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Everything posted by Nerelda

  1. I still think the update to Sp2 should be BY PERSONAL CHOICE
  2. Ok, I've made 2 user accounts; 1 being administrator, and the other being my gaming profile. Here's what I want to do: I want to change (for the gaming profile only) the programs that come up on startup so that I have only the minimal needed items running for faster/better gameplay. I want to make these Chages to the Gaming profile ONLY so that it will come up that way everytime I log into the gaming profile, but it WON"T affect what boots at startup in the administrator profile. Thanks.
  3. go to Sony's website and look for a driver there. A Manufacturer's site is the first place you should go to for getting drivers.
  4. DK, did this issue by chance start after 98 was installed? When changed to 98SE, was it a complete format, or did it just get installed over NT? That really sucks that your mom won't let you open the computer. This makes for difficult analysis. For future reference, is there anything else your mom won't let you do on the computer so we know what can't be suggested?
  5. ok gang, I came across this in the adobe support pages and though they would be good to share. In the following link, Adobe addresses some issues concerning many of their products after installing SP2. In the link, they also list some fixes for the issues that have proven to work. Something to think about if you use any adobe programs. Adobe Programs and SP2
  6. LOL I was just teasing you macmarauder.
  7. Hey TicToc, Late? not one bit. I'm still working on mine in my free time. I like your banners, but the bottom line is pretty difficult to read. Just a suggestion, but other than that, I like them!
  8. *mixes up her own special chi Latta and sends it on over*
  9. Thanks Chappy. I now remember reading something about that in the HJT classroom
  10. That's what I was thinking JD. Check the cables for sure. On a google search, this is what I found: Faulty or improperly inserted diskette, incorrect configuration settings in System Setup program, loose diskette/tape drive interface cable, or loose power cable. So basically it is the same thing everywhere. What type of system do you have? Is it a personalized computer or pre-built? If pre-built, please post system make and model.
  11. Entirely forgiven. I've been wondering about him myself since there have been no more updates.
  12. Did you check to see that your BIOS is recognizing your floppy drive correctly? Go into device Manager and see what that says about it working correctly or not. I think I remember someone saying something about using a floppy cleaner one time....try that. (Floppy cleaner is a cleaning floppy very similar to that of a CD-rom cleaner.
  13. 41??? On the main page, it says he's 42 today.......
  14. 2 gmail addresses, and 11 invites to give away here.
  15. and a Happy one from me as well.
  16. I had a few different HP printers, but was never really pleased with them. My brother had a Lexmark X83 (?) for over a year and used the hell out of it with no problems. I'm very pleased with my printer, so if I can't get it to work with linkux, I'll just not worry about it. I'd just really like to be able to get online with linux.
  17. *bookmarks the site* Here's a good one too for those used to the DOS commands... Linux Commands for DOS users
  18. thanks hitest! I'll keep those in mind.
  19. I also like KDE, but, for pragmatic reasons. With Black Box and Gnome after a short time I would get strange video artifacts on my monitor. KDE works well with my hardware Through my research, I've found many people saying the same thing, hitest. I notice many people saying that KDE seems to be more compatable with their hardware.
  20. hitest: Thanks, I'll look into that. jcl: No time tonight, but I'll try and get to finding the device ID early this week and post the results. I did check the Lexmark site, and came across the same problem with the "unix driver" they listed. When Something for it finally DID show, It was listed as a program for networking with Macs. Although, I think they still could have their links messed up. I'll keep trying, but I'm also going to look into the site hitest posted. I saw something about Lexmark's Driver Developement kit, but I really dont' even know the first thing about it. I'm still also
  21. Well I've been using FireFox 1.0PR for a few days now and am highly pleased with it! Not a single pop-up yet and I've been ALL OVER the internet for my research projects for school.