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Everything posted by mikex

  1. Spware weekly/ AntiVirus weekly one on day X one on day Y. M
  2. Understand it may not have been hacked, but want to enlighten others. M
  3. You cloud send them links to porn..... I rec'd an email, it had like 3 fwds. I sent ian email to each email addy. Basicly explaining how to cut/copy and paste in outlook express, and how to clean the address book. I also told them that by having their email addy I could sign in to undessirable sites and they would get the spam, I could also sell their email addy and make money. I had a few freaked out replys, but after playing email tag and explaing the finer points of email harvesting and spam my inbox did lose plenty of weight. M
  4. Ok it has finally happened.... I get up this morniing check mail. I have my gmail forwarded to my main mail. I see that around one am I sent my self an email. subject was 6 numbers, body was 3 numbers..... freaked me out. Guess what I am doing today? You got it trying to get to all places that I used that password to login, change passwords. Once someone has your username/login they can make a world of pain for you. I have been saying to myself that I needed to start changing my passwords, try to do it yearly, have been to lazy afterwork. See where that gets me. lol Moral: Make strong password
  5. Not a problem. Thanks for your help. Tweaked it some more for what i wanted. I like excel over OO calc. dunno maybe nothing but just like excel more. M
  6. Dragon, Thanks. I have since reinstalled XP and Office. It is easier to work with here at work. M
  7. I am trying to use this link to make a two week timesheet. I am in Ubuntu so I have Open Office calc, but it should still work.I need in(morning) out(lunch) in (from lunch) out (end of day) reg hours and overtime hours. Reg and OT hours calculated for each week. I am attaching what I have. Let me know where I went wrong. M Can't upload .xls files sorry. M Working from my backup machine...Thanks Shanenin In cells H 16 and I 16 I have info for reg time and OT rate. It is in white, to hide it. Just didn't want it to show when printed. M
  8. We use UPS's at our tower sites. We "hack" them to handle more up time. Basicly we put a deep cycle marine battery and wire the pos and neg leads. But you will not want an 80 pound battery next to your computer desk...acid fumes and all... Sorry no usefull info. M
  9. If you get into the recovery console (command prompt) you should do checkdisk (chkdsk) to find/repair bad sectors. The do a repair install from the cd. M
  10. Make it google, because it has little content and load fast. Or learn a bit of html and make your own. Have all your favorite sites there loads fast because it is stored on your harddrive. You also get some knowledge from building the code. I did my own and as sites dropped in content quality I remove and added something else. can also have links to folders and applications on your harddrive. M
  11. DOH! How did I get it in my head this machine would accept 1gig ram? <looking in mirror> You Dumba$$ </looking in mirror> M
  12. Windows ME. Pavillion xl866 xl 866 page. Came with 128 megs Infineon ram. I Installed 512 megs Kingston ram. I inserted the 512 in slot one the 128 in slot two. It would give an error about the device being accessed ....system.ini file (don't remember the error). I can boot with either 512 or 128 but not both. I triedthe 128 in slot one and the 512 in two, nothing. Both are unbuffered and are both CL3. Same bus speed also, 133. Running only the 512 now. Any insight to the problem? Would like to give the client the 640 megs if possible. M
  13. I work at a local wireless ISP,we will soon be offering VoIP. I have VoIP in the office, love it. M
  14. mikex

    Lost My Sound

    ran the conf again, enabled hotplug.....got sound thanks guys. M
  15. mikex

    Lost My Sound

    hitest no sound card in preferences. shanenin marked hotplug. will check on next reboot. M
  16. empty....as in bank account after bills. lol
  17. I do a fresh install every 12-18months. Between I use cleanup. I also recommend it to clients. M
  18. I followed this and now no sound. Which service is it? Help? M
  19. I use FF, but I need to do some online training. Some of these sites only work with IE. I am using wine. I get an error about setup is unable to download the required componants.....need some helparound this. Looked for a site wite IE but all I found were sites or links to the setup which would then download the whole app. M
  20. I see that guy in the mirror each morning. LOL M
  21. mikex

    Mens Faults

    Liz I see you sent a registration to my wife for me....well I found it and destroyed it, you evil evil woman..... LOL M
  22. Working fine for me using FF. Love gmail for blocking the 100+spam a day. M
  23. Never tried Opera, I'm a FF type.