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Everything posted by Nerelda

  1. Nerelda


    I have a total of 12 invites now....
  2. Wired Monkey, I went on a deep search when I saw something about beta posted here as well. It took a while to find, but I was determined to get that link. I just KNEW I had seen it somewhere.
  3. I use firefox as well. I get the same results as JSKY
  4. ok, so I'm a little off topic with this one, but I just have to comment that I like the Linux "finger" command. We got a good laugh out of that one in class.
  5. LOL they were in hiding JSKY. Those kind of sites have been around for several years at least. It was sites like that, that I used to learn when I made my very first site back in 1998.
  6. Hey B, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on that one we originally talked about.
  7. Nerelda

    Off Topic

    LOL well I thank you for not sharing those.
  8. B, I see will stil have some information we are going to need from you to know what certain things you want on your banner. We now know that you want it to just have "Besttechie" and no "" We also know now that you want "Where the Power of Tech takes Over" Are there any color schemes you'd like? What size would you prefer the banner?
  9. for an icon, I think it should be something simple......maybe similar to Besttechie's avatar, but the only letters on there would be a single letter "B"
  10. Nerelda

    About U?

    I LOVE Chi! Send the entire shipment my way...I'll share....yeah, that's it...I'll share...
  11. Also try completely unconnecting it, and reconnecting all the connections again. Try unconnecting it, and using it (with the same, then with different connection cables) in another computer. What happened before this started?
  12. Nerelda

    About U?

    21/Female/Maryland, USA (Grew up in Highland Springs, VA) Senior College student, studying Computer Science On the Dean's list and hope to stay there. Former Student Government Vice President for 2 years (could have been president, but didn't want it) Retired National Majorette Champion (Baton Twirler) Working as an Intern (graduation requirement) at the college, and have already been offered a part-time job for next semester which could possibly turn into a full-time job after graduation. Former DTSS (District Technical Support Specialist) for H&R Block franchise offices in 5 states. I do
  13. Nerelda

    Off Topic funny macmarauder.
  14. Nerelda

    Off Topic

    I'm not sure if I really want Jeanne comming up the coast....last time a hurricane came up here like that, I got flooded in....meaning nothing around my house was really flooded, but the only 3 ways out of here were all flooded and closed, so I was stuck here....the fun part of it though was that I got to ride all over town, taking photos of the flooded areas. At the time I didn't have any boots to wade into the water yet for the better shots, but now I do.....I've got the old flood photos on my site.
  15. I believe it's still Beta....he's the final release roadmap: Thunderbird Roadmap
  16. everything tried never worked. Tried several different programs available for my use to recover the data, but nothing worked for me. The data was too corrupted to be recovered. Mikex, just try all the suggestions in this thread to recover what you need. If there are scratches on your cd, go to wal-mart and get a cd-scratch kit. I don't trust that toothpaste tip for cd scratches as it can relaly mess up your CD drive if it got in it somehow.
  17. Gal, I sure hope you don't mind sharing that image....w00t!
  18. Newbie here! How is that done? Thanks! LOL sorry about about that! Looks like TG already has answered that for you.
  19. make sure the ingoing/outgoing servers are properly set
  20. Agreed. Winamp doesn't use very much memory. If you have a CD player NOT on your computer that you could play the music through, I would suggest doing that instead.
  21. The reason the Windows thread is read more is because more people know enough about it than Linux. I still se several people going into the Linux threads and answering questions there.
  22. I had used it at one time when I had an ISP email account and thuroughly loved it. My boyfriend uses it for his everyday, and loves it as well.