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Everything posted by Nerelda

  1. *crawls into macmarauder's computer and starts looking around* hmmm.....I can't find it either.
  2. Hey Smogersnots, I appologize. I didn't mean to offend you at all. It was just a little joke that reminded me of the GOOD days of that old tech forum. Please do not be upset with me, as I meant no harm. I will do my best not to call you that again.
  3. I want to give a warm welcome to our newest member, Boogersnots! (oops! I mean smogersnots! hehehe) Glad you could make it
  4. Hey shadow, when you did a reinstall, did you get SP2 again? Fresh from windows updates?
  5. Hey Novi, glad to get some feedback on those thoughts. I thought it was a good idea too when I saw someone post about networking, and saw the lack of resonse. (though we know not too many regulars here are experts in that area) Thinking back to the other forums I used to spend a lot of time on as well, I remember that they usually had a lot of networking questions.
  6. Hey Marty, Just remember to make backups of your registry before doing any tweaks to it. After all the work you've already put into it, we wouldn't want you to have to reformat and start all over again......then again with the slowdown problems you have, it may be getting near time to do just that.
  7. *Brings out the BIG GUNS* I'm ready!
  8. no Checksum errors? Or any errors for that matter?
  9. It's not so much a matter of signing so that they won't kick him's also a matter of how much he's done for all of us and those unappreciative losers over there....I'm signing that petition in Pete's Honor. He's done so much for me and those people....I can't believe (ok I can) that they would be so dumb.....ignorant.....thankless.....ok, I'll stop here before I get myself into trouble.
  10. LOL and yet they ENCHOURAGE hackers to try and pry on their "work"
  11. yes Marty, I've been doing that for a gets done with my weekly scans now....the only thing is, my laptop is the one that's slow (yes I did all this cleaning on it), and I don't have SP2 on it, so that isn't the prob here.
  12. macmarauder, I kinda liked this one....what if you did the text in some sort of blue to better match B's site and forums?
  13. macmarauder, do you have any certificates then? Did you perhaps bring with you a portfolio with some examples of work you've done? (Do you just have an associates degree, or none at all? Just making sure I didn't misunderstand that part.) Shame on them for not doing their homework before interviewing you. I'm sure you have a big enough list of references to blow most people out of the water! Just because a person has a degree, doesn't mean they have all the needed knowledge or experience. I know several people in my classes who can read the books, study, and get all A's.....but when it comes
  14. Nerelda

    Bad Mood Day

    ???? LOL ditto Robroy, glad to see you are still hanging in there!
  15. Have you also tried using a startup manager to manage what programs should be starting at boot up? I'm experiencing major slow downs with my laptop, and it doesn't even have SP2 on it yet.....just recently did all the scans like you did, but I'm going to do it again and investigate. If I find or think of anything else, I'll let you know.
  16. robroy, that's a good idea....don't know why I never thought of it.....
  17. Marty, 10 gig Hard Drive is a bit on the small side... what percentage of your Hard Drive is being used?
  18. Nerelda

    Bad Mood Day

    You aren't kidding! I quit about a year and a half ago, and I'm STILL struggling with it! Had a very stressful time in class last night, and If I could have, I would have started right back up again! Yeah....I still want one right now as a matter of fact....good thing it's pouring outside!
  19. Hey B, Do you think we might need a Networking Support Forum? (Maybe even a Networking Tips Forum?) I was also thinking that since you are setting up for "Windows Experts, Linux Experts, HJT Experts" and so on, perhaps we might want to consider having "Network Experts." Just a thought, B. Let me know what you think.
  20. Marty, could you please post your system specs for us? Thanks.
  21. Nerelda

    Image Hosting

    Three cheers for photobucket! hehehe
  22. gmail notifier was having some problems a little while back. Make sure you have the most up-to-date version on if by manually going to the extentions site, and NOT by using the integrated extenstions updater which doesn't work right in the first place.
  23. Nerelda


    it's from 2 accounts. One is personal, the other is for my site.
  24. Chappy, it's GREAT having you back!