I seen in a BIOS the setting said something like display test results.?. I may still do the test but just show you a splash screen. M