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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors


    I don't know what to make of it all. File sharing does have legitimate uses, but then there's absolutely no question that is not the main nor intended use of the technology. I'm thinkin' it's like firearms, another product with legitimate uses, but of course they're used illegally too. So do you go after the manufacturer or producers of the product? Or the people who use them illegally? Because of that comparison I'd say the people who use products illegally should suffer the consequences. If that comparison is wrong please let me know, because in my heart I think the producers of file shari
  2. Whoa, 70 and 90 percent blockages ... Scary stuff. Glad things went as well as they did. (... Staring at my pack of cigarettes ... )
  3. Great, just great. Now you go and ruin another band for me. I guess I used to be naive and didn't care as much about the meaning, now I think the ARTISTS are naive, and I don't care to listen to them.
  4. I see your point, but in this day and age a LOT of things are "virtual." How many people play "virtual" sports rather than getting off their duff and actually playing? You could say the whole point of sports is getting out there and playing it, not bragging about how good you are, "virtually." I think it sounds cool, for what it is.
  5. Whoa, what a scary thought! The old 8mm movies from my childhood are bad enough.
  6. JDoors

    A Carving

    That's great that it's still available to view and hasn't disappeared into the vapors of history, especially since you have a connection with the artist. Oral History has always been a fascinating subject to me, and "ancient" carvings amaze me.
  7. Which brings me to another specific situation that is one of the reasons this subject is on my mind. I like Pink (the singer). First three albums? Listen to them constantly. Not every track's a winner, but some are terrific. So, she's got a new one out. So, there's a song named "Dear Mr. President" where she practically blames the President for everything bad that ever happened in the history of the universe (ok, I exaggerate). I want the album, but sheesh, do I have to listen to a naive rant too? I don't have iPod/whatever, my players don't have a programmable memory (one does but I don't
  8. Your account transfers over, you'll need to follow some instructions. As for "worth it?" 360 comes with a free account (limited) so is "free" worth it? The question becomes: Is the "Gold" package worth it? I don't know anyone who has it that isn't online almost 24/7, so they must think it's worth something. The live universe is nearly unlimited in scope. The "arcade" games (@ minimal or no cost for each) are pretty good and there's a wide variety of them (with hundreds more to come, including a lot of "classic" arcade games). If I were still a gamer you couldn't pry me away from live.
  9. First time I heard that one it was a Mercedes rather than a Harley.
  10. For example (though not specifically) The Dixie Chicks. There are a lot of artists who's music or movies I love, but I just can't get past their personal opinions. Why should they use their fame (which they ONLY obtained due to the financial support of their fans) to express their opinion to the public, when the average citizen doesn't get that kind of coverage even though their opinion is JUST as important, just as valid? Don't get me wrong, I express my opinion ... err ... A LOT! But I haven't obtained the influence many artists have, and that influence is based on what ... A talent for pe
  11. The price for a barrel of oil is fairly standard throughout the world, so most of the price differences are due to taxes. Some is transportation and refining costs though.
  12. I can just hear the sound of thousands of people slapping themselves upside the head saying, "Why didn't I think of that?!?" I have heard of cars breaking loose from dynos and crashing -- so ...
  13. I notice an enormous difference in speed between my original hard drive and the much newer external one, so you might be on the right track there. Are the antivirus programs identical? If I turn mine off the computer is TEN TIMES faster, so it makes a huge difference too.
  14. Ooooo! First, that does look surprisingly cool. But yeah, a double-decker bridge! Or how about having six towers in a hexagon (rather than just two of them opposing each other) with connecting bridges between them? How about building that up several stories? Git yerself in the Guiness book of world records maybe.
  15. Nice. I know the peoples from that area have a unique perspective when it comes to Freedom. I usually question the provenance of such articles but the translation makes it appear genuine and heartfelt. And the cynic in me makes me think about the conspiracy theorists and other nutcases that article doesn't address. Once the dust settles (quite literally), out they come, laying blame and making up fairy tales.
  16. I was just running that phrase through my thoughts recently. Actually, I think about it every time I see another media story implying oil companies are ripping people off (RECORD PROFITS! Code for "greedy b*st*rds!). Well no freakin' kidding. We have a tight supply (unrest in the Middle East, refusal to allow drilling here, refusal to allow more refineries), increased demand (here and elsewhere), so who in their right mind could possibly be surprised that the price goes up and they make more money? Can't get enough, want more, charge more, reward with profit = Capitalism. Few people complai
  17. Umm, I used to do that on my grandma's farm. It was called "slop" for a reason. Ok, ok, it's probably not accepted practice nowadays ... But it used to just be the way pigs were fed. Table scraps, farming scraps, etc. Though that's one of the reasons pigs are considered unsanitary by many people (another is they eat poo ... YUM! Have another slice of bacon!).
  18. I'm not quite that bored, but I did have the time to peruse the site. Cool stuff (and some silly stuff).
  19. JDoors

    Child Doc

    ... don't know if it's the Net or what but I don't get the picture ... funny, the other one you posted (golfer) isn't showing up today either. Computers. Meh.
  20. ... ... Hope she doesn't try swinging it that-a-way.
  21. We got cheap gas, we got cheap gas! Nyah-nyah!
  22. A woman walks into the downtown welfare office, trailed by 15 kids... WOW," the social worker exclaims,"are they ALL YOURS???" "Yep they are all mine," the flustered momma sighs, having heard that question a thousand times before. She says, "Sit down Leroy." All the children rush to find seats. "Well," says the social worker, "then you must be here to sign up. I'll need all your children's names." "This one's my oldest - he is Leroy." "OK, and who's next?" "Well, this one he is Leroy, also." The social worker raises an eyebrow but continues. One by one, through the oldest four, all boys, all
  23. I don't get it ... all I see is my keyboard ... Oh. OH. Ohhhhhh!!!!